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Share your Misery & Fortune!

Member MissElettra
Vindictus Rep: 1,050
Posts: 39
edited March 2, 2017 in Europe Chat
As the EU old forum post, I would repeat this fantastic thread and i would scream to all:
" Share your Misery or Fortune is BACK again! "

Uncle Brynn give you a pleasure?
Granpa Ferghus trolled you and broke your fantastic 5* Righteous Valor +14 Terminus Sentinel Glaive?
...But after restored it, he has succeded?
Regina dropped a magnificent main weapon orange?
...or maybe only a giant shield with worst rolls you ever seen before?

Here you can share happy or unhappy moments with all community.



  • Member Osur
    Vindictus Rep: 455
    Posts: 7
    All the ones above +10 using Goibhniu's stones.
    That's what I get for thinking I have enough chances to get +11 back if the 10-12 rune fails...
  • Member KenshinX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 151
    edited March 4, 2017
    Got a +2 crit Peridot Belt fairly cheap.

    Used atleast 15 intermediate stones on my Innocent Cry and got nothing good : |
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    Rolled +2 crit in 4th try on Grim Belt even though I aimed for +2 BAL. FeelsGoodMan. I can now rest easy and wait for scroll event.
  • Member kyushino
    Vindictus Rep: 1,140
    Posts: 18
    I got a +10 coupon used it on skele glaive, broke at +11, brought it back, went to +15

    I broke my +14 right/judge arma 3* glaive forever

    it still hurts
  • Member Karijuna
    Vindictus Rep: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    I only got a +10 coupon...
    BUT my weapon went to +12 without failing!
    ...BUT it's a Lugh weapon and I have a full Braha set and totally forgot the set bonus includes weapons...
    And while trying to get good Solid rolls with seals to build two Lugh armor parts I realized that the little extra from the bonus is absolutely not worth the trouble.

    Sometimes my stupidity hurts me physically.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    A 5/6 bonus set isn't all bad, far from it.

    Anyway, got to +12 by taking a perma-broke risk...
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    edited March 13, 2017
    Got 8 10+ coupons :( used the one on my main and made +11 Abom gs broke there revived... and made a +15.

    JK it went to +12 and broke from +12 too +13 :'(
    meanwhile I see all these people in mega chat getting lucky af.
    But I dropped 2 abom essences, waiting for the dullahan update. Lets hope its this week well lets hope its in march.
  • Member Niryn
    Vindictus Rep: 320
    Posts: 3
    Ooo, fun! I have a small fortune sandwich with a pinch of misery in between!

    Fortune: Bought my Sylas a lvl 90 weapon over a week before the +10 coupons were dealt out because I had a hunch it would be impossible on coupon day, avoided all the "does anyone have a weapon for sale"-hardship!
    Misery: Used a special Enhancement rune for +11 - it failed. Tried without - it failed too.
    Fortune: Can revive weapon still so no big harm done! c:
  • Member MissElettra
    Vindictus Rep: 1,050
    Posts: 39
    Bought a +10 coupon for 7kk

    Failed 5 TIMES my +10 terminus chain ( 3 times with premium enha rune, the try twice without)
    I have to lvl up my Lann and my Karok from lvl 10 to lvl 80 for use another 2x +10 coupon on my evie/vella
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    edited March 17, 2017
    sold 2 belts for 10kk each, pure profit. Trying to sell the 2nd one atm. if that one sells I'll have made 29.25kk easy
    ALL SOLD +yay
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    While observing megas with another +15 made , tried 54 time +10 swords , with same result RIP
  • Member Callisthene
    Vindictus Rep: 815
    Posts: 61
    After a long absence in this game, I decided to give my lvl80 Evie some rest and create a new character: Sylas.

    Kinda love his quick & stylish mid-range fighting style.

    But now I understand why I can't manage to sell my old lvl 70 Dragonscale scythe...
    ->you get FULLY stuffed for FREE via the quests at every 10lvls!
    I remember the Pirates/Black Pearl stuff to beso expensive and rare... but now there are so many on the MarketPlace! And I don't even talk about Dragon (Mhara, Apocryphal, Everlasting)...

    "How to ruin the economy of a game by giving free stuff that old players had to buy/craft and can't even sell anymore because it ain't no worth anymore" by Nexon.

    Did I mention how bitter I felt to see that my Sylas got a FREE PERMANENT ticket to expand one tab of his bag at something like lvl 10?
    While I had to spend 10€ for my old-created Evie to have the same?

    New players have seriously NO IDEA how lucky and spoiled they are...
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    edited March 19, 2017
    After a long absence in this game, I decided to give my lvl80 Evie some rest and create a new character: Sylas.

    Kinda love his quick & stylish mid-range fighting style.

    But now I understand why I can't manage to sell my old lvl 70 Dragonscale scythe...
    ->you get FULLY stuffed for FREE via the quests at every 10lvls!
    I remember the Pirates/Black Pearl stuff to beso expensive and rare... but now there are so many on the MarketPlace! And I don't even talk about Dragon (Mhara, Apocryphal, Everlasting)...

    "How to ruin the economy of a game by giving free stuff that old players had to buy/craft and can't even sell anymore because it ain't no worth anymore" by Nexon.

    Did I mention how bitter I felt to see that my Sylas got a FREE PERMANENT ticket to expand one tab of his bag at something like lvl 10?
    While I had to spend 10€ for my old-created Evie to have the same?

    New players have seriously NO IDEA how lucky and spoiled they are...

    This isn't a place to complain about that. no offense.

    Broke BOTH my +11's on my delia going for +12. f*ck sake. a well didn't play her anyway. when dullahan comes out I'll just craft a purp that is better then both of those xD

  • Member Cutee
    Vindictus Rep: 910
    Posts: 53
    Started a delia as an alt,
    Since no runes or anything, atleast i had a +10 terminus bs in my pocket made with the +10- "15" event coupon.
    It went straight to +12 but after finally reaching lvl 90 and experiencing the epic 35 speed i had, ive tried to enchant a leopards so i broke my bs with it -_-
    next step was restoring it and it actually ended up as a +13 so im not even mad i guess.
  • Member Rajivrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 905
    Posts: 81
    :O gz Cutee!!!
  • Member Oful
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    my misfortune is this thread was originally my idea, yet no credits ever received. (Praise me plz)


  • Member QuiJinn
    Vindictus Rep: 1,675
    Posts: 56
    Vindictus Premiere and Vindictus NA

    After years of saving, i finally have a +15 staff..

    Misery in the Premiere version about the Fortune:
    sadly the game is so freaking bugged that i can't enjoy it really. also +15 gave so much speed! but sadly in Premiere version it is 50% less now >.>
    so my +15 now is as strong as my +10 in XE version
  • Member adyrocks
    Vindictus Rep: 500
    Posts: 17
    edited April 5, 2017
    fortune : same day , 1st run , not farm : silent , enthu , well balanced , valor ...... and day is not over

    edit : also got enlightened from braha one and only run

    misery : game got really boring
  • Member Furiel
    Vindictus Rep: 3,330
    Posts: 273
    Fortune: Dropped Jessie in 2nd box ~ Dropped another Jessie a "few" boxes later...

    Misery: a "few" boxes... x_x"
  • Member Ahlys
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 22
    Fortune: bought 2 +230k att copper ring for 2kk each (ok deal i guess? been seeing them going for 5kk-7kk)
    Misery: no pets / outfitters from the boxes :|