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Quitting Rant

Member Scarrlettt
Vindictus Rep: 2,300
Posts: 169
edited March 12, 2017 in General Discussion
Hi. I was known as Scarr on east. Just wanted to give one of those long detailed quitting rants you guys are used to seeing. Ready? Alright here goes.

Im quitting permanently. Game was nice, i just got kinda bored, so yeah. My bro, P3gasus will take over. Good luck to y'all. K' bye.

  1. Was I a filthy casual?64 votes
    1. Yes
       72% (46 votes)
    2. Yes
       28% (18 votes)


  • Member Suhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    me too thanks
  • Member Yuria100
    Vindictus Rep: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    edited March 12, 2017
    the last 1-2 years of playing wiht ya was really fun. Started off getting to know ya when you were planning niflhein runs, those were some fun run when it was accually challenging. Also joining the vindi discord when you were still in admin position was a blast and really enjoyed everyday. It was fun raiding with ya and making funny and not so funny joke along the way.

    Sad to see you go but i understand that eventually a game will loss it's flare. Maybe we'll bump into each other later in a new game or in life. Till then cya, might still chat on discord from time to time x3
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    edited March 12, 2017
    Ofc man, gonna miss alot of my good friends but luckily discord lets me always stay in contact with everyone. I even met an absolutely amazing and beautiful person who I'm genuinely interested in dating irl hopefully. Maybe itll turn out as great as hurkinoff and ucogi. Vindi discord was a great idea for MistyBerry and I to start and still continues till today helping the small but close knit vindi community. Definitely will keep in touch with you thru discord. Vindi was a great game and I invested alot of time into it, but its my time to leave.
  • Member Summit1g
    Vindictus Rep: 550
    Posts: 47
    see ya in a year Kappa
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    edited March 12, 2017
    Trust me, i wont. Ive never actually quit vindi. Just pretty minor hiatus. This is the final bout
  • Member LilSlavery
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 13
    Youll come crawling back, they always do and theres gonna be a doggie door with your name on it and under it will say "Remember: Your're Here Forever."
  • Member Summit1g
    Vindictus Rep: 550
    Posts: 47
    Scarrlettt wrote: »
    Trust me, i wont. Ive never actually quit vindi. Just pretty minor hiatus. This is the final bout

    I've been saying that since 2012 FeelsBadMan
  • Member DangerousHobbit
    Vindictus Rep: 630
    Posts: 50
    Pray someone will buy this game for the sake of us :p .
  • Member Aequipondium
    Vindictus Rep: 1,965
    Posts: 122
    Have fun See you in bdo.
  • Member Blacknite
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited March 13, 2017
    Ever since forums changed I refused to use it because nexon sucks but when I heard that you were quitting I had to say something. Going to miss you scarr aka the op kai ph03nix. You were one of the coolest, chillest, and best players in vindi on east and easily the best kai as well. Your kai guide and your discord really helped me out alot and my friends. Never going to forget you dude. Good luck in life
  • Member Roland
    Vindictus Rep: 1,715
    Posts: 184
    Who will be my Kai senpai? :(
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    Aww another Rikahi Member quitting Q_Q
    It is sad to see you go, I am gonna miss seeing you around, and having fun KSing you or Misty in Nifi Runs.
    Remember --> once Rikahi, always Rikahi~~!!
    And I will treasure that Temporal Master Regina Top you once gifted to my Arisha and I will make her and you proud +fight

    I hope I'll see you around in the future back on Vindi or other games =D

  • Member Xie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    Take care Scarr o/

    It was pretty cool meeting you on Discord. Have fun in other games or other stuff
  • Member Delteros
    Vindictus Rep: 2,855
    Posts: 176
    Is this really the end? There's still a final mission I have in store for you (well Roland can participate in it as well :eyes:)
    I can give you more details later through Discord ;)
  • Member Empiricist
    Vindictus Rep: 1,295
    Posts: 21
    no wei
  • Member MrGatto
    Vindictus Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 106
    edited March 13, 2017
    I will never understand,what is the point of these topics?I see such on every game forums.
    You feel like quiting,fine quit but whats the point of making it public?

    Its not gonna change anything about the game itself,all you do is make the game look even worse as it is in the eyes of possible new players.
    'as a new player when you see such topics on the forums its kinda demoralizing'

    I do agree with you about the guild part tho,thats why I will never join a big guild again,ppl who take this game as a full time job and expects the same from you.

    Edit: My reply was aimed at Rizzle's topic but they merged it into this:P
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    Not gonna lie, i made it public cuz im an attention hoe and according to the vindi community I am exactly 100% a filthy casual
  • Member Xie
    Vindictus Rep: 2,115
    Posts: 155
    It's just a fast way to get some info out to everyone who cared about or knew you. Friends, guildies, ex-guildies, acquaintances, secret admirers who's too shy to say hi, friends from different servers. If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't have known that Scarr was leaving because we both played on different servers but we met through Discord. And Discord text scrolls so fast that I'll sometimes miss conversations while forums threads are pretty static.

    ... though one question is, Rizzle's thread topic was completely different from Scarr's. Why did it get merged? <_<
  • Member pootisman
    Vindictus Rep: 885
    Posts: 67
    See you tomorrow.

    Jk aside, see you when lv90 uncaps to lv95.
  • Member Tatsumaki9001
    Vindictus Rep: 520
    Posts: 15
    Lol what is up with everyone keep saying "see you soon." I have actually talked to the dude and he said he hadn't actually played vindictus in almost 3 months and even with neamhain release barely played. I think he done for good.

    And plenty of veteran vindictus players in the past have quit for good. Just because you cannot let vindictus go doesn't mean others cant. Good on them and good on you scarr.

    Anyways, the man, the myth, the legend will be missed.
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