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classes best for soloing content?


  • Member DownIoad
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    AimAndKill wrote: »
    Pillar Karok is a lot better at soloing than people give him credit for. But ya when it comes to soloing sword Fiona takes the cake, easily.

    Karok pillar main here ex Fiona main:

  • Member Anner
    Vindictus Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 157
    Question2 wrote: »
    Sword vella/Longsword Fiona/Kai for solos. Crossgun being better than bow for solo IMHO.

    Worse : Probably evie/lynn in general. Lynn kills trash mobs really slowly, scythe is slow, staff has issues with rage conductor solo.

    Staff is actually really good at soloing.
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    ^ No, it's not.

    Dual sword Vella is probably the best all-around soloer. She only really lacks Scythe's mobility.
  • Member Anner
    Vindictus Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 157
    edited March 23, 2017
    ^ No, it's not.
    Then you clearly don't play Staffie.. lol

    She's not as good as Fiona or Vella, but she's good and she's safe.
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited March 23, 2017
    what i think is OP wants to know which classes are "able to solo every content" then sword fiona, scythe evie, arisha and sword vella are in my mind, since they can solo Neamhain means they can solo everything else.
  • Member Anner
    Vindictus Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 157
    MochiSweet wrote: »
    what i think is OP wants to know which classes are "able to solo every content" then sword fiona, scythe evie, arisha and sword vella are in my mind, since they can solo Neamhain means they can solo everything else.

    Staff Evie and Chainblade Vella have also soloed Neamhain.
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited March 24, 2017
    Anner wrote: »
    Then you clearly don't play Staffie.. lol

    She's not as good as Fiona or Vella, but she's good and she's safe.

    I play both scythe and staff, both Fiona and Vella. Staff is simply subpar compared to those classes. Even though staff is heavy hitter when crits are on your side she's super slow at dishing out that damage because spells need to be charged and it takes time even with ~60-70 speed. In the meantime Fiona/Vella could just counter/xcut bosses' attacks and get good chunks of their health while you're still charging spell. Oh, and the best thing about staff - try to cast homing spells on uneven terrain. 50% of them will miss because fu*k you.

    Staff's only saving grace is flying sparrow which basically covers the same distance double blink does.
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    Anner wrote: »
    MochiSweet wrote: »
    what i think is OP wants to know which classes are "able to solo every content" then sword fiona, scythe evie, arisha and sword vella are in my mind, since they can solo Neamhain means they can solo everything else.

    Staff Evie and Chainblade Vella have also soloed Neamhain.

    i haven't updated about them though, mind sharing some vids?
  • Member Lavonne
    Vindictus Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 96
    MochiSweet wrote: »
    Anner wrote: »
    Staff Evie and Chainblade Vella have also soloed Neamhain.

    i haven't updated about them though, mind sharing some vids?



    Tbh the thing with Neamhain seems to be more about having 2800 unlimited ATT, Damage Reflect and min-maxed gear (a.k.a being a statbag\steroids). I'm pretty sure that every class with these ridiculous stats could solo Neamhain (maybe aside from Bow, Pillar, Hammer and Lynn).

    Sword Fiona is the only class I know that didn't have ridiculous stats when soloing Neamhain. The rest had 2500+ unlimited ATT, +15 and Damage Reflect.

  • Member Hally
    Vindictus Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 245
    As far as farming regular non-raid maps.. Scythe is by far the best there is. Inane mobility and excellent trash clear speed to cut through the map.

    Arisha and TS vella are the worst at these farm maps. Poor movement speed and god awful at clearing s3 trash.

    Regarding neam, I'm pretty sure you don't need maxed reflect and limit release to kill her as arisha in a solo. I got her down to 1.9 bars with just +12, 26.4k attack, 137 crit. Pretty sure at 140 crit and +15.. 1k limit release is enough to (barely) do it.
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    edited March 24, 2017
    Btw A crossgunkai just soloed neam
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited March 24, 2017
    Lavonne wrote: »

    Tbh the thing with Neamhain seems to be more about having 2800 unlimited ATT, Damage Reflect and min-maxed gear (a.k.a being a statbag\steroids). I'm pretty sure that every class with these ridiculous stats could solo Neamhain (maybe aside from Bow, Pillar, Hammer and Lynn).

