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EchoAids fire ring aoe attack thingie

Vindictus Rep: 1,735
Posts: 129
edited March 3, 2017 in General Discussion
how to avoid that? +shy
the part where he jumps into the air, and then when he lands, a red ring expands out from him on the ground...
as a staff evie, i've tried hopping over it, mana amber, flying sparrow... always damages me, and frequently knocks me down, then i don't have time to climb onto his back


  • BlawrghBlawrgh
    Vindictus Rep: 5,355
    Posts: 201
    edited March 3, 2017
    As a staff Evie, I just avoid it by walking away from the ring while walking towards the spot Eochaid will jump from, and then sparrow straight to him.
    If he jumps and lands exactly where you need to climb onto his back, just try to sparrow quickly once the ring dissipates. The radius of the ring is enough for 1 sparrow + 1 hop. Ezpz lemon pie.

    Ohhh... and the more attack speed you have, the faster your flying sparrow will be. You can also mana arrow cancel into the next flying sparrow. By that, I mean after a flying sparrow, use mana arrow as your going to land but immediately hop after into another sparrow. It just takes a toll on your stamina if you do it too often o u o"

    First two hops = regular
    Last two hops = mana arrow cancel hop

    I'll try and record an example once the +2 raid event starts today... I've already capped on Eochaid when I wrote this
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    It's called a red attack, and like all red attacks, you GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Red attacks do fixed amounts of damage and are undodgable/unblockable except if you are using a skill that has true invulnerability (holding skills, etc.)

    Though you may play evie, I'll give a reference on my X gun kai solo so ye can draw down some ideas.

    you can skip to 3:32 within the video to show how to avoid that red ring.
  • dazedgumballdazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    As Ikarsu said, Red attacks are true unblockables, which you cannot dodge or block.
  • BabyDaniBabyDani
    Vindictus Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 129
    tyty for the tips! running away and sparrowing back worked well! +heart
  • CessaCessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    He will only really do that to clear the area around him so he can walk to the middle and jump away (when you have to grab onto his back). So as long as you're aware of that as well and pay attention to the prompts it should give you some early warning of whether or not he's going to do this.
  • SirRFISirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    As Ikarsu said, Red attacks are true unblockables, which you cannot dodge or block.
    Some SP skills do work though.
  • BirdSpiritBirdSpirit
    Vindictus Rep: 915
    Posts: 52
    Pretty much what everyone else said. Once you do Eochaid enough, you'll learn the tells of when he's about to jump and when you need to get ready to get on his back. Don't worry if you're faceplanting more than you'd like at the beginning :)
  • MadcobraMadcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    As this thread is here i would like to ask players to not attack him or trying to stop him while he do this circles . Stoping is useless