I guess we are all asking ourselves how to farm money in this game? Ye, I was asking myself that same question too and I tried to make different aspect of looking on that. So I decided do check all prices of items to see whats best to farm. Here comes my look :
Amethyst/Peridot belt : 2,5 - 3kk
Crescent Moonlight / Thunder ring : 450k- 1kk
Ocean depths monster- Crescent announcement ring: 3-4kk
Ruby/Emerald belt :250k
Level 90 weaps 3 star : 400-1kk
Main core : 2-3kk
Keen/Stable/Lightweight/Perfect/Smooth stone fragments :rarely people buy them because you can get them for seals of bravery or triumph medals
NEW BELTS : from 14kk to 17kk
Copper bracelet: 500k- 3kk ( depends on how much in shop is currently)
Innocent cry/ tear: 10-15kk
Weapons level 80-70 etc - price is from 150k to 1kk
Armor levle 90 3 star: same like Weapons level 90 3 star, even lower
Scrolls Rank7/8/9 : From 3kk to 20kk( 20kk if perma)
You see? Pretty sad picture of our reality in Vindictus. When you look better at these items I mentioned ( I didnt mention Blue/ white cat brooch because u need 50 shiny for them) you can see that these items are most rare drops from raids/dungeons so you basically cant get them easy to make money. We got new ULTRA HARD raid Neamhain godess and it was really hard to do it. People had to pay ( and they are still paying ) 10kk FOR A SINGLE RUN. Few people came up to a mind to take money from already poor players because they cant get money. Its sad picture to watch how some people take that money to ,,carry them,, . Maybe you think we should all carry people in vindi for money so we could earn it ??? Do we have to do that?
What happened to Season 2 maps like CMI, Ship graveyard, Desert, Moonlight peak, misty summit? Why nobody play CMI or ship or desert ? So game is back to state where we can play only raids on lvl 90 ( only Season 3 raids ) few Niflheim and thats it ? So What about other items in this game ? They cost like 2-3 k and its useless to farm them.
On the road about my question, i lost my way. Everything seems darker now. Why there is not a light at the end of some tunnel ? Is it possible that game will be fully pay to have money ? What about people who have weaponsmithing ( like me for example) ? I cant earn anything from that talent and I have spent almost 50kk to max it. What about Gold smithing or armorsmithing ? Why is everything so dead ? There is no passion in players to play maps to make items and be happy . Guess the word ,,HAPPY,, doesnt exist anymore in this game.
After Neamhain we got Migration with NA and Australia, and the expectations were very high , but reality so low. Its okay about that combt system, running system, no XE, jump etc. There is no single good thing in this . Prices still the same and what are you doing by that - giving +11 free runes, phoenix wings, premium enchant rune foir Brynn and teddy bear. Where are adjustments ? How do you expect from players to earn some money when repair costs us 200k ( in most cases).
While I was thinking about this problem for months I came up to mind for an idea. You should put some ,,line,, like minimum price of item that can be put in marketplace. This is important thing because Economy of Vindictus is only going down and down, no raising of prices. It would raise prices, and people would know FOR WHAT they are playing that map ( CMI or Desert or Lionotus, doesnt matter) . That would increase the selling of season 1,2,3 items and also motivate players to play that maps , not only Season 3 . With putting limitations to minimum price of some items, people couldn't sell that item under price just because they want money now and immediately and prices couldn't fall.
Making Gold Merchant : A Story or non story guy who will have prices for any valuable item in this game , so if people cant sell it on market place or they want fast money or their scroll is going to expire, they can sell it for price that is at merchant for how much is that item ordered. So that could also help in Vindictus Economy and no more pain about prices and poverty.
Message: THIS TERROR MUST COME TO AN END ! Lets make Vindictus better place like it should be, dont let it go down !

There is not a single place in Vindictus where you can farm at for a few hours a day and in a year make 10 bil gold or something.
All everyone ever says is you farm items to sell items for gold.
Who do you sell these items to?
You sell it to other players.
How did other players make gold?
They farm for items and sell the items to other players to make gold.
So if everyone is farming items to sell to other players for gold, where is the gold coming from?
The sick truth of it is that gold botters/gold farmers keep the economy inflated with billions of gold.
And the more sickening truth of it is that Nexon has no problems with this considering how the game's internal economy worked.
It was just recently that they cut repair costs by half. Before that it was like this.
-You do a raid and gain +10k gold.
-Repair costs after the raid was -12k gold.
-You do another raid and gain +13k gold.
-Repair costs after the raid was -18k gold.
There was NO WAY for anyone to be gaining positive gold after a raid.
