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How rare are gauntlet titles?


  • Member bloodydarn
    Vindictus Rep: 410
    Posts: 9
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    100M for +2 to STR? wow, Talk about hyper inflation on the East region. Not to bring up any offense of course.

    o_o yea East is pretty inflated but I wouldn't sell for 100M unless someone offered that to me first +cold.

    I sold to a friend for reduced price of course, I sold to someone else for an intended price compared to what I last saw on marketplace. Now that someone else is on my friends list +best. I thought at least 30+M was reasonable for these.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    bloodydarn wrote: »
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    100M for +2 to STR? wow, Talk about hyper inflation on the East region. Not to bring up any offense of course.

    o_o yea East is pretty inflated but I wouldn't sell for 100M unless someone offered that to me first +cold.

    I sold to a friend for reduced price of course, I sold to someone else for an intended price compared to what I last saw on marketplace. Now that someone else is on my friends list +best. I thought at least 30+M was reasonable for these.

    well 30M isn't THAT bad. Idk why though, west sells it for considerably less considering the rarity of said title. Rather weird when one thinks about it. :^)
  • Member Anner
    Vindictus Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 157
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    100M for +2 to STR? wow, Talk about hyper inflation on the East region. Not to bring up any offense of course.

    He was just fishing for a super good deal. I highly doubt anyone in their right minds would buy for 100, considering how much gold is worth nowadays.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Anner wrote: »
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    100M for +2 to STR? wow, Talk about hyper inflation on the East region. Not to bring up any offense of course.

    He was just fishing for a super good deal. I highly doubt anyone in their right minds would buy for 100, considering how much gold is worth nowadays.

    To be fair, West and East have completely different economies anyway. Good thing I only play west though.
  • Member LoLoBooty
    Vindictus Rep: 5,275
    Posts: 665
    edited March 27, 2017
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    100M for +2 to STR? wow, Talk about hyper inflation on the East region. Not to bring up any offense of course.

    Just to clarify it is +3 STR for lago's title and +3 AGI for the other titles.
  • Member Hally
    Vindictus Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 245
    Anner wrote: »
    I've farmed gauntlet titles two times now, both times I had all four titles within a month of 4x runs per day. In fact, the three people I was running with also got all four titles.

    I wish I have that luck. I ran perilous ruins and hoarfrost hollow over a THOUSAND times each and didn't get the title...
  • Member bloodydarn
    Vindictus Rep: 410
    Posts: 9
    edited March 27, 2017
    Hally wrote: »
    Anner wrote: »
    I've farmed gauntlet titles two times now, both times I had all four titles within a month of 4x runs per day. In fact, the three people I was running with also got all four titles.

    I wish I have that luck. I ran perilous ruins and hoarfrost hollow over a THOUSAND times each and didn't get the title...

    Some things are not meant to be counted 72SxzZv.png
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited March 27, 2017
    Wait, Gauntlet titles are tradeable now? o.O Well, looks like I have more titles to collect now.
  • Member Blawrgh
    Vindictus Rep: 5,355
    Posts: 201
    I spent almost FOOOOOUR years trying to get the Black Breeze title... I still haven't gotten it and wasn't until someone sold me the title just last month...
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    500 runs and still haven't gotten that damn Laghodessa sack title yet.
  • Member DownIoad
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    I have the lagho one which I got randomly on an alt character, I would say less than 25 runs.

    On the flip side tho, in the past I would farm ruins gauntlet like crazy for drops but never got a title (well over 1000 runs).
  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    I accually put it up for 100m mostly cus i needed the title myself and if someone was crazy enough to spend that much i wouldnt mind givining it to them for that price. It was more of, i got the title and will most likely use it unless someone wanted to take it off me with a generous offer.