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To all the always complaining people
Guys i know most of you cant be happy without complaining but face reality, all of rise updates are good(yeah even the +20), here is a list of my thoughts:
-Better optimization:check
-Removing a mechanic(reflect damage) that ''rewards'' you for being hit(AKA being bad):check
-FREE!! 1 page of perm shared storage(probably per character):Check!
-Being max level and be able to do more damage to a woodman than what you do to neamhain:Check
-More drops for carrying people(even when solo):check
-Being able to be on trans mode all the way through a S3 mission(or ortel if you like):Check
-Being able to enhance past +15 so i can go fast:Check
-Etc, Etc, Etc:Check
I could go on but would be too much of a text wall.Also to all those people not liking the +20, guys that is just more OPTIONAL ENDGAME stuff to do if you don't like it don't do it its not like you cant solo all S3 raids with a +10 weapon which would be easier to make.
The only really stuff i don't like about this update is not and update per see since is content removal which is the removal of gauntlet and laby, i would highly prefer they increased the rewards instead of removing them but since is stuff people is not doing anyway i guess it doesn't matter

Excuse ppl for voicing their concerns about a game they played for years and like/liked.
Tbh ppl who whine about whiners are the worst but enjoy your rose tinted glasses even tho its clear that things aint fine with this game:P
A bunch of quality of life changes wont make up for all the shet they do to the game,but thats just me.
Good that i don't really play anymore but i still dont feel good about this..
I'm really happy bout some changes coming up with Rise and whatnot and they seemed like a good direction, but those other changes like +20, add dmg, potion ani, swagger resistance, rip double-boom, etc, really get your hopes down.
I'm sticking with vindy cause I still have things I'm looking forward too, but I'm worried cause I am pretty sure these 'bad' decision are going to catch up with vindy like how Reforges and AOE Pets caught up with mabi.
Overall, I think that this update will benefit everyone more than people think.
Why is it so bad to have 4 man parties?
Why is it so bad to have over +15 weapons? I remember one guy who grabbed a weapon, started enhancing it from +0 and hit +15 all in a row and then sent a mega: "+15 from +0 withoutfail, this game is too easy" +20 will be another goal for people who have all other goals achieved. You DON'T NEED to obssess over getting a +20, since it is virtually impossible, but you can keep trying your luck, if you wish to, and having that option, in my opinion, is a positive thing.
Who cares if a noob got lucky and got a +20 straight away? (I doubt it'll ever happen with these rates though), atleast now there's a SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE from the highest enhance weapon and the normal enhance, giving the players a reason to aim for the stars, instead of just speed.
Never mind the useless runes, making stuff that costs lots of seals and hardly benefits us is something they do since the begining of s3 (the 150 seal boxes that 90% of the time gave you crap that you couldn't even trade without crafting, like the time I got a shield essence on my weaponsmithing arisha), so why is it surprising? I wasn't counting in using them anyway.
Why is it so bad that you can't double boom your weapon? Ok, it actually might be bad when you've got a +12, and you boomed +10 to +11, and then you're stuck with a +12 and a +10 that is worthless. Over time you'll just get a very big collection of weapons until you achieve your desired enhancement level, but again, greed is not good for you, even in the game. Remember that the enhance IS like GAMBLING where you wager your hard work against a small chance. That's always been like that and will remain to be, the good point is that now people won't have the excuse that they got no weapon to play with.
It's going to be different now. CHANGE is a part of nature, embrace it. I know it is a scary thought, but, sometimes changes are for the good.
Right now:
-Some people complain that it's too easy to get +15, with all the events and stuff
-Some people complain that it's too hard to get +15, with all the fails, and then quit.
After Rise:
-Some people complain that it's too hard to get to +15, with all the changes and no double boom
-Some people complain that +15 is too powerful, and there are too many +15
In conclusion: People complain and will continue to be complaining, no matter what it is done or what happens, you can't appease to everyone.
I'm little afraid because I have heard lynn crashes everyone in party when exploding her marks after the "rise" update....
