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So what about TIR Coins/NX selling?


  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited October 28, 2016
    IP registration doesn't work for many, many reasons. That's one of the least reliable and most easily exploitable means of securing accounts. Requiring two-step authentication would be a great start, and there are other measures, but if you think IPs are the way to go then you've really never looked into the measures that botters and such will go to.

    Not to mention players who log from multiple locations. They already have to wait time before they conduct trades via mail; not being able to use accounts from anywhere other than one site would be a pain in the butt.
  • NecrochildNecrochild
    Vindictus Rep: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    I like the airtight system. Bought up a few years worth of Cadet badges for nearly nothing gold wise. A bit disappointed the new ones are only 7 days, but I won't have to care for a long time!
  • calmdownmatecalmdownmate
    Vindictus Rep: 315
    Posts: 4
    edited October 28, 2016
    So the other day I was walking back from the shop, taking my usually route, and I saw this weird woman standing at a lamp post on a side walk. She was wearing full black with a unique colorful scarf on her head.

    As I walked closer I noticed she had a stranger mark on her forehead, as if almost it was spelling a number.
    I was about to pass her as she suddenly turns her head my way. Our eyes meet. I can't help but to feel her strong piercing look gazing into my skull as if it was about to burn a hole all the way through the back of my lobe.

    I tried so hard to look away but her magnetic stare was too strong for me to break free of. I feel my right foot hitting the ground in front of her as I'm about to pass her, her old and soggy lips start moving. I can feel my eardrums tearing without her speaking, time is almost at a standstill. My palms are starting to sweat and my neck is begining to stiff up.
    Suddenly, yet not too sudden, the sound wave of her spoken words rips through the air, like a cannon shooting into my ear canals.
    "Say No to TIR coin system."

    Anyway my point is, if your dumb arguments are getting shot down it's time to just start posting random . Always works.
  • NekonomimiNekonomimi
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 16
    edited October 28, 2016
    My friend, I think you have an issue trying to see the better system (as usual)
    I made this for you, easy enough to understand. You are welcome.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Vindictus Rep: 6,750
    Well it seems like this topic is taking a turn for the worst. The Vindictus team is all about a healthy discussion but we will not hesitate to close the thread if
    1) no new information is being shared
    2) comments are just about taking shot at one another
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    All do I with Tir is only buy [Limited] Avatars/Outfitters sets, makes me always happy each new clothes
    Without Tir, I haven't euros to pay, I'd like to have it so is easy to buy it :(
  • NekonomimiNekonomimi
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 16
    edited October 28, 2016
    187 said:

    Airtight has more to offer than what TIR does with the restrictions it has. Vindictus doesn't need another P2W system in this game.

    My apologies, with the hurry I forgot to add things to the actual explanation of how it works. I finished getting them ready now, so here you have them.

    And with the "restrictions" you say it has, it's not an issue if you have both airtight AND TIR. You also forgot something about those "restrictions" (or lack of).

    Airtight is limited to the items it covers. TIR can buy many of the things except some of those Airtight IS actually covering.
    When you try to talk about restrictions, you ought to talk about everything that matters about it, not just what is only of your convenience.

    Now I wonder. What has more to offer?
  • YukaniaYukania
    Vindictus Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 23
    Thank you for posting that "What Tir Coins can not buy" list, now I don't have to link it. This table was made with current EU market info and that Tir Coin list, if I got anything wrong, please send me a picture of the item in question.

  • YukaniaYukania
    Vindictus Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 23
    edited October 28, 2016
    187 said:

    Yukania said:

    Thank you for posting that "What Tir Coins can not buy" list, now I don't have to link it. This table was made with current EU market info and that Tir Coin list, if I got anything wrong, please send me a picture of the item in question.

    I read that list of yours and you forgot to add pre selected dye ampoules (clodagh and avatars).

    Outfits, Empty dye ampoules, pet food, pets, skill reset capsules (max, pure, minor), VIP, Fishing rods, novice badge, merc pots, character equips, pets, and scars are all given for free through Nexon events. Who really cares if these aren't included in airtight. Almost everyone in game including me will have these items sitting in our NX inventory collecting dust because events.

