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How should I go about returning?
Hi, I've been away from Vindictus for a good 3 years or so (even then it was only for 2 months). Back when I played the most, the hardest boss was the one that dropped Raider gear, and Raid Hunter was the God of Vindictus, to give you insight.
Anyway, now that I'm wanting to play again, I'm not sure where to start or what to do. I recently came back to my lvl 78 Lann and 48 Karok. The Lann has about 140k AP, and the Karok has about 60k. I don't know how strong Lann is anymore, and after doing some research it seems like Kai is the #1 DPS right now. I don't mind playing a new character, but the idea of starting over on AP and Trans levels or whatever seems like a huge set back in time. Would it be worth doing this in comparison to what I have now? Is Lann decent nowadays? I always used Sword Lann in my time for boss soloing because I enjoyed the difficulty of it, but I imagine times have changed since my day.
After giving most of my stuff away to friends before I quit, I'm left with about 100-150m to work with between my two accounts from what I can see. My main question of this all is whether or not it'd be worth sticking to my Lann, or even my Karok, or if it would be more beneficial to move onto a new character that's more reliable. Not only for it's abilities in raids, but also the range in which there's equipment readily on the market at end game. And with that said, how far can I get nowadays into the meta, or even just being able to be in a raid without getting kicked, with the money I have?
2. Create any female char since they're all strong (Lynn being an exception)
3. Move all the transferable items to that new char
4. Get to lv90, claim yer free +10 lv90 gears
5. Enjoy your fully decked out waifu
The character requires being created after the update hits to receive the free armor? And you get +10 armors for free now? Jeez. That used to be God tier.
Ah, I have a Lann and not a Lynn.
Thanks! So it sounds like I could start leveling the character now, as I doubt it takes less than 6 days to get to level 90 from 1, right? Unless they made leveling incredibly easy now as well. Also, from what you said, I'm assuming the AP loss from changing to a new character isn't that important?
You may get free +10 lv90 set and weapon for returning mercenary when RISE comes.
Already logged into my Lann/Karok to check what they still had on them, and to see how pricing has changed on the game. I could wait to make the Kai (I think I've decided on him now) before the update happens though. If that doesn't matter now, I'll likely start working on him now then.
Where is the free +10 armor sourced from? I couldn't find it in any of the leaked RISE update changes.
If you really like Lann, keep it, play it, gear it, play it some more, and be happy.
If you feel like starting a new character would be more fun and engaging, do as people say. Wait until rise comes up, it will smooth character leveling stuff, giving you a completly new experience of leveling a character.
Also, if you keep your Lann, I'd also say suggest you to wait for RISE update before receiving the lvl 90 Character growth gift, that's where your +10 armor and weapon come from. This Thread links to this document and somewhere at the document there's: And
Have fun.
Do I have to wait until the 21st before creating the account for the bonus/story to apply to me?
It's not that I necessarily enjoy Lann, but more so that I have so much time already invested in him and the amount of AP that's been building over the course of the past several years that I'm not sure if I could grind it out again. I don't remember how quick it was (or is now) to gather AP, so I'm not sure how long 150k~ AP would take to get on a new character.
Right now though, if it doesn't matter, my two choices I've boiled it down to are Karok and Kai. Not really sure of the pros and cons of the two, but my Karok would start off with about 60k AP.
The other reason why it best to level a new char when Rise comes out is that they getting rid of all useless drops from early game, making clear side quest much easier and they changed how early dungeon looks aswell.
For now you can: make a new char now and deal with any grind you might need to do later on; play a character you already created a while ago for the fun factor then create a new char when Rise comes out; or wait till Rise comes out to create/play a newly made character.
Oh awesome. I think Kai was released a few months after I quit the last time when I came back for a couple months to try out the new update. I'm not sure what his cap is, but if it's less than Lann that's always nice
So we shall see!