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Fortune: Dyed my recent glaive to match my set: pure black (x2) and silver, paying 3kk only! I also maxed out its stats.
Fortune: Finally the first Lynn (MAIN) broke the 600 titles wall!
(Of course anyone with a 700 titles main char can create a Lynn, level her up and say "I have a 600+ titles Lynn too!" )
Misery: Still missing a good infusion on glaive, but I'm broke again.
Fortune: Since event of the chibi succubusses, was able to buy cheap storage chest expansion ticket.
Misfortune: 4th week of nonstop Subdued hunt in Misty/Peak without any luck.
Misery : bought a +13 2* lugh ts, crafted by "prostituat" for 100kk +sweat
Fortune: I still have it and it's now +15 tradeable
Misery again : don't have enough gold to make it maxroll orange and scroll it up
Fortune: got covered by a friend, so now it's scrolled infused maxrolled +shy
And also sold my +15 heremons
Fortune: Dyed my recent glaive to match my set: pure black (x2) and silver, paying 3kk only! I also maxed out its stats.
Fortune: Finally the first Lynn (MAIN) broke the 600 titles wall!
(Of course anyone with a 700 titles main char can create a Lynn, level her up and say "I have a 600+ titles Lynn too!" )
Misery: Still missing a good infusion on glaive, but I'm broke again.
Fortune: I finished perfecting the materials on my +13 glaive through material synthesis (everything maxed out apart from M. ATT.).
Thanks to Goibhniu Enhancement Stones, I made it a tradable +14, non tradable +14, +15! Third Lynn in Europe with a +15 lv 90!
And I only broke a +12 Braha glaive twice (gone forever) and this one once (all of that, yesterday morning) during my 2.5 years of playing Lynn.
Misery: STILL missing a good infusion on glaive. Dammit, Videk!
Back ground:
trying to buy a 2 bal frozen will.
saw this boy posted for 37kk on market for the past 24hours and now selling on mega
i started to watch his show
Misery : 7m Enchant Runes
Fortune: Dyed my recent glaive to match my set: pure black (x2) and silver, paying 3kk only! I also maxed out its stats.
Fortune: Finally the first Lynn (MAIN) broke the 600 titles wall!
(Of course anyone with a 700 titles main char can create a Lynn, level her up and say "I have a 600+ titles Lynn too!"
Misery: Still missing a good infusion on glaive, but I'm broke again.
Misfortune: 4th week of nonstop Subdued hunt in Misty/Peak without any luck.
Fortune: I still have it and it's now +15 tradeable
Misery again : don't have enough gold to make it maxroll orange and scroll it up
Fortune: got covered by a friend, so now it's scrolled infused maxrolled +shy
And also sold my +15 heremons
But oh well Fak Yeah
Misery: Was a pain to get mats, and costy.
Made +13 my SpellSword
MISFORTUNE: sold the main for 3.2kk
Crafted a scythe with good mats, only 2*...
I am done with armorsmithing
Misfortune: -
Fortune: I'm still Eriniel
Neamhain solo failed due to Att limit release not high enough(currently 250)
would have been the first non-fiona neamhain solo in both NA and EU
Fortune: I finished perfecting the materials on my +13 glaive through material synthesis (everything maxed out apart from M. ATT.).
Thanks to Goibhniu Enhancement Stones, I made it a tradable +14, non tradable +14, +15! Third Lynn in Europe with a +15 lv 90!
And I only broke a +12 Braha glaive twice (gone forever) and this one once (all of that, yesterday morning) during my 2.5 years of playing Lynn.
Misery: STILL missing a good infusion on glaive. Dammit, Videk!
Successfully scrolled my boots ad chest armor with no fails, im pretty happy
Misery-> I have to farm a lot of titles, and since i can't see HP bars, things are gonna be annoying.
Misery: literally one step away from doing clear neamhain solo.
Misfortune: No forum pvp anymore. Lame as HECKKK
Misfortune: I have no friends ingame to see my characters because with each passing update the game becomes more unplayable for them
I can be your friend(s).
Let's meet up somewhere.
trying to buy a 2 bal frozen will.
saw this boy posted for 37kk on market for the past 24hours and now selling on mega
i started to watch his show
2min later
tada...its on market again ))
boomed to +14. made +13 last night
Failed 4 Immoral Scrolls
Failed 3 Reinforced scrolls
Depressed > Want to Boom my only weapon >
Discovered this: https://support-vindictus.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/115003093026-Rise-Update-Weapon-Restorations-and-Item-Breaks
+sigh another pile of crap to add to this already Craptastic Rise Update..
Decide to spend the Small ammount of NX i have left and buy 2 Hero Boxes-
Beyond Depressed > goes to Sleep hating DOL.
I'm alive after all that BS
I got the Blue dye ampoule i was looking for.