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Experiences with lord glas breakoff
Ive been spearing his left armguard like in this video :

right after he gets knocked down from the spear, but he never flinches. I can see the spear sticking out of his armguard, so its definately hitting...but he never flinches from it, ever.
Anyone managed to get him to flinch right when he is knocked down from the spear? Im starting to think he cant flinch while he is knocked down from that and you have to wait till someone uses a 1000 sp disable or shield charge to knock him down.
All the videos i can find of the breakoff are of a fiona using shield charge (not always available) or one guy somehow spearing his armguard while he is moving around.
Im pretty sure theres no mechanic for that and ive never seen him drop to his knees due to a certain % of damage. I think what you are seeing is him getitng knocked down due to skills or just people spamming high KD skills.
Can anyone confirm if he can be flinched during the initial knockdown when he is speared?
Considering I've never really studied how to break glas I guess you could be right, but I've never seen him flinch on the first knee. If you pay attention to the example he shows at 4:32minutes you can see the shield destroyed and glas take a knee and then immediately stand back up (you cannot get a flinch on his first knee) the guy then uses his 1000sp move or w/e that is that causes the knockdown making him kneel a 2nd time and this is when he spears his arm causing him to flinch. TBH - the video you posted isn't the best guide. You have to hit his skin to get the blue glow. Hitting his armor won't do it. You can also dive into the holes after you have received the blue aura whether the holes are blue or white. It doesn't matter so long as you have another spear and the blue aura.
KK, for Glass break off, you need to do enough high KD move to knock him down. Since attacking him with his shield up counts this shouldn't be much of a problem.
When someone spears him in the back he'll do his first fall animation but that part of the spearing in the back animation, can't get break off during this one. When he get out of his getting speard in the back animation then you ahve to KD him with High KD moves.
Since all the attack that hit him when he had the shield count, there a good chance he'll be kd'ed right after he get out of the getting speared int he back animation. At that point you'll spear his guanlet twice for the flitch.
Potentail Problems That will make it so spearing his break off not count:
1. Kai Pray Dive
2. Any Hold skills
3. People fighting ontop of breakoff thus absorbing the spear.
4. Random person flitching the boss.
(last two aren't part of the list but are factors that will make getting the breakoff harder)
Edit: Just watched the video, you need to flinch him twice to get the extra core breakoff, everything else is right.
Are there any SP skills other than shield charge that can do an instant knockdown and still let you flinch the boss for breaks? Off the top of my head, execution can but the duration is pretty short and you would have to get a hurk to keep it ready.
One person can throw 2 spears for each flinch (2 flinches = breakoff).
I regularly save 2 spears so I can solo his breakoff in runs. Though, this means that you are relying on your party's competence in doing the portal spearing mechanic.
In order to solo breakoff, you have to always be in position (never face his back). If he gets knocked down and you are not in front of him, it is impossible to have enough time to throw 2 spears at his arm guard. After somebody successfully goes through the portal and breaks his shield, I don't really attack Glas. I just keep running to his front and anticipate him getting knocked down.
Our party managed to do it earlier but had to rely on execution. Was a bit confusing since it can be hard to tell if hes knocked down due to a 1000 sp disable or execution when you have other player effects turned off.