This meant that the only way to generate a positive net of gold was to do the raids wearing no armor or really low level armor.
That way you gain 10k gold and your repair costs were 3k gold. So you end up with +7k gold at the end.
But even then how many raids would you need to even get 100mil?
14286 raids.
I don't think I've done 3000 raids in 3 years.
That's how Vindictus is.
Yet people are saying they can easily make billions of gold? And no one that I ask will actually admit to not knowing how to generate pure gold in the game.
It's a sickening thing that has really turned me away from Vindictus. And there is no easy fix for it.
Not sure about NA, and other servers but in EU +sad +rip Contamination in the deep battle with kick mission gives 100k gold so +sigh
PS let Latvia play +fight
So no. Be glad we do not have NA prices. +15 weapon costs 2x more than max amount of money Anemoi (?) ever had.
They should adjust material combination prices though.
I've been playing Vindictus for over 6 years now complaining about the repair costs and the fact that gold inflation from gold botters is killing the economy.
FOR YEARS I have complained about this.
Only just recently did they finally reduce the repair costs.
After 6 years.
After me complaining and complaining about it for years.
Repair cost reduction.
That's it. Nothing else done about anything concerning the gold generation in this game. Nexon literally doesn't care about you or me or its playerbase so long as it can make money.
Having a minimum price means that - just like in real economies - there is float to resources and distribution that isn't dependent on acute forces. If prices drop, then the whole market can be bought out, or people will refuse to sell, and you will not be able to access goods that may even be commonly available. Maintaining a minimum means that people progressively selling lower cannot reduce the monetary value of something which has a significant value based on the time/effort required to collect it.
And having a NPC salesman giving a quantified price, or (preferably) just something that is a proportion of the minimum float price of an item on the marketplace means that otherwise unsold items can continue to inject money into the economy. The problem is, is that every time you buy something off of an NPC, that money is no longer in the system - money fundamentally has to come from somewhere, and its from drops, quests and selling to NPCs, and as long as that is strong and dependable, then prices and people having money available is dependable. And no @Melnaa, that won't mean everyone has billions.
If both of these systems were to be used in tandem, then the float prices would stop people selling to the NPC, but the constant availability and sales of items would make them go for the marketplace over that NPC.
Like you say [b[@Cessa[/b], repair costs significantly sap the money rewards you can get from quests and raids, as they end up having to pay for repair costs unless you decide to opt for cheap gear. And no one wants to opt for Season of Macha x2 just to save some money, you do easily as it is. Fundamentally, there are money sinks, and they need to be overcome with systems that provide stability.
We need to take this to some higher people at Nexon/DevCat if possible.
You clearly haven't played enough then
I may not have been entirely clear on that one. It's pure 1kk after repairs.
If your idea that the only way to make gold in the game is to run high-level raids hoping for rare drops, then yeah you're gonna have a bad time. Statistically, over time, you will make decent money, but you can go long stretches with nothing.
I make plenty of money to get by. If I sold the materials I have of value, I'd be making loads of money, but I am a hoarder. Here's a few more CONSISTENT ways of earning gold in the game.
Godly/Heavenly/Paradise mats farming - There are some relatively short/quick runs in Ben Chenner or Berbhe that drop 1-4 Heavenly or Godly mats per run. The one I farm regularly drops an average of between 2.5 and 3. On NA West, Ore is 80-100k atm, and the others (Cloth, Leather, and Paradise Enhancements) are 200-250k on average. You can do 10 runs or more in about 2 hours and make ~5m. If you sell the purple shards -- or get an orange once in a while -- you'll do even better.
Dismantling for Power Infision - I regularly check the MP for gears I can dismantle to make Element Stones or Intermediate E Stones. Those sell for ~2m and ~5m respectively on NA West. People put up cheap gears on the MP all the time.
Market crafting - I routinely buy cheap Iron Ores off the MP, use my Weaponsmith to turn them into Fine Iron Ore, and sell the Fines at a profit. I also sell Superior HP Potions, Fine Tannin, etc. when I can find cheap base materials to make them.
Yeah, these methods might be smaller payouts, but they are steady income.
Just for the record, a discussion forum doesn't need filler, especially filler with ad hominem.
@Ekaterin so there are ways to make money, some of them more stable than others. I do use some of those strategies myself, so I know it can work, but you can blow that pretty quickly, especially if you have a talent like Armoursmithing or don't get good runs and have to pay for the repairs (I run with cheap gear often so I don't run at a loss).
