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When DevCat finally gets it

Member Lavonne
Vindictus Rep: 1,645
Posts: 96
edited April 12, 2017 in General Discussion
From Why there hasn't been any content for the past 4 months
It is already four months in 2017, and mid-April is over.
Since the update of the Huck 2nd Weapon Trial in January, the event has progressed every month
Since there was no content update, you may be curious about the development status.

There was no content update in the past,
This is because we are focusing on long-term development for the big changes in the game overall.

We hope that the players who save the current game,
In order to be able to continue to have fun in the future, we decided that we needed a big change in the game.

To name a few,
Ma Yeonjeon is a PC online game and it is a difficult environment to interact and enjoy with many players.
With great updates and promotions, we have a surprisingly large number of new players
There are very few players who reach the top level and continue to play.
(The majority are below 1 ~ 30 levels.)

To make existing players more fun, new players continue to grow and play
It is necessary to create a crowded environment such as battle, trade, exchange.
This includes character creation, tutorials, season 1, season 2 battles, growth routes, ease of use, intuitiveness,
A lot of changes are needed.

"Let's talk with the villagers."
What should I talk to?
"Let's get Brian Allen's heart."
When does it appear in which battle? In some cases, it may appear as an intermediate boss.
Why is the emirke so difficult, where is the length of the groundwater, why the stairs of the secret room should be so long,
The experience of breaking the knife blade of a deadhead for more than 20 minutes, Bloodrod or Ekinar, is really a difficulty for a new player to break.

Going into Season 2, I suddenly find myself in a trasfer hunter-
It is a part where the play time and the wide map which are lengthened by the battle method which is completely different from the conventional become confused and have fun at the same time.

In the past, this was the latest content, or the final difficulty,
Now it's early content, and it's not a challenge to challenge, but you have to be able to experience and jump to the next level.

Another is the difficulty of equipment acquisition and the limitations of growth.
In the current game, the drop rate of the major rare items is too low, and the reward expectation for repeat play is very low.
It is an important factor to say that the fun of '
I think it is a problem even if it is too hard, and I need some improvement.
Enchanted, enchanting is also the same as the 8th losing deceased, slipping five times in 10 rivers, etc.
I do not want to do that anymore.

In some ways, the end of equipment growth is shorter and stronger.
If you play lightly, it may be difficult to agree.
For those who have spent quite a lot of time,
I had fun while trying to fit the equipment, but I have some experience that I have lost some fun.
The feeling of being stronger even more is too low, and the process is too short in some parts.
These parts need to be reorganized into a more interesting environment.
There will be a reorganization of the system, but the balance of all battles in the battlefield will have to be reorganized as well.

More than 100 changes are being prepared for the big changes in the development stage in the development room.
Here are a few of them.
Depending on the item, there may be a combination of things that can be explained in one or two lines and some things to introduce in several lines.
As new content is not yet available,
I only talked about big changes.
We are also developing new content and will be ready to satisfy you with high quality.

As we are ready to scale several times larger than the existing update,
We were not able to proceed with the monthly update like the previous update method.
If the update is divided into monthly updates, the overall update volume is reduced to half the level
It seems to be the volume of the smash update level in the previous year.

"why the stairs of the secret room should be so long" - They finally get it. You know there's something wrong when climbing the stairs to the boss room takes more time than actually fighting the boss.

"Enchanted, enchanting is also the same as the 8th losing deceased, slipping five times in 10 rivers, etc. I do not want to do that anymore." - Probably referring to people quitting after fail streaks. That moment when the developers of a Korean grinder finally admit that failing 13214242 times in a row is off-putting and not "challenging".

By the way, for those of you who need a TL;DR, DevCat are basically "casualising" the game and the "big update" will be split into parts like the smash update.


  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Reorganization? like a way to get +15 and end game gear a lot easier without having to rely on protection? Cause I would love that at some point.
  • Member Herucross
    Vindictus Rep: 780
    Posts: 31
    hopefully the enchanting changes aren't something like "r9/8/7/6 scrolls 5% increase in success"
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    Watch it be another huge disappointment.
  • Member maelturd
    Vindictus Rep: 1,100
    Posts: 44
    Wonder what they'll do with all the runes ?
  • Member Anthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
  • Member BlissKnight
    Vindictus Rep: 630
    Posts: 51
    Im curious to see what will change specifically.

    A lot of speculation and guesses right now.
  • Member BoatGod
    Vindictus Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    I'm actually hoping they cut down half of the battle mission, since some of them feel like cannon fodder and the other are useless, like that buoy mission in season 2 where you load a map break a chest and one shot a skeleton (which takes like 5 min because load times and such)
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    Server merge. Seriously.
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57

    ^ This. We need a new engine to optimize with better graphic cards and 4K players.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    After 6 years they finally realise it's stupid to complete sub-quests by YET ANOTHER RNG feature. Or like I said once, just make Bryialne always spawn, idk. There are maps where we fight Mad Grizzlepaw (Decisive Battle) or Shadow Fang/Embermain (Revenge) for no reasons, we can already get to them so they have really no reasons to even get there in the first place.

