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Fishing Event Temporarily Unavailable


  • Member PixelPantsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,960
    Posts: 168
    Dont jinx me lolo

    tbh there was no point in doing the fishing glitch when all my characters (6) can get 100 rods each day.
    My acc is squeaky clean ty u:

    Back on topic;
    Wish patching whatever it is was an easy/fast fix though.
  • Member DAOWAce
    Vindictus Rep: 1,165
    Posts: 35
    edited April 4, 2017
    Yup patching an old bug that's existed for years in every version is an easy fix. /s

    They couldn't be arsed to do it back then, but suddenly an event where people can get essentially infinite GGs and merc pots and oh no, shut it down and notify the devs ASAP so it can eventually get fixed in a few months!

    That's all they ever cared about; a blow to their income.

    At least do us a favor and remove the items from those who exploited and suspend them. Most of the top-end people (some would call them elitists) I've seen are the ones to do it too (anyone with the outfit/effect exploited), further reinforcing the "rich get richer" shyte that goes on in this game.
  • Member Mixxia
    Vindictus Rep: 1,740
    Posts: 96
    Cash boxes go in but no fishing fix. Guess this is yet another event for KR only.
  • Member Teknofobix
    Vindictus Rep: 665
    Posts: 39
    Okay I'm one of the few who could give a damn if someone used the fishing glitch so what if they got a ton of character bound items it not like its going to screw up the market even more then it is. Nexon and DevCat and the community Team has already done that with the back to back to back cash shop events and in game seal shop and doing the +8 event 2 times back to back. That event essentially sucked about 70% of the gold out of the game which crashed the Market on everything as not many people have the gold to buy enchants and other items which lowered the prices of everything across the board, and adding the 90 Mats to the Seal Shop made top tier gear as common as Trainee Equipment making it just about worthless as a way to get gold for enchanting and other things in game. Like the people who were making gold by buying the Vindicator Boxes to sell OJ materials to be able to buy Appearance stuff and Dyes and getting their +15 weapons. Then you have the Back to Back Gapcha events with all the Airtight costumes and pets. Its just a money grab and flooding the market with costumes that used to be worth alot of gold and is now barely able to be sold once you get one for yourself. You can tell this as its a 3% chance of costume or Pet and it Costs 400 Vindicator coupons to just buy the pet or costume you wanted. So essentially you would have to spend around 385 dollars US to buy 1 of the event pets or the SQ with tickets if you were unlucky to get one with 100USD in Boxes. In all honestly if they wanted to improve the value of the events for the players They would drop the price from 400 tickets to 150 tickets then they would be actually 3% chance of getting what you wanted out the box as you can open 100 of them and if you got nothing but junk you can just buy the item you wanted as some of the loot rewards additional tickets.

    As fishing goes the majority of people who glitch fish also blow hundreds of dollars in the cash shop each event so banning them would also decrease the amount made by a significant amount from the cash shop. For a glitch that has been present for so long and was corrected in partially by making the event items character binding in the past where it is an issue other then Graces having a high drop rate and limiting their sale in the cash shop.
  • Member PringlesDip
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    When is it coming back? I assume that it shouldn't take this long to fix it.
  • Member TheAngryBadger
    Vindictus Rep: 580
    Posts: 21
    When is it coming back? I assume that it shouldn't take this long to fix it.

    the question is , will it even come back?
  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    When is it coming back? I assume that it shouldn't take this long to fix it.

    most likely have to wait until they actually release an update/patch to fix it. as it takes time to fix these sort of things apparently. idk if korea had this problem, but we most likely have to wait for them to create a fix and then send it over
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    If this Event doesn't come back after Thursday's Server and Window's Update Maintenance, I write this Event off as cancelled. Shame too because I was looking forward to getting the Bumble Bee items.
  • Member TheAngryBadger
    Vindictus Rep: 580
    Posts: 21
    If this Event doesn't come back after Thursday's Server and Window's Update Maintenance, I write this Event off as cancelled. Shame too because I was looking forward to getting the Bumble Bee items.

    a lot of us were +sad
  • Member jeddyhi
    Vindictus Rep: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    I just wanted some goddess graces and merc pots
  • Member TOTACCIO
    Vindictus Rep: 500
    Posts: 4
    20 days to fix? But we are sure that you return the fishing event?
    GM thanks if you give a reply .....
  • Member PixelPantsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,960
    Posts: 168
    Welp april 12th is here, rods have expired.

    This event isnt happening, sorry guys .
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    3 weeks almost 4 sinces its been down and only one announcement...
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    Apparently, the rods already expired. So much for the event. Kek
  • Member Atsou
    Vindictus Rep: 955
    Posts: 53
    More Like Permanently Unavailable LOL
  • Member elcausa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 70
    It was an April Fools event +quiet
  • Member lllIIIllllII
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 15
    no fishing, feelsbadman
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    so since they fixed the exploit, when can we expect a return?
  • Member Edaym
    Vindictus Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 43
    so since they fixed the exploit, when can we expect a return?

  • Member JynXi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,025
    Posts: 231
    Fyi, the Rods have expired but those pink thingies from the pouches had there expire date removed.

    Plus, they patched the whole dual bug. No more easy sticky spam for breakoffs. Im happy and sad About this at the same time. More value for kai/Vella again