What the problem is, is that its alright for a small collection of people do be using these other outlets, but it doesn't work for everyone (the supply of these resources on the Marketplace simply isn't high enough to meet the demands of the entire Vindictus community), so when you inspect other players, you can see that there are a small population of people with double >9 rank enchanted, >+10 enhanced weapons and all of the good accessories, but then you get a a large population of people with mismatched gear, stuff from one or two tiers below their level, etc.
Its not about teaching everyone how to get rich, because we all know how that turns out in real life; its about making earning money for the normal person able to earn money.
Do you (and anyone else reading this) agree with some of the systems mentioned in this forum, or do you think that for most people that there genuinely isn't any problem? Its not a viable strategy to go around and teach everyone these means to making money; t's alright that some of us do, but most people don't or can't as well, and they're the major target of these changes.
How do you generate gold then? Please, I'd love to be able to just goldfarm my way to 3bil gold again.
All of the ways you talked about there does not generate gold. It generates income through the gold made by other players. How do these other players generate their gold? Also, all of those methods does not provide steady income. It provides fluctuating income of a few tens to hundred thousands here and there. The only reliable one on there is the farming for S3 materials which can net you a tidy sum if you intend to run for 8+ hours a day. You can generate profit really well. But again, the gold you gain is from selling those materials to other players. Where do those players get that gold from?
For everyone doubting what I'm saying, put all of your gold onto a mule.
Then sell NOTHING. Don't sell any of your drops. Just play the game normally, save all of your drops.
See how much gold you make after you complete content.
I will tell you right now that if you are doing this with level 80+ gear when repair costs were normal before this previous patch, you would have 0 gold and after a bit all your armor and weapons will be broken and you have no gold to repair them. Even NPCing stuff for that piddly squat ~30k in a large haul wouldn't let you survive as your repair costs easily outstrip that.
The only way to maintain the repair costs then was to sell your items to other players for massive amounts of gold.
But again, if everyone is selling stuff to others for millions of gold, but no one is generating that gold, where does that gold come from?
After this reduction in repair costs now you MAY just MAYBE gain a bit of gold throughout the day as you do runs. But literally not enough to warrant 3+mil for shard upgrades at Dianan. Or 250mil for a weapon. You'd literally have to be playing the game for decades to solidly generate that kind of gold.
So, if no one can generate that gold on their own, where does that gold come from?
And if no one can generate that gold on their own, why is our repair costs and our items, and our NPC functions cost those amounts?
It's like Nexon literally knows about the gold inflation from gold botters and they're okay with it. They think the game should function on that gold inflation.
On one, hand, if we take bots out of the equation, the rich or high level/long term players are in need of certain materials to stay relevant to new content, and those who are up-and-coming fall into I-want-to-be there situation.
So, the poor or less fortunately farm, sell to the above, and gold, like water on the earth, is recycled.
One just has to watch the market, pay attention to events, consider story quest items, and farm accordingly. While this will not get you rich, per say, it can be sustaining and with prudence get you what you want... but spending frivolously, naturally, and very guilty of, can cause a sense of getting nowhere.
Of course, this is dependent, also, on the type of person you are; vanity versus substance, looks over capability, or both eventually - probably everyone wants this of course but the path to it, if not carefully planned, can break you early and discourage you from those goals.
As someone with only one account, one character I play always (sure I have a few storage characters), I find it incredibly easy to make gold, it just takes time and planning; this is my experience.
p.s. I'd like to point out that if there were quick and easy ways to make gold, things would be worse, I would imagine.
Dismantling for Power Infusion - I can often find Level 48-55 or 56-60 dropped gears for under 10k on the MP. Sometimes much less. Even with the dismantling fee (5k or 10k), as long as Elemental Catalysts or Magic Stones are above 20k, it is profitable to dismantle them, not even considering that you get Element Shards, Spirit Waters, or Lambent Powders fairly often. I'll pay even more for Cloth Armors because Lambent Powders are so expensive here. Also, on the day of or following the Red Dragon RR, Apocryphals can be found for ~200k, which 100% turn into Spirit Magic Powders (currently 600k+ here).
Yes, this is fairly low profit, but it adds up over time. And it's just one source of income. I find that having multiple methods of making money ensures that you can ride out any flooded markets from events, etc. I remember when the rare drops to craft lv 80 gear (Kraken Fang, Quintine Sand, etc.) sold for 100m each. Then the Seal Shop came out and destroyed that. The market for crafting <90 gear in general is pretty bad, and I mostly only craft cosmetic pieces for Armor Fusion.
Gold Bots have certainly contributed to ridiculous inflation. A +15 lv 90 weapon sells for ~1.5B here. I can't come close to affording that, but I can have gear 1-2 levels below top gear. So I don't have 28k-30k ATT like some people. We can't all be the best.