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GAHH just start already I need bumblebees on 9 characters I don't care bout merc's or graces I'm sitting on over 5k graces and 300 p. graces. I bought the crap out of the airtight mercs not much use out of S3 when ya got 14k def and 120CR but an update would have been nice but i'm guessing the fishing thing and probably Easter egg painting is the April event in the Maintenance notice.
Wondering if they will just re-enable it next maintenance without any word about it. Either way shouldn't they have gotten more GMS with EU merge? Ive seen better support by a 1 man operation.
That is not a bug, they have always been able to blow your equipment and nothing has changed.
There was no announcement about it changing either and you are warned prior to enchanting.
Kinda sad the event still isn't back up, but I've been scrolling down the forum and did anyone else have an issue with the game when the fishing was disabled? Me and my gf were both in a dungeon and the whole game froze and crashed on both of us (usually it's just me and my crappy laptop crashing) and when we logged back on the event was disabled. We've both just been thinking that maybe the servers couldn't handle all the fishing boats? Since boats for parties were already glitching anyways. For the past months when we tried entering a boat as a party only the leader can get on and the rest of us glitch back to title screen.
That is not a bug, they have always been able to blow your equipment and nothing has changed.
There was no announcement about it changing either and you are warned prior to enchanting.
Remember that the enchant scrolls had a wrong discription for a couple of days. So its your fault tho.
Ontopic: Fish event is still unavailable. (still can not equip rods on boat)
Remember that the enchant scrolls had a wrong discription for a couple of days. So its your fault tho.
Ontopic: Fish event is still unavailable. (still can not equip rods on boat)
The warning from Brynn was still there. Whoever blew up weapons while still getting the warning and expecting some compensation is going to be sorely disappointed.
Yep. Vanity is berry importent
That being said I hope the issue isn't being super difficult to fix +sad
Sad how there is no constant dialogue between Nexon and its users on issues like this.
April fool event incomming. Lets hope its not the same content as last year (+ new titles
There was no announcement about it changing either and you are warned prior to enchanting.
Remember that the enchant scrolls had a wrong discription for a couple of days. So its your fault tho.
Ontopic: Fish event is still unavailable. (still can not equip rods on boat)
The warning from Brynn was still there. Whoever blew up weapons while still getting the warning and expecting some compensation is going to be sorely disappointed.
Please give me my fishing event back so I can get my bumble bee. K Thx
Dear GM,
Please give me Bumble Bee on all my characters for compensation. K Thx