Mmm not always, check with Skyforge's Ascension update before and after. They've actually recently undone some changes, notably: weekly caps. But I haven't kept up since then.
I know the updates not the worst thing that could happen to vindy. And I'm not personally upset with the update in terms of the overdramaticism that it is going to kill the game. I'm just worried of the drastic change in direction of the game.
I do have one solid criticism towards Nexon though, you state things as that they have already been bad, and it's not much different. I fail to understand why they can't take feedback and adjust. There was a lot of KR backlash towards the update and at most they only played around with changing small things before pushing the update, let alone globally.
Speed has a huge impact onsome chars gameplay ( so much so that some chars become really strong on high speed ) and thus overall damage. The difference between a +15 and a +19/20 is not only speed ( again ) but also a tremendous amount of add damage. Yea ofc not many people will get one but this together will no animation potions/add damage on armor give us a feeling of what they are trying to turn the game into...
Im glad that you are appreciative of new changes.I im looking foward to most of the changes,especially the 100% scroll system and the fact that they are reducing non-useful item drops and upgrading the amount of mats/orbs we get in Season 3,it was pretty low indeed.
I have some friends who where disapointed in the nerf of season 2,but next thing you know,we will have hero mode now...
It feels funny that we get +20 system just right after i get my 1st +15,but i can live with that.
People are taking this way too seriously, it's just an update on a game run by people who are in a position they're in for a reason?
If ppl think they can do better, go for it nobody is stopping y'all have fun making your own game that caters to the people who play this game 24/7 and become super elites
Currently, a +12 vs +15 is only a difference of 180 additional damage (~1125k atk unaffected by balance or attack caps). After Rise, the difference becomes 1500 ad from 12 to 15 (1500 ad or roughly 9375 atk unaffected by bal or caps). So not factoring anything else you gain from those 3 enhancements such as speed or atk while not considering enhancement from armor, you are almost doubling a character's damage output from those 3 enhances.
Throw in the fact that the gains in additional damage grows even larger the higher you enhance your weapon means the power creep just got real. What does this mean for players? Grinding for sufficient additional damage is gonna take priority over everything else as it will offer the better returns than any other stat in the game. And the gaps between high and low enhanced items just got wider than the fkin pacific which leads to issues for future content.
How will new dungeons and raids cater to people whose characters perform so drastically even when played at the same level? Just an example, Neam had her hp tripled after Rise although Neit's phases are unchanged. People with +15 weapons and +10 armor will probably not feel much of a difference against Neam as they will essentially do the same dmg to her as they do now, but those without the luxury or luck of high enhanced gears are going to run into problems if there aren't people with sufficient ad to make the run a faceroll.
It's like the devs took the worst part of this game (enhancement) and made it even more necessary than it already is. What's gonna stop them from releasing a raid with 50k def and such a high hp pool that only people with sufficient additional damage can clear?
Is it ? Most of the time in pugs, it's most likely the same top 4-5 of players that deals the damage.
Hehe, the damage output gets much better with additional damage rather than speed, especially when you see people with 70+ speed even with +11s, which is largely enough to clear everything, Hell 60~69 is ok even for Neamhain... so yeah, going +15 for having a better damage output is the point, see until where you can put your char with the maximum of damage possible, not about being top dps because "I have +15 XDD".
Not when your weapons are 666 X stronger than before, against 'unchanged' bosses HP that we already kill in top 5mins.
Because if you want to make actual contents, you release new bosses/dungeons frequently. Making +20 an endless endgame goal is retarded, and will mostly make people quit rather than playing the game due to too much frustration and having the feeling that your efforts were for nothing. It's unchanged from before ? That IS the problem, it's a "rise revolution" ? Then make it rise indeed, by actually giving concrete, dedicated progression instead of the same rng garbage.
Giving new power creep features isn't the way of keeping people interested about the game, it's not what you should call "content" at all.
Btw, rise aren't only about the patch notes changes, let me show you the most recent changes that occured two days ago :
Enough said. I don't really want to play a game limited to only s3 over and over and over and over again like I'm actually a chinese child worker instead of a player that actually play the content he enjoy.