  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    edited April 13, 2017
    high hopes it'll make the game better. anything to make this game better honestly. i wanna play it some more!
  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    After 6 years they finally realise it's stupid to complete sub-quests by YET ANOTHER RNG feature. Or like I said once, just make Bryialne always spawn, idk. There are maps where we fight Mad Grizzlepaw (Decisive Battle) or Shadow Fang/Embermain (Revenge) for no reasons, we can already get to them so they have really no reasons to even get there in the first place.


    Argontel too pl0x
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    i didn't enjoy the jumping system when it was out because:
    1. jump atk had low dmg,
    2. jumping along with shift for running, space for dash/block gets confusing.
    so tbh, i actually don't want them to bring back jumping.
  • Member Weiss_Oswald
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 137
    edited April 13, 2017
    i didn't enjoy the jumping system when it was out because:
    1. jump atk had low dmg,
    2. jumping along with shift for running, space for dash/block gets confusing.
    so tbh, i actually don't want them to bring back jumping.

    No one wants jump mixed with the walk&run system, the old always sprint system was pretty straightforward and much, much more fun imo.

    Also, please make an option to disable the double tap running, that is more annoying than words can ever describe.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited April 13, 2017
    Kinda hard to tell what some parts are about, but it doesnt take a genius to figure out that some parts of the game are fundamentally broken. Most of these were well known years ago, its just something that derpcat has refused to even discuss or acknowledge before because they only care about quarterly earnings and look the other way when a director does something that **** up the game (cough s2 release cough).

    The new player experience is ruined by the insane fixation that derpcat/nexon has on not making information available. Things like damage multiplier tables are a closely guarded secret because nexon flips out and ban fansites who try to get the info, but new players cant figure out what skills to use because they dont know the damage multipliers for them.

    Most of the dumb **** is easily fixable. Low level break offs too hard? Make them take less hits to break and make it easier to hit the breakoff. Its probably editing a text file for things like number of hits to break. s2 maps too large? Make them shorter/smaller. s2 maps drop 99% junk? Make them not drop 99% junk. Stuff that can probably be done in a couple of hours, tops. Including testing.

    Its the extra stuff that will be hard to put into the game, like giving more info to new players on what their skills actually do.

    Getting to the boss room will always take longer than fighting the boss unless its like a one room raid. Thats pretty much a given. Diablo style games are all about boss rushing from the nearest waypoint to the boss because there is no point fighting trash mobs for trash drops. Same concept here. They already made most of the s1 maps shorter, not sure what else they can do other than to make them all one room maps.

    Im guessing that this focus on revamping the game was prompted by falling profits in Korea. But just like pretty much every revamp they do, it will be a partial fix and miss the core problem. Like how they made enhancing low level stuff have lower penalties, but not actually make it easier to enhance (in terms of rates/stones required), so most newbies still dont bother. Oh sure veterans who stockpile stones can get high enhanced weapons for their alts, thats cool and all, but it completely misses the point of helping newbies with gear.

    A lot of the dumb **** that goes into the game really makes me wonder just how they came up with the idea in the first place. I mean, you dont need a crystal ball to tell that alban festival is a dumb idea and waste of development resources. Or making a second level 90 plate set, which then forces you to make a second level 90 set for the other armor types. Or the high stat requirements of Dullahan being the s2 release fiasco all over again.

    As long as whoever is approving/pushing these dumb ideas stays in the company, the game wont get properly revamped.
  • Member Atsou
    Vindictus Rep: 955
    Posts: 53
    A little excited, but wondering if it's worth 4 month of no content.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    The current changes to enhancing/enchanting that are in place in Asia and partially rolled out here are a step in the right direction. Improving them further would be very welcome. SWTOR used to have gearing that was almost non-reliant on RNG and people pumped insane amounts of cash into it every month despite a horrid engine and at times not the greatest design. WoW has sub costs and people still pump money into the cash shop. It's about time that Korean devs come to realize that RNG protection and keeping your players scared through the need for it are not the best means of keeping a stable, loyal, happy fan base.

    I would spend money on cosmetics and convenience without issue, but devaluing the time and money that players have invested by destroying gear does not endear anyone but sadists. For whatever reason BDO has still had success with late game item destruction, but even they make sure that players are well-invested and not required to spend money for the most part until the top tiers of leveling. Destruction beyond +10? Sure, but there should be unlimited AP revives, at least up to say, +12.

    TL;DR No one should ever feel like their investment in a game has no return and makes them feel worse than had they never played at all.
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    From what I have read on the patch notes they will be doing these changes based on player feedback. This will NOT be a monthly update due to quality over quantity essentially. Since Test Server will be in May for this I will stream that for you all. I don't know if it will be ON the first day of Test Server yet. Depends on how late I work. If I get out early (aka my original supposed to be 1:30 AM Eastern) then I shall. But if I get out at near 3AM then Absolutely not.....sleep is a thing after all :P
  • Member Necrochild
    Vindictus Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    edited April 13, 2017
    I guess it can't get much more ****ed than it currently is, right?
  • Member 탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Rep: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited April 13, 2017
    tfw everyone else here but you are the only ones looking forward to see what this update will actually do. I think my job in this thread is done +흐흐 (+haha)

    Jkjk. Jokes aside. I honestly do wanna see what changes will hit. To be completely honest all of the other revemps we have gotten were ALL really good. Revamped EXP all across the board so leveling to 95 is rather simple, etc. They will be revamping more than likely some things that should have been revamped ages ago. HOPEFULLY the running Lionotus thing more than once to progress in the story.