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Reset enhance to +12 or retain +13-15 after RISE?
Will pre-RISE owners of weapons that are level 80 and under that have an enhancement of +13-15 be able to keep their current enhancement or will they universally be reset to the +12 cap that was mentioned in the update notes? I own a +15 level 70 weapon and would be somewhat distraught if they took away what little enhancement rng I've had through my 7 years off-and-on with the game. I wasn't able to find any clarification regarding this matter, so anyone with info would be appreciated.
If im not mistaken they said that weapons will stay as they are,so no enhance reset.However the level 70-80 weapons won't share the same additional damage formula as the level 90+ ones.It would apparently be significantly lower.
If it's not too much trouble, would you mind sharing a link for where that statement was stated? Thanks!
Changes to Item Enhancement
If i follow well,you wouldn't be able to enhance it further if it was for example +13.If it's already +15 it will stay as it is but won't be elligible to go over +15 since items that are under level 90 are considered *Non-rare*
+15 lv90 weapons will have 3000 add. damage.
If you have +13 lv90, you'll hit harder than +15 lv80 easily post update.
can i get a link of the place you found this? i've been wondering what my +15 60 will have