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For last few days I have been doing research on transformation changes that were introduced with December 2016 update in Korea. Here's what I have learned from various sources:
Brief summary of most significant changes:
- You will be able to transform more often, because transformation is now "charge"/"ammunition" based (can stack up to 3 transformation charges, but still limited to once per battle). Charges still refills with time.
- Abilities have significantly changed and moved to Path tab in Skills window. Auras, MAX HP, ATK/DEF and HP regeneration abilities has been removed. New abilities allow transformation to last longer and increase ATK CAP limit.
- There are no more transformation levels - they are replaced with TP, which works like AP. Your path levels will be transferred into TP, and You will be able to reassign them. You can max out every ability with a total of 80 000 TP. Presumably 1 EXP = 1 TP (1 level = 2000 TP).
- Other abilities are either unchanged or have slightly modified values. The stamina recovery ability in 2nd transformation recovers 60 stamina every 5 seconds when maxed. SP gain modifier ability seems to be weakened, since it probably gains +50% now instead of +90%, not to mention there's no additional ability with same functionality in 2nd transformation.
More into details:
Overall concept:
- Transformation does not have it's own levels any more. The progression You have made so far has been translated into TP (Transformation Points).
- Presumable 1 transformation EXP = 1 TP, which calculates to 2000 TP per level (80 000 TP on 40 level). Here's why I think so.
- Transformation abilities has been moved to Path tab in Skills window.
- The abilities are unlockable and upgradeable like normal skills, they just require TP instead.
- Obtaining TP works about the same as transformation experience previously on.
- Transformation is no longer available again at the beginning of new hour. Instead, with time points are generated, 100 of which are required to use transformation. You can have up to 300 points.
- Seemingly 1 point regenerates every minute.
- You can have up to 80 000 TP, which is enough to max every transformation ability.
- I don't know what happened to base stats provided by transformations, if anything.
Transformation abilities
- Aura abilities have been removed (certain amount of SP to every party member every moment for Paladin, certain amount of maximum stamina to every party member every moment for Dark Knight).
- Apparently the +300~900 STR/AGI/WIL/INT abilities have been removed.
- Apparently the +MAX HP abilities have been removed.
- Apparently the +ATK/DEF abilities have been removed. There's nothing that uses their icon.
- Apparently the HP regeneration ability has been removed. There's nothing that uses it's icon.
- New ability has been added, that uses old aura icon. It's located in second transformation and increases "Remove ATT limit" by 1800 on maximum level.
- New abilities has been added to increase transformation duration. They use the "Potential" and "Destiny" icons (+300~900 stats). There's one of them per transformation forms, each increasing the duration for this particular transformation only by 30 seconds when maxed.
- In addition to that, there's another ability that increases transformation duration on both forms when killing units. It grants extra 5 seconds of duration when maxed, but still cannot exceed some duration limit. HP icon (crow for DK, eagle/whatever for Pal) has been used for it.
- Fatigue ability (obtained SP modifier) has been modified. The tooltip displays "150%", so it's probably 150% (as in +50%) modifier. Assuming it's right, in an example You will get 15 SP instead of 10. Icon unchanged (shuriken for DK, eagle/pigeon/other bird for Pal)
- Stamina ability now grands 60 stamina every 5 seconds when maxed, instead of 8 per 5.
- Resistance to attacks (as in flinching) ability is unchanged - still grants +95% on maximum.
- Amount of projectiles ability (Firestorm & Divine Punishement) seems unchanged.
- Special ability on 2nd form (Fissure & Convinction) seems unchanged.
- Special ability improvement seems unchanged.
- I don't know what changes, if any, where made to the projectile ability (Steal & Grasp).
Note: These values has been taken from Dark Knight, but they are most likely the same for Paladin.
Compiled a list of the skills and points needed to max:

This is all what I managed to gather. I don't know if 2nd transformation form still requires 10 AP or uses TP instead. Guess what's important is already mentioned above. I don't know if Paladin abilities are identical, but they are likely to be, so the only differences would be visuals, projectiles and special ability, unless there are stats differences applied to the transformation itself, which I don't know.
I would appreciate up-votes if You found this useful, probably so do everyone else who spends a bit of time trying to share wide amount of information, possibly well-presented.
Source highlights:
Note: I don't take any responsibility for possible threats that may lie within the source links.