    Sword Fiona is the only class I know that didn't have ridiculous stats when soloing Neamhain. The rest had 2500+ unlimited ATT, +15 and Damage Reflect.

    2800 ALB is not a big thing in KR now and many classes can achive that already but there are only said classes have enough dps to finish the raid in time, it means something. Though i can't say i disagree that sword fifi has the best tools for soloing.
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    edited March 24, 2017
    The biggest hurdle when it comes to soloing Neamhain is how fast you can burst down Niet, in particular p1.

    This is where classes that can multi hit or have an extremely high burst against Niet have an advantage.

  • Member Suskel
    Vindictus Rep: 510
    Posts: 12
    I can't say anything about most other classes but I want to say that Scythe Evie is the best class for farm soloing.

    Her mobbing is better any anyone else's because of Bloody Thread and Void Star being able to clear out rooms and her boss killing is rather easy due to how simple her skill kit is.

    She also covers the most distance in the least time out of every class as far as I know.
  • Member Anner
    Vindictus Rep: 1,935
    Posts: 157
    Anner wrote: »
    Then you clearly don't play Staffie.. lol

    She's not as good as Fiona or Vella, but she's good and she's safe.

    I play both scythe and staff, both Fiona and Vella. Staff is simply subpar compared to those classes. Even though staff is heavy hitter when crits are on your side she's super slow at dishing out that damage because spells need to be charged and it takes time even with ~60-70 speed. In the meantime Fiona/Vella could just counter/xcut bosses' attacks and get good chunks of their health while you're still charging spell. Oh, and the best thing about staff - try to cast homing spells on uneven terrain. 50% of them will miss because fu*k you.

    Staff's only saving grace is flying sparrow which basically covers the same distance double blink does.

    Okay? Just because Staff isn't as good at soloing as Sword Fiona and Sword Vella, doesn't mean it isn't good. >.>
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    Depends entirely on the player, the gear, and the boss.

    But in general, a good scythe player with endgame gear solos most of the bosses with the most amount of ease.
    This is all due to her massive damage output and her amazing ability to not get hit (also, her ability to get to an area where she cannot get hit and then freely attack the boss).

    Right after her is crossgun Kai and then probably pillar Karok or whatever else down from there.

    Against certain bosses really good spear Lann players can do very well also.

    Anyone who thinks swords Vella or sword Fiona is good at soloing needs to take another look at the actual clear times for individual bosses when soloing.
    While their mechanics may have them suited for soloing their damage output actually pales in comparison to what a crossgun Kai or a scythe Evie can do and so their ability to clear bosses is weaker. That's just the way the cards fall.


    There really is no need to debate this in this manner. You can look up videos on youtube of people in really good equipment soloing the bosses.
    I know I did it last year and I couldn't find anyone to top scythe Evie, Hurk, or crossgun Kai.
    And only in a few bosses did I see spear Lann or pillar Karok doing really well.

    And if you think those videos don't showcase the truth then you are welcome to do your own and show us how you can do better with your Lynn against the videos of scythe Evie clearing gold in Lugh at sub 4 minutes (I think a few were even really close to 3 minutes). Good luck if you aren't crossgun Kai or another scythe Evie. >_>

    The only wildcard is Delia. I know from personal experience that if you get lucky she might be really close to Arisha level but I doubt she can do it consistently.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    edited August 31, 2017
    Best Solo Raid: TS Vella (honorable mention: LS Fiona)
    Best Farming: Scthe Evie (honorable mention Xgun Kai)
    Best Party Raid: Xgun Kai (honorable mention Karok)
    Best Overall Solo + Party Raid: Karok / Arisha / Hurk

    Worst Overall: Probably Lynn
    Best Overall: Xgun Kai / Karok / (Arisha if you need boobs)
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    Small shield long sword FIo.
    Sylas is also pretty good.

    A character like Lynn is a lot more effort.
  • Member PixelPantsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,960
    Posts: 168
    Staff evies listed as worse, ouch