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Share your misery/fortune(global)
There was a thread like this on EU forum and I just want it to share the idea with everyone,post here your vindictus most epic failures and fortunes.
Dont spam,insult or anything like that.
I'll start.
Well I had no noticeable fortune in the game since I got back only misfortunes,lets say i'll never try to win the incineration jackpot ever again

fortune - erm... i will write something in when i find it.
That's not bad. I farm Ben chenner entrance for 1 hour everyday and haven't gotten an orange in two weeks.
At least I get those profitable s3 mats though
- Lann being the underdog
- Permaboomed my +13
- Accidently dismantled my rare while I was mass dismantling <<;;; ...oops
- I hope all the issues gets fixed eventually. For the sake of the game
- Lann is hot
- Finally, remade my +13 a couple months later ... never again
- Lann is very, very fat and jumps like a girl
They did not ask how much gold he has
and if so
And more on other characters
Teach me masters
28x attempts of getting a +12 90 to +13; 28 fails
100 bce clears, 0 orange
50 lochlann clear title obtained on two characters, 0 orange
50 lograch clear title obtained, 0 orange
50 regina kill title obtained, 0 orange
100 braha kill title obtained, 0 orange
50 lugh kill title obtained, 0 orange
50 eochaid kill title obtained, 0 orange
(abom not at 50 kills yet.. but see the trend?)
Around 5 bil worth of blue element stones thrown at videk for accessory crit infusions before s3 came out. Didn't get a single one.
A +15 lvl 60 weapon =.=
+14 regina chest while trying to blow it up for mats back at +10
that is nothing compare to my 9 consecutive fail from +6 to +7 (btw, all of them costed me a rune cuz i had a bunch).
Also, 13 consecutive fail on enlightened (not within the same day)
furthermore, last night spent 100 paradise stones and couldn't get a +5 to +6.
Lastly, last month bought 20 intermediate element stone and got -2 crit twice
Anyway, misery: got an extra OJ SS, boomed going to +11, then going for +11 again. Crafted one, coupon, +11 fails--runed--yolo succeeds, fail, res, fail again. Bought +11. Yolo, fail, res, fail--gear rune--yolo back to +10, fails going for +11. I could have just sold what I had and bought a +12 +sad; sometimes you gotta jump out there though.
Got an great deal on a +12 glaive from a super Lynn that I met on my Kai about a year back. Yolo--sitting on +13 now and still have the half-cost AP coupon. We'll see what happens on the morrow.
Fortune: Those exist? :P
Fortune: left the game
misery: slowly coming to terms with the fact that i am just not good at video games and will probably never carry a neam or get golden god on any class
misery; no 2nd weapon
misery: weapon broken
Fortune: don't have to spend gold to gear him up
Fortune: i got 280k instead of my usual 150k from a redeemers gold pouch
Surprised you went for 15 on a mule account. That 14 would have been nice to have if you ever needed to farm on it.
thats normal i have tried to get scroll from succubus from 2011/2016 and nope
well at least I made it to +12, that's enough speed since I have fasts on everything.
>farmed for heavy warrior hammer fragments all morning, got nothing
I'm getting level 60 gear flashbacks and it's triggering me.
I know that feel, I'm just happy 12-13 on level 90's is good enough if the rest of your gear is good.
I've had a +15 before, idk if you've ever had one but trust me, they're highly overrated if you're pursuing it for stats.
Besides, if you have crappy gear on your alts you can just host easy raids, like snake, pantheon, juggernaut, havan, and people will tolerate you because the raids are so easy (and even moreso if the connection is good.) Especially snake, you can be runner. that takes no gear. easy chance for scrolls. Same with kraken actually. If you know how the tents behave. Does anybody do kraken the regular way anymore? or is head rush the new regular?