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Why are YOU still playing this game?
I took a trip around the forums a bit for information about the state of the game, and got instantly sad to see nothing has changed. Unforgiving upgrade system, ghost town populations (excluding afks), boring events, uncaring Nexon, etc. I even saw drama about lv95 raids and equips (could somone explain that to me btw?). But what makes you stick around despite of it? Why are you here?
For me, it'll always be the combat. Some games come close (BnS, BDO, TERA, Dragon Nest) , but none replicates the feeling I get from Vindi raids. So like an action MMO addict, I always come back for my fix then quit again when I see nothing has really changed. Only bandages for Vindi's broken legs.
I suspect it's the same reason for many of you. I mean to my knowledge, the combat is the only good thing left about Vindi.
Edit: Grammar

The drama about level 95 gear is about the gear progression. The Devs are basically forcing the Vindictus community to upgrade their gear because of the difference in stats between level 90 and 95 gear. If I remember the difference in attack between a level 90 and a level 95 weapon it is around 3,000. People worked hard on getting their level 90 gear, and they just don't want to put more work into upgrading.
There might be more to this, but I have only recently returned.
At the moment I like the aesthetic of my characters, combat system and hoarding gold.
....Or maybe I'm just biased.
If you cant handle that this is just not the game for you. Also this game always had a lot of drama, most of it is just people unsatisfied because they cant handle stuff and whine about it. Most of them are unable to make some constructive criticism - you can't always blame Nexon for everything.
Well and for the question:
Epic Combat, Pretty good game Lore, Interesting Community (not joking), Character Progress, Gear Progress, Epic Music
Epic music,.
Variaty of characters with huge choices of style and looks.
Not overly complicated, game, or fighting mechanics.
No kill X number of monsters for quests.
Quests give good rewards (gold ).
Story is actually very interesting and keeps close to the Celtic/Mabingoi mythos.
Many events give free NX items for no effort.
Fun and engaging gameplay.
EU: Almost everything can be bought with in game gold. (not uncluding Avatar sets)
Game has opening, intro and slowly opens up to the player introducing him to different systems and mechanics. (some mmo games just throw you in the middle of nowhere and doesn't explain anything)
Game demands for skill and practice, not only stats.
Quests are simple and straight forward.
In all seriousness though, no other game does combat better.
Also, frands are nice
- Neamy
- Lann's abs <_<
- Nostalgia
- Edit: And a hope that things would change, though, it may be false hope
It's hard to find another f2p game that's just as beautiful and have combat as fun as Vindi. But I'll play other games if I get bored enough.
I am worried that Nexon is just squeezing out whatever remaining money they can squeeze out of us before they abandon us completely. No one likes to invest their time and money into something when they know a couple months down t he road all their hard work will just go down the drain.
Population will increase by summer.. right?
I agree. But what do you call skill? Vindi just requires other kind of skills than a typical MMO, and it's mostly the reaction to dodge, block and parry (deflect) skills. In other MMO's you need to react with other kind of skills like with Tera's archer class you need to shoot traps wisely predicting the enemy's movements so they can step in it. Thinking forward to what comes next is almost every game's feature.
In Vindi my favourite parts mainly are:
- the combat system
- the epic story
- the graphics
But i don't like that Vindi isn't designed to be an RPG, although it's advertised as an 'action MMORPG'. But it's sort of a hybrid RPG. A true RPG is about team work where nobody cares about the damage after finishing a boss. And we don't have so different classes because all of them are dps. It sometimes feels as if i played PvE in games like Unreal Tournament. For example there are party buffs like Kai's Hunting Party that gives faster SP regen and Staff Evie's Regeneration that regens HP. They both consume SP so people just spam their dps SP skills instead without even thinking about their mates. But even Healing Corona that doesn't require SP is rarely used. This game is unique but definitely not among RPG's.
1. What other game literally sends your enemies flying when you kill them?
2. While the system may be unforgiving if you try it yourself, going the grinding and buying route has paid wonders for me. I've been up and down in terms of money, and tell ye the truth, the player based market is what keeps me motivated. I make money from farming, players upgrade their weapons, and everyone wins. Market is currently slow right now, so that means I'm going to take it easy until the next economic spike.
3. Raids I do for fun. I don't really "care" about drops, and if it happens to drop, well... it drops. Lots are complaining about drops that don't come in their favor, but you know, I'm just me... me... me me.
4. This is one of the few games that actually relieves my stress instead pissing me off even further than before (aside from certain bosses in Ein Lacher). No pvp orientated crap that forces you to get stronger in the PVE side of things (Sun's Kalbus scrolls, BNS's system, etc).
5. This is one of few MMOs that doesn't give you the bird in terms of enhancing. DN makes you lose enhancement levels even when protected, and another one that I played will eat all your mats that took weeks to grind when it says "crafting failed". Oh, and even if you still succeed with it, it booms going to +1 on their enhancement system. At least this one is actually forgiving when compared to other KRMMOS. Only problem lies is that it's guranteed to blow if you're going beyond 8, of which then you can at least wait for "free runes" given to ye via events.
6. At least the community gives me reasons to laugh at them for once every now and then. Though, it's sad that people complain about the littlest of things like being outdps'd by .1%. Like wow.
7. Every AAA game now-a-days costs 60 dollars USD + console price + DLC to play online rankings, and even then that gets resetted after a year passes (maybe earlier depending on game popularity) along with being filled to the brim with Toxic players and cheaters. And even if you get caught up in the hype train, it dies off and everyone moves on to the next hype train... talk about a total waste of money. This is probably saving me thousands in the long run if I just kept following the hype train everywhere it goes.
8. I always liked to help new players as long as I get a bit of time to myself. Long as I don't get bombarded with requests... I'll join in for the ride.
9. The lore of the game always intrigued me (as confusing as it may be for some players).
10. This is actually one of few games that lets me dress like a wolf and no one bats an eye or calls me a furry. (in before someone does it here.)