    Outfits from outfitter shop, name change coupons, premium market coupon, 7 day triumph medal box, and no path change coupons are the ones I see not being given out for free through event or through airtight items. If you want these items, just open your wallet and buy some NX. Name change coupon is free if you can provide a good reason to nexon support. You don't need premium market coupon when you can just list the price higher to off set the cost of the fee. 7 day triumph metal box if you're just impatient but do we need that many artifacts?

    I don't see any point of having TIR since we have Airtight system that has almost everything a player needs. Vindictus doesn't need another P2W system. You people should be thankful that Nexon introduced airtight items in our gacha boxes.
    Filled amps were not considered, same as megaphones, since they are aviable on market directly (or at least for NA)

    You wouldn't by chance mean given out in events like premium runes, normal runes, unbind pots, bath soap, perma enchant scroll coupon and skill awakening stuff, or?

    Anyway, just stating the facts here which I gathered since you said TIR Coins would be worse comparing to packaged stuff and others said the opposite. I gotta go to bed anyway as it is too late in EU time, have a nice evening.

    PS: god dammit, I hate this forum on mobile
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    I think having things like unbinds available to everyone is more important than a lot of the things TIR offers over airtight. But there's no reason why they couldn't just add things to what either system has available. End of the day they're doing pretty much the same thing except the airtight items are random.
  • DesireOfMineDesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    edited October 28, 2016
    Noburo said:

    I think having things like unbinds available to everyone is more important than a lot of the things TIR offers over airtight. But there's no reason why they couldn't just add things to what either system has available. End of the day they're doing pretty much the same thing except the airtight items are random.
    Yeap, generally it would be good to have both things available (airtight items + TIR), or just make all items available via TIR Coins - so there is no need for any other system. As you mentioned, TIRs are a fairly calculated exchange opposite to airtight items which you get randomly from boxes. This is also the reason why it has much bigger potential in getting rid of gold sellers, because the exchange of currency is direct, fair, and easy to calculate:
    1. Players know what and how much they get when they purchase NX to sell as TIR (while with airtight items it's pretty much gamble)
    2. They don't have to worry about issues with selling, since it's a universal currency which can buy the exact item depending on the needs (while with airtight items you may wait often much longer, because the items you got may not be in demand)

    It is also fair for buyers, because they don't have to rely on some overpriced items from market, just because sellers decided to put the price higher due to increased demand.

    Saygo said:

    Well it seems like this topic is taking a turn for the worst. The Vindictus team is all about a healthy discussion but we will not hesitate to close the thread if
    1) no new information is being shared
    2) comments are just about taking shot at one another
    Everything is fine... take it easy ; ) (and don't close this thread same as the last one, unless you plan to make it sticky at the same time according to our request ^^). More NA players should get to know about existence of this system.

    Btw. i have a question, or rather concern.
    So... the thing is that in EU server, people got use to selling NX via gift/etc. since it was always allowed (which is good)... and even tho you provide new 'terms and conditions' that people have to accept before transfer of their account - we all know very well that 99% of people don't even read it.
    So the situation which you can expect to happen, is that people will keep selling NX via gift (sending megaphones to sell, etc.) without being aware that it's not allowed according to your rules. How are you planning to deal with this kind of situations? Because personally i hope you won't start to ban everybody, since most of them won't be aware that such transactions are no longer legal after merge... so it's not like they would intend to break some rules or cause any harm.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Airtight definitely offers a better variety of items, but it would be nice if it weren't all random, and if the outfitter exchange tokens could be sold/traded. Definitely better than before by a mile, though.
  • KiruaKirua
    Vindictus Rep: 1,330
    Posts: 40
    @187 You sound so egoist, even the NA community wants Tir coins but you don't like/want them simply cause you don't need them, cute.
  • KiruaKirua
    Vindictus Rep: 1,330
    Posts: 40
    187 said:

    Kirua said:

