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if only dyes weren't so RNG

Member lordofranger
Vindictus Rep: 1,130
Posts: 32
edited April 14, 2017 in Suggestions and Feedback
imagine if dyes gave every color that is highlighted? instead of 1 out of 6? the cost of them would actually be worth


  • Member maelturd
    Vindictus Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 44
  • Member Soj
    Vindictus Rep: 785
    Posts: 61
    Sucks having all these ugly random colored dyes that I'll never use.
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    yes it does suck having all these clear/gray dyes that im probably never going to use.

    spend some time on one ampule to even have a chance at good dyes,


    you get a gray dye, you get a gray dye, EVERYONE GETS ONE
  • Member jeddyhi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.

    wow no way dude... if only vindictus was big and the devs didnt have to pinch every inch to get some damn money. sht BDO has this package thing that gives you unlimited dyes and all dyes for a X amount of days
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    Gray is the most popular color, everybody loves gray. You should be grateful and thanking Nexon for their consideration.
  • Member Sekaiiz
    Vindictus Rep: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    If everyone got the dye they want we'd all have black/red edgelords
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited April 15, 2017
    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    If everyone got the dye they want we'd all have black/red edgelords

    If vindictus has more detailed dye system like bdo then we can be much creative
  • Member jjX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 68
    edited April 15, 2017
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.

    I mused once hypothetically "how much NX would you play for an ___.___.___ RGB Dye ampoule?"
    People started laughing hysterically. I joined them.
    Sekaiiz wrote: »
    If everyone got the dye they want we'd all have black/red edgelords

    Yeouch that hit home. I can't even take my black/red edgelord alt seriously anymore.
    (But I can't switch it took so much to dye D: and grey is ugly D:)
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    Who cares about black/red/white colours. There's not enough golden & orange ampoules. :/
  • Member Sef
    Vindictus Rep: 1,310
    Posts: 93
    I need my greens, yo.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.

    wow no way dude... if only vindictus was big and the devs didnt have to pinch every inch to get some damn money. sht BDO has this package thing that gives you unlimited dyes and all dyes for a X amount of days

    Yeah, but that's temporary. If you want perm dyes you have to play the RNG game in BDO as well. Srsly, how do players think it's okay to have to pay to rent your dye colors in a game? BDO has just as many systems in it that are a joke as Vindi.
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    edited April 15, 2017
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.

    wow no way dude... if only vindictus was big and the devs didnt have to pinch every inch to get some damn money. sht BDO has this package thing that gives you unlimited dyes and all dyes for a X amount of days

    Yeah, but that's temporary. If you want perm dyes you have to play the RNG game in BDO as well. Srsly, how do players think it's okay to have to pay to rent your dye colors in a game? BDO has just as many systems in it that are a joke as Vindi.

    the thing is, that infinite dye feature is tied to their VIP package thing, which is usually given out during events and can be bought with in-game currency off the market place/auction hall just like ours right now. VIP just like ours, except all ours does is give us 1 more raid run and an extra core? actually BDO's VIP package offers: unlimited and all dyes and free appearance change. excluding the other features, it's already a lot better than vindictus' vvip
    BDO: http://i.imgur.com/1MvwBN5.png
    Vindic: http://i.imgur.com/1UVNuJ0.png

    and the thing about paying a small rent/sub fee to avoid rng, i can understand it, it's why most people stay away from f2p korean ported mmos.

    anyway on topic: if dyes weren't tied to RNG in this game, the dye market wouldnt actually be sht, 28mil or something like that for a 25 black avatar dye, HA! yeah people only have that much due to the games gold inflation. if dyes weren't random and gave all 6 colors highlighted instead of 1 random one, there would be more dyes on the market and a lot more color variety in peoples armor/outfits.

    off topic?:also 3 dollars for an avatar amp??????? 26,100NX for a bundle of 10????? FOR RNG DYES? the random dye system for regular armor is next to worthless, spend 100k for god awful preset dyes, it's like why bother paying in-game currency if it's going to turn out looking like dog dookie? also, the Dye UI is awful and outdated, can't even preview more than one dye on more than ONE equip. sucks that devcat takes almost a decade to change anything before their games turns to gutter trash.
  • Member Scheherazade
    Vindictus Rep: 2,660
    Posts: 150
    More dyes = more colors. Most of the dyes come from Gacha and are really saturated and bright. There are nice less saturated possible RBG's. I always buy them from MP, but I don't see more than one dye of that color ever, making color matching hard. Ofc those are only aquireable with overpriced emty dyes.
  • Member AyPool
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 77
    RNG on the dye ampoules is somewhat frustrating, most of the time at the last second the UI lands on black 25,25,25 and then it lands on a brown or gray.