and 13 others.
Old "Destiny" → Passion II (30 sec)
Old HP → Passion (no number) (+5 sec per unit killed)
I think it was mentioned on one of the streams, but no details. Presumably the same. Either way it should be faster in the end, since You can stack up to 3 charges.
300 points regenerates in 5 hours and allows 3 trans, we can trans 5 times now during those 5 hours.
if we run out of points we will have to wait 1 hour and 40 mins in order to stack 100 points again.
unless there are other ways to gain them or the numbers involved are different.
these are theoretical considerations, indipendent from "git gud, you don't need to trans that often" way of thinking.
Assuming it's indeed 1 point per minute and nothing else, players who play all day long will level it slower, while people who play just few hours will possibly level faster. What's most important about this change is that You don't have to look at clock any more to plan out how and if to use transformation, and can use all charges during one raid-train where it's needed most.
First off: 1 transformation level = 2000 EXP, so 40 levels = 80000 EXP.
I assumed that they probably calculated it 1 EXP : 1 TP (therefore 1 lv = 2000 TP), or alternatively half of it (so 1 lv = 1000 TP).
AFKmighty had 36 298 TP on test server, but I had nothing to compare it with. Now what I came up with is I digged up his previous stream (Naemhain), as I remembered he opened Character window. In there we can see he has 17 level, and as far I know he didn't play the game much since. 17 level translates to 34 000 TP, which is pretty close to the other number. Conclusion? He transformed several times throughout the time, gaining one level of transformation (18) and 298 EXP.
I think it's safe to conclude 1 EXP translates to 1 TP, which simultaneously means 1 level = 2000 TP. Can't be sure though. Updated main post.
This bad habit on pushing everything to lv90 is what kills this game, seriously. Makes me think of Flyff and I know how it ended up..
frogtoad? It always felt off for me and too early in the story.Simply put, it can be unlocked past 90 in "Path" skill tab, or it works somehow else? There should be a quest for it in my opinion, tied to story (ie: becoming the new hero after conquering Lugh)
Usualy by the time you can get 2nd trans you will likly be lv90+ anyway, but theres goes my dream of making my lv 60 fiona having lv40 trans ):
@Gewellirious No one is trans2 by the time they hit 90 anyway so it doesn't matter anymore.
actually, 3/14 chars of mine are lvl 90, only 4 AP maxed, 6 under lvl 80, 12 with lvl 40 trans, that is almost all of them.
that's because when i played a new char, i used to play a couple of hours at day but leave the game running the whole day just for trans.
maybe i am strange, but i'm sure i'm not the only one that used to do that, this results in having maxed trans way before reaching lvl 90.
so yeah, it is not unusual to have lvl 40 trans before the level cap (years before the AP cap...), at the contrary for me and for ppl like me it is the norm.
In todays age it actually is unusual since a lot of people realize that Trans is kinda...useless with the current content. It's rarely used nowadays especially if you are one of those players that are good enough without it. Then again those players don't really hardcore level trans since it's just kinda there xD
If that's how you want to look at it then yes. However that's not what Im even saying. I know players that aren't all that great and just don't really use Trans tbh. That's how forgotten it is tbh. Back when it first came out it actually benefitted ALOT. Now tbh even in Dullahan on KR it's just used as a last resort. Only benefit is you get HP back. That's how everyone treats transformation now.
People been asking me if they can go through a normal battle / dungeon on one transformation, using the extended time by 5 seconds on mob kill. I am uncertain how to understand the "cannot exceed maximum transformation time" - it's either it can't have more than in example 3 minutes on the counter, or cannot exceed some total time. In first scenario killing all mob as soon as possible is unbeneficial, while in the second killing one every 5 seconds can theoretically extend it indefinitely (as long there is something to kill). Mind explaining the mechanism?
People used to make use of trans a lot more because of all the extra attack it adds, or the superarmor/extra def to go yolo.. In today's game, with how easy it is to reach the attack cap, that benefit is mostly moot. You'll hit the cap (or quit) long before you gain a bunch of trans levels. Fights that could use extra attack like neam/royal raids/nifl have trans disabled altogether. S3 bosses do so much dmg that the def gains from pala does very little, and will probably get you killed when trans expires if you needed that def in the first place.
Pretty much the only time I used trans in the past year is to skip miur's minigame.