    @187 You sound so egoist, even the NA community wants Tir coins but you don't like/want them simply cause you don't need them, cute.
    Its another P2W system which isn't needed in game. If there's no TIR in KR, then there's no TIR in NA. Isn't that how its always been for our server?
    Can you stop this comparison with KR and NA/EU please? There are different needs between our versions and theirs. At moment NA clearly has a PayToWin system and TirCoins system would make it more fair and players would really benefit/enjoy from it same as Nexon. Or do you think that people are always going to pay 32$ for a premium avatar? Also, EU had it already so I don't get why NA shouldn't implement it (and according to some player who has experience on coding it's a simple matter of 'on/off' a code or something like that aka something really easy to put in game) only cause KR doesn't have it, we haven't their fatigue system, remember? So I fix it for you.
    Do we really need something that can help to fight goldsellers/inflation and make people enjoy more this game through having a better access to premium contents? Yes we do.
  • LavonneLavonne
    Vindictus Rep: 1,645
    Posts: 96
    edited October 29, 2016
    What part of the two-lettered word "no" do people not understand? Let it go.
  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
    Yukania said:

    Thank you for posting that "What Tir Coins can not buy" list, now I don't have to link it. This table was made with current EU market info and that Tir Coin list, if I got anything wrong, please send me a picture of the item in question.

    I bought Permanent Shared Chest with Tir yes, does exist, add it list too ^^
    Is just time before they remove Tir

  • YukaniaYukania
    Vindictus Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 23
    Lavonne said:

    What part of the two-lettered word "no" do people not understand? Let it go.
    "No", we don't want to
  • DesireOfMineDesireOfMine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,650
    Posts: 70
    edited October 29, 2016
    187 said:

    Saygo or any forum moderator is never going to sticky your thread because it isn't important.
    You have quite an issue with responding to things which weren't even directed to you ^^. At the same time you form your sentences like you would speak for 'everyone', while so far the only support you have is your own (just a side note).

    If it wouldn't be important - it wouldn't gain so much attention from community.
    First topic had 39,000 views within 10 days.


    This thread is also gaining a lot of attention, and in both of them we have huge advantage of people who are in favour of having TIR Coins. Also from my observations, people who stay against, are just some spammers who repeat the same thing over and over without giving any actual arguments which would make any sense.

    There are also topics about TIR Coins on EU forums, which gained thousands of views quite rapidly, and in there literally 100% of our community wants to have TIR Coins. This shows how many people CARE about having it - and that's what makes it important.
    Service is good - when it's good for your client. If someone doesn't get it, then that person shouldn't take any business related decisions.

    I"ve added the links from previous topics, if someone doesn't know about them yet.

    Links to all previous threads related to this topic:
    LINK 1
    LINK 2
    LINK 3
    LINK 4
    LINK 5
    LINK 6

    Airtight definitely offers a better variety of items, but it would be nice if it weren't all random, and if the outfitter exchange tokens could be sold/traded. Definitely better than before by a mile, though.
    Yeah, best option would be to implement TIR Coins and make all NX items available by using them.
  • calmdownmatecalmdownmate
    Vindictus Rep: 315
    Posts: 4
    edited October 29, 2016
    187 said:

    there is no guarantee that it will work in our server.
    Not when there's people like you running around.

    Classic NA :ok_hand:
  • NekonomimiNekonomimi
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 16
    edited November 4, 2016
    When there's clearly ONE person being a troll in a discussion thread giving absolutely no real explanations about their point of view and untruthfully "representing" NA playerbase and getting away with it all the time, I really don't want to give any anymore about this "fantastic" NA community in general.

    Yes, sure there's good people around, but they seem to be eclipsed by the unlimited troll activity interestingly enough caused by 1 single person.

    @Saygo according to the so popular rules NA has, I'd have bet my kidneys there would have been a specific guy here that would've been dealt with already. You know who, we talked about it, but nothing is done with your so called "monitoring". But when someone else posts something 50% as bad as he does, there comes the post delete, the warnings and other things.
    187 said:

    We don't need another P2W system in our game. What we need is more content because this game is lacking content. You can't stop gold sellers because there's no way to doing that unless you remove player trading. ts.
    Here you go back to the already lost argument of "not needing" another p2w system. You have brought up that multiple times, you have lost that argument about p2w every single time, but you keep bringing up the same. I seriously don't know at this point how you learnt to type.

    I'm seriously done here, I can't be bothered anymore trying to argue with someone like you. There you have your win, as usual. I give up. Got it? I give up trying to discuss something with someone that to start with, never came to discuss anything.

    @Saygo again, it seems you'd probably delete this post, but I can't take it anymore. Do what you deem necessary, I give up trying to talk to that person. Delete it, edit it, cover it up so nobody sees it or leave it as it is, I don't care anymore personally. I'm done. Bye.