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Additional damage nerf for level 80 and below
A friend of mine linked me the above. This basically shows that +12 low level armor have +170 AD per piece or 850 AD for the full set. From that, we can tell that a +12 low level weapon will have 850 AD as well (1 weapon = full set of armor, AD wise). In comparison, a +12 level 90 OJ weapon has 1500 AD. Im guessing that for level 80 and below gear, they will have roughly 55% of the AD that level 90 gear has at the same enhancement level.
If we use the 55% ratio, a +15 level 80 weapon will have 1650 AD compared to a +12 level 90 weapon with 1500 AD. Obviously, the change is meant to encourage people with +15 level 80 weapons to buy runes to try and make a +13 or better level 90 weapon. I think most of them will react by ragequitting instead. I already know two kais who ragequit because they couldn't make +13 OJ crossguns.
A +15 weapon with 300 AD currently gives you 11,875 effective ATT. Post RISE, this would probably turn into roughly 20k effective ATT, so you would still see a huge jump in damage. Actual effectiveness though, would depend on how much HP inflation the bosses get. Last I heard, s3 raid bosses were going from 5.5m hp to 7.7m hp, but apparently it's been reduced by 25%, which would put them at 5,775,000 hp. Probably still being tweaked in KR based on backlash from KR players.
Players with high enhanced level 80 and below weapons will probably be left scratching their heads and wondering what to do with them after RISE, since they no longer hold an AD advantage and there wont be any lower level raids that you can use them for anyway...

I'm not quitting, but Vindictus is no longer my Main Game and i don't see reason's to spend money because DOL and RISE are just BAD.
For level 80 and below armor :
+11 : 150
+12 : 170
+13 : 210
+14 : 250
He didn't mention +15 but it's probably 300. For weapons, just multiply by 5.