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Finally i've found my new inner and set the colors on it. And of course it's perma! My current armor looks ugly on fiona and i don't want to horrify anyone by showing it.
Surprised to see that we aren't an extinct char yet. US East Beta Fiona just recently getting back from another 1.5+ year hiatus to see what's up with Vindi again. Probably one of the unicorn Hammionas left though.
As my first post on these new forums since then, I share pics of my FIona. I really missed and glad to get to see this armor and shield again that I had made soon before I took my last break.
Another filthy EU scrub here:
Yes, I know I got the most beautiful one
They were just randomly dyed cos i'm obvious lee brok3 huehue
Love the outfit. What skirt is that?
As my first post on these new forums since then, I share pics of my FIona. I really missed and glad to get to see this armor and shield again that I had made soon before I took my last break.
Shame DevCat has killed so much of the game when they finally started getting the fash-i-on of Vindi figured out.
Look at that censorship ^^'
When you find a sister ingame +wow