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Hello, I am a fan site developer in Korea.
Using Google Translator
Hello, everyone.
I visited to inform you of the good news.
I am preparing my English version at "Gamedot", the Vindictus fan site in Korea, at the request of "탱크블레이드" from my e-mail.
Currently, the English translation service of the service is in progress, and the users of the Korean community are gathering in progress.
If the translation process is completed to some extent, the English version service will start.
Among the users of Vincentus,
If you can speak Korean, please join us through the link below.
(Login required)
Sooner or later, I'll try to get good news again.
Thank you.
안녕하세요, 빈딕투스 포럼 유저 여러분.
좋은 소식이 있어 알려드리기 위해 방문하였습니다.
저의 이메일을 통하여 "탱크블레이드"님의 요청에 따라 한국의 Vindictus 팬 사이트인 "Gamedot"에서 영문판 서비스를 준비 중에 있습니다.
현재 영문판 서비스의 오픈 번역 프로젝트가 진행 중이며, 한국 커뮤니티의 유저분들이 모여 진행 중에 있습니다.
어느정도 번역 진행이 완료된다면, 영문판 서비스가 시작될 예정 입니다.
혹시 빈딕투스 유저분들 중에서도
한국어를 하실 수 있다면 아래 링크를 통하여 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
(로그인 필요)
조만간 다시 한번 좋은 소식을 가져올 수 있도록 노력해보겠습니다.

and 15 others.
at least the ppl who are in charge will not receive any punishment/banhammer that leading into site suspension because they don't play in US server, we good
It's funny because originally there WAS no plan for it xD But they saw the need for it for you guys so they decided to develop a system to make it happen. :P
Isn't that just Google Chrome's auto translate feature +haha
To be honest it helped me translate some of the lines and tweak others
Well it's not an issue of having the site, it's that the requirements to mine the info in order to run those sites runs afoul of Nexon Global's chosen "threat detection" system. I'm guessing that KR and the other Asian regions don't use Black Cipher and as such don't run into nearly so many false positives. The KR community also has a lot more pull and perma-banning major contributors wouldn't go over very well where as here the mods will just delete any reference to what happened until it calms down.
Ah that makes more sense now, seems like it came out great
KR and CN do have BlackCipher but I still doubt that they have as many false positives as NA does
Edit: I will also be contacting GAMEDOT on setting up a Quality Check section for checking the translated quality so this makes it easier to QA the content.
Edit: As of current the Test English site is down. We are currently waiting on GAMEDOT to add more entries to translate as well as get the site back up.
Edit: The new url for the English Site is http://vindictus.gamedot.org/ do keep in mind that it is still in heavy work of translation so as we update the lines the site owner will update the live test files. Also PLEASE post your feedback here and a better suggested line of translation if something doesn't make sense.