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Mabinogi Heroes live event[ended]

Member Suhpreme
Vindictus Rep: 3,935
Posts: 474
edited May 21, 2017 in Future Content
all content reveals can be found on mabinogi heroes official youtube in case u missed the streams


  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    brb deleting my lynn cya
  • Member sabersaten
    Vindictus Rep: 1,440
    Posts: 55
    Lynn 2nd weapon battle umbrella
    Miri new girl

    +20. Kek not buying GS anymore.
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
  • Member maelturd
    Vindictus Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 44
    +20 boys yes!!!
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited May 21, 2017
    all content reveals can be found on mabinogi heroes official youtube in case u missed the streams

  • Member PixelPantsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,960
    Posts: 168
    I thought they were going to work on 2nd weapons, not more characters.
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    I thought they were going to work on 2nd weapons, not more characters.

    2nd weapon = more enchant rune sales

    new character = more enchant rune sales AND more skimpy underwear sales
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited May 21, 2017
    This is what some korean speaking friends translated :

    6th of July : new character named Miri

    10th august : lynn 2nd weapon, seems to be called blitwe or something like that

    Additional background lore for each character

    Quick story battle : looks like quick battle but auto selects the next one that you need for your quest

    Max enhance rank is now +20

    New tutorial

    Dont need to use boats to go from one battle to the next, or maybe this is only for story battles

    You dont have to walk to places to finish quests anymore (going to different areas to talk to NPCs probably)

    Battle clear window now comes after 10 seconds

    All battles are now at one board

    Skipping NPC text

    Colhen graphics improved

    Tieve graphics improved

    New intro to s2 story

    Faster in combat movement speed of some kind

    Rework of perilious ruins (no other dungeons mentioned so far)

    Armor repair kits are now instant, no animation needed

    You can open mail from everywhere instead of manually running to the mail box

    All battles are now 4 man except for RRs and Neam

    All difficulties merged into a new normal mode

    s2 story battles changed to be more like s1 somehow (not sure)

    Everything from s1 to s3 callidus is "single mode difficulty" whatever that means (balanced for 1 person maybe?), everything after is "party difficulty" (whatever that means)

    Ein lacher bosses have 50% less hp

    RRs = 12 people max, but clear times should be 2x faster now (probably hp nerfed, etc)

    Some new stats are visible, possibly just for quick battle limits, seems to be ATT + DEF and CRIT + BAL

    Multi processing added to over 50 battles

    6 new skills for dark knight/paladin (each)

    Revamps to enhance/enchanting
    - 4 enhance runes consumed = +1 enhance coupon
    - 4 enchants failed = 100% success enchant scroll
    - 3 broken enchant rune pieces = enchant rune

    UI improvements/cleaning, not sure, maybe optimization

    Outline for normal mobs (a outline drawn around normal mobs to make it easier to see maybe?)

    Item colors will actually mean how rare the item is now (they were doing this from the beginning, but messed it up by adding junk gear with purple color names, etc, guess they finally decided to fix it)

    Better inventory sorting or something

    Can enhance in your inventory instead of going to Ferghus

    Better enchant UI (less pages i think, instead of needing to go place scroll + item then go to the elixir page)

    Better marketplace advanced search

    Reduced awakening stones to only two ranks

    Simplified drops (less junk drops probably, and/or merging more of the s3 shards so they stack better)

    Improved character goal rewards (you get runes for the level 95 reward apparently)

    s3 story now gives you a box that you can open and choose the reward you get, one of which is a OJ essence (im willing to bet that charaters who have completed the story do not get compensated for this)

    All armor masteries merged into one

    Merging some scrolls with similar stats into one (probably merging stuff like valor/blood lust)
  • Member Lavonne
    Vindictus Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 96
    edited May 21, 2017
    Lynn's second weapon is a battle umbrella. YAAAAAAAASSSS. Come through Moonlight Blade. I wonder if she'll get a new outfit like Hurk did for his 2nd weapon.

    Also kinda bummed about removing the pot\repair animations. They were unique. Does it also mean that the pot bonus is removed.
  • Member Ingkells
    Vindictus Rep: 1,405
    Posts: 130
    i like most of it. glad i didnt make a lynn. umbrella, really? might as well give her a fan in her left hand too. makes me scared of what theyll give to arisha. COIL SWORD PLEASE
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited May 21, 2017
    "skipping NPC Text"
    But we've had that for months D:

    Edit: I see what they did with that. THey simply added the "CTRL" thing on the text. That way it's ACTUALLY noticeable.

    Edit 2: There is also A LOT more than what is listed here that I am translating. I am about half way done right now. I will link the Google Document once i have finished.

    Edit 3: Re-read the list posted here. Most of the stuff was indeed put here. There was some stuff left out but I went ahead and explained how the extra stuff worked. Here is the link to my document.

    Vindictus RISE Rough Translated Notes

    To get the FULL details of the update here is the Official Patch Notes . Do keep in mind that if you use Google Translate EXPECT ERRORS in translations.
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    lynn is T H I C C
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Yo tbh tho.....If 미리 (Miri) is amazing....I'm scrapping Delia.