    How about this for an idea, every time you use a dye ampoule you get a dye coupon, once you get X amount of coupons you can exchange them for a color RGB of your choice that's bound to you. Dye prices on MP be damned.
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    AyPool wrote: »
    RNG on the dye ampoules is somewhat frustrating, most of the time at the last second the UI lands on black 25,25,25 and then it lands on a brown or gray.

    How about this for an idea, every time you use a dye ampoule you get a dye coupon, once you get X amount of coupons you can exchange them for a color RGB of your choice that's bound to you. Dye prices on MP be damned.


    we already have people spending upwards to 800 dollars for an outfit and not getting it then turning in the vouchers/coupons from buying so many. pretty sad
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited April 15, 2017
    the thing is, that infinite dye feature is tied to their VIP package thing, which is usually given out during events and can be bought with in-game currency off the market place/auction hall just like ours right now. VIP just like ours, except all ours does is give us 1 more raid run and an extra core? actually BDO's VIP package offers: unlimited and all dyes and free appearance change. excluding the other features, it's already a lot better than vindictus' vvip
    BDO: http://i.imgur.com/1MvwBN5.png
    Vindic: http://i.imgur.com/1UVNuJ0.png

    and the thing about paying a small rent/sub fee to avoid rng, i can understand it, it's why most people stay away from f2p korean ported mmos.

    anyway on topic: if dyes weren't tied to RNG in this game, the dye market wouldnt actually be sht, 28mil or something like that for a 25 black avatar dye, HA! yeah people only have that much due to the games gold inflation. if dyes weren't random and gave all 6 colors highlighted instead of 1 random one, there would be more dyes on the market and a lot more color variety in peoples armor/outfits.

    off topic?:also 3 dollars for an avatar amp??????? 26,100NX for a bundle of 10????? FOR RNG DYES? the random dye system for regular armor is next to worthless, spend 100k for god awful preset dyes, it's like why bother paying in-game currency if it's going to turn out looking like dog dookie? also, the Dye UI is awful and outdated, can't even preview more than one dye on more than ONE equip. sucks that devcat takes almost a decade to change anything before their games turns to gutter trash.

    I have no issue with sub fees; I have a problem with having to continue the sub to enjoy the game when there's also a cash shop and when the sub is supposed to be optional. SWTOR had a cash shop/in game earned means of permanently unlocking color unification so that you only have to use one dye in certain instances. In GW2 the dyes were RNG but they were unlocked account wide once you got them. On Vindi, at least once you get the dyes they're perm until you extract them, which again, is exactly the same as BDO if you don't sub. Their system isn't better from my point of view.

    And actually when Vindi does have direct purchase dyes, they're cheaper than those in SWTOR, even though SWTOR pretty much requires a sub to do any relevant content.
  • Member TheDayInLove
    Vindictus Rep: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited April 15, 2017
    Imagine Nexon finally make sense and release BOTH version of a color at once, ppl would throw their wallet at Nexon.
    And how about release old dye? I have been waiting for re-release of 17 72 9 green clodagh, and the 17 72 9 green avatar, 129 166 130 green avatar, 230 190 138 yellow avatar, those popular pink dyes...

    Now I'm crossing my fingers and pray that the big update Derpcat promised for next month's will allow us to specify the color we want, or at least broaden the color spectrum.

  • Member CelestiaV
    Vindictus Rep: 710
    Posts: 69
    AyPool wrote: »
    RNG on the dye ampoules is somewhat frustrating, most of the time at the last second the UI lands on black 25,25,25 and then it lands on a brown or gray.

    How about this for an idea, every time you use a dye ampoule you get a dye coupon, once you get X amount of coupons you can exchange them for a color RGB of your choice that's bound to you. Dye prices on MP be damned.


    we already have people spending upwards to 800 dollars for an outfit and not getting it then turning in the vouchers/coupons from buying so many. pretty sad

    Like me this event...
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    Well, the whole design of the system is to make it hard to get what you want so you spend more money on NX to try again. Remember, Vindictus exists for one purpose only, to sell NX.

    Imagine if everytime you tried to do a raid, the game randomly picked the raid for you, and you had to spend NX to actually choose which raid you wanted to do.

    No, wait, I got a better idea, what if the game picked which attack your character wanted to do, and you had to spend NX to actually choose how your character attacks? Dodging is RNG unless you purchase a seperate premium item as well. Also these premium items only last for 7 days before expiring.

    And lets extend this to Nexon employees as well. All Nexon employees get paid a random amount every month based on Ferghus success rates, unless they purchase a premium coffee mug!