Oh and get that ! MORE HP nerf, awaiting the day I can finally not bother with this game by getting +25 and ohko the boss, One-Punch-Man style !
I wasn't whining about whiner's i was trying to make people whine less but then again this is what i see from people with ''Constructive and not destructive at all opinions''
PS. Would appreciate if someone made a meme of rise from that image +best
My main issues with RISE :
-All lower level mats become useless because derpcat was too lazy to write a script to convert them into the newer versions
-s1/s2 raids wont give seals anymore, makes it much harder to get seals, especially for new players, removes any reason to do them except for story/expertise farming. Trying to get parties to do drags or whatever now will be near impossible since they wont give seals anymore.
-s3 boss hp inflation
-Lame gimmicks to sell more runes (removal of double booming, +10 armor is a necessity now, etc)
-Everyone who has already claimed their level 90 character reward is screwed, this mainly affects newbies using the free level 90 gear while they try to get level 90 OJ gear now. They basically will not be able to do ANY damage in s3 raids afterwards.
-Removal of certain aspects of the game (lab, gauntlets, etc) so you can never get titles/sets from them unless you farmed them before
You can sell them for ap~
Little but better than for 0-5 gold
Said it's from 2 days ago, so it's obvious that it's reduced by 25% from that 7.7 value, think it makes it a tad higher of what we currently have pre-Rise now so that's why I said it's not a big deal anymore, "top" players already clear the raid in 5 mins, even with 4 depending on the players.
Now that you have even more damage like, by multiple multiple times, s3 is still "fodder" again.
Well at least you bring an explanation to your disapointement.Some of the changes **could** cause some imbalance indeed.I saw a Sylas video where the healing ratio is almost equal if not superior to a Succubus Fang,because of his additional damage.An Hurk would indeed be disadvantaged since his healing caps:
(3:14/Sould Drain skill/3,5% back for 30 seconds)(3800 HP back from 2 combos/a little too conveniant.And it's not biased because i main Sylas)
There is another example.Sylas uses a lot of normal hits to build his combos,so the additional damage formula for normal hits won't affect him the same way than it would for another character.However Sylas currently has no bonus from additional damage on his shards damage,wich is a big part of his overall damage on top of a very edgy stamina system.
Without seeing any video,there could be some odd features such as the usage of thousand needles wich is extremely fast.Probably many more consequences that we havn't been used to.
Hopefully they could maybe revise the numbers indeed after a certain period if really necessary but if it comes down to it...If you were to get outdamaged by a less skilled player due to stats,it wouldn't matter much i think.As of right now,skilled players from certain classess can beat me with a+11 in certain raids due to hit box and additional damage technicalities.I don't mind much thoe.
I really don't mind the +20 addition,with time they might want to relax the additional damage formula thoe,we will see.From some tests,additional damage and speed at a certain point would beat stats such has balance...It could indeed turn out to be exagerated,it could turn out to be a fun change that brings more possibilities in term of gearing,we will see.
Last time i checked i had more than 60 normal runes from events since time immemorial and that with me using tons of them from time to time and now they gave me free +1 coupons along those runes and 100% enchants, i dont know about you but i dont see those gimmicks lame nor see how making you waste less runes is making you buy more
The changes to sell more runes are not targetted at veterans who stock pile runes (especially those who stockpile runes on multiple accounts).
The average player does not have dozen of runes stockpiled. Most veterans dont even have 10 stockpiled (because they used most of their runes to try and get a +15, most of whom fail). Most of the people I play with have 3 runes or less. Just talked to one last night who is down to one rune after making his first level 90 OJ weapon.
If you have a +15, you wont encounter any problems, you will even see a huge boost in damage post-RISE. If you are the typical newbie with a +10 weapon and clean OJ gear with no enchants, you are going to be screwed.
Just off the top of my head, I can think of 5 or 6 people who will rage quit after RISE because they wont have the +10 level 90 gear and only have a +10 OJ weapon or worse. I can think of several people with +15 level 80 weapons who will rage quit as well, not to mention all the people who DEFINATELY will not be coming back due to the additional damage change.