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So about that survey .. XE or Premiere...

Vindictus Rep: 625
Posts: 20
in Off Topic Discussion
If I recall correctly..
Didn't Nexon EU hold a SURVEY a while ago to ask its playerbase wether we wanted PREMIERE or stay with XE?

Didn't XE wint his survery??

I'm sorry but I dont find premiere enjoyable AT ALL.
On top of that we now end up paying more for Enchantment runes (2900 to 5500 nexon coins).

Why is this change good again other than its EASIER for them to handle the game??
How does this benefit the players at all..


  • hornywatermelonhornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited February 17, 2017
    This survey was held, like, 5 years ago? It's not relevant anymore.

    If you don't like prices for runes, don't buy them.

    If you don't like the game uninstall it and move on. It's that simple.
  • KuraiHotaruKuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Rep: 1,435
    Posts: 37
    edited February 17, 2017
    Yeah totally, give us the unsupported XE version, why in the world would we want a supported version that is in many ways more stable than XE!

    most XE people: OMAGASH no auto run, this game has become harder, i quit bye.
  • NovalitusNovalitus
    Vindictus Rep: 625
    Posts: 20
    edited February 17, 2017
    This survey was held, like, 5 years ago? It's not relevant anymore.

    If you don't like prices for runes, don't buy them.

    If you don't like the game uninstall it and move on. It's that simple.

    Only 3,5 years ago and you dont need to be such a ***** about it.
    Just because its several years ago doesnt mean the results should be disgarded.
    Its like saying ''Trump was elected a while ago now, let's ignore it and pick a different candidate now''

    I am sorry hon but your arguments dont make any sense at all, or lack of arguments actually.

    EU community got NOTHING good from this deal. We got increased cash shop prices and game features being taken AWAY.
    Now you could argue you dont use the jump or the combo system or whatever but fact is some people do and it was a nice EXTRA thing to have. Now I feel I am playing a dumbed down version of the game.
    Yeah totally, give us the unsupported XE version, why in the world would we want a supported version that is in many ways more stable than XE!

    most XE people: OMAGASH no auto run, this game has become harder, i quit bye.

    I dont care if the game is ''harder''. I care about having different options/features available so it becomes less boring.
    The XE version was stable enough for me really. Didnt have so many problems at all with it.
  • hornywatermelonhornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    edited February 17, 2017
    The survey was held under EU management which as of yesterday is no more. NA team has no obligation to respect the nearly 4 years old decision of a different management team.

    As for prices like I said in my previous post - you don't like them, don't buy anything. There were and most likely will be plenty of free giveaways.

    If you are so in love with buggy, unsupported by devs XE why not move to Chinese server? They're still playing XE version.
  • NovalitusNovalitus
    Vindictus Rep: 625
    Posts: 20
    The survey was held under EU management which as of yesterday is no more. NA team has no obligation to respect the nearly 4 years old decision of a different management team.

    As for prices like I said in my previous post - you don't like them, don't buy anything. There were and most likely will be plenty of free giveaways.

    If you are so in love with buggy, unsupported by devs XE why not move to Chinese server? They're still playing XE version.

    Thank you. Thast post was informative.
    I'll look into the chinese servers. Maybe they use the same symbols or have an english verison haha.
    Not buying any enchantment runes is not an option if you want to be good and not be carried. We just pay almost twice as much now..
    I cant believe you are not upset about that at least.

    I feel bad for the nexon EU team. They did work hard I believe and were sometimes in touch with the community.
    I dont see what there is to like about Premiere version other than the support which you wont notice as much at all.
  • V0lterixV0lterix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    Novalitus wrote: »
    Thank you. Thast post was informative.
    I'll look into the chinese servers. Maybe they use the same symbols or have an english verison haha.
    Not buying any enchantment runes is not an option if you want to be good and not be carried. We just pay almost twice as much now..
    I cant believe you are not upset about that at least.

    We're not upset because we had to pay 8900 NX forever. Avg NA/Aus player might acknowledge how it sucks for you, but that's all you're getting.
  • SirRFISirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    Survey took place long ago, and it doesn't matter since Nexon Europe is simply gone now.
  • RakushuRakushu
    Vindictus Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 159
    I actually stopped buying enchant runes a few years ago when I learned EU was paying a quarter for what NA players are paying
  • NovalitusNovalitus
    Vindictus Rep: 625
    Posts: 20
    edited February 17, 2017
    So because American players basically get buffed and cheaper cash shop items now its not a problem to former EU players?
    Im sorry so say but I honestly think the EU players are worse off.

    increased cash shop prices
    no jump
    no combo system
    no TIR coins
    no fast moving on Sylas.
    Running now stops stamina recovery

    how are all these good things?
    The only two things we got back are:

    evie heal and more ''supported'' server by Nexon.
  • MochiSweetMochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    its good thing because you can start playing the game from now on after years stuck in the tutorial.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    edited February 17, 2017
    increased cash shop prices -> yeah not a good move, but mind they somehow "balanced" prices for both NA/EU. I guess you can agree about picking Enchant runes for 5k or so NX instead of 8.900

    no jump -> absolutely not game changing. I did had some technics back then with jump as a Scythe player, but that's it, most of char's jump smash were useless except : Scythe = can "grab" the enemy with it.
    Spears/Swords Lann = could crit and give you a free glide, but why on Hell would you jump attack against a fast boss ? lol

    no combo system -> this one is definitely boring indeed, but it didn't evolve when the game was so, expect an unbalanced feature. (even if you people supposedly don't care about dps, yet whines that it was unbalanced lul)
    Not going any further as there is a thread about it already.

    no TIR coins -> this too, now I can't buy sets/cute hairs anymore :v

    no fast moving on Sylas -> irrelevant, and if you don't know about it : spam the sprint key to use twerk move to be faster.

    running now stops stamina recovery -> Berserker ES will be your friend.
  • Rena_RyuguRena_Ryugu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 35
    Everything is useless/irrelevant etc for you, lucky i already did my personal merge to another game
  • KenshinXKenshinX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 151
    Rena_Ryugu wrote: »
    Everything is useless/irrelevant etc for you, lucky i already did my personal merge to another game
    Good for you, gonna stop sharing that on other threads anytime soon though? You're becoming the next Inferius-whatever the name was.

    On topic:
    The survey was made a LONG time ago, it's not valid anymore.
    The jump always gets mentioned, it's A POINTLESS FEATURE. No one in their right mind used it.
    Enchant Rune price increase wasn't the best however it's ALOT better than paying 8,900 nx.

    Just because this change doesn't benefit you doesn't mean that it doesn't benefit others. Bow Kai for example is finally playable. Alot of bugs were fixed with the running system. The stamina part is your fault only, learn how to manage it before complaining.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Rena_Ryugu wrote: »
    Everything is useless/irrelevant etc for you, lucky i already did my personal merge to another game
    Yeah, your post is also useless/irrelevant for me then.

    Anyway, missing the combo bonus and the game would be perfect. Sprint is easy to manage since... you don't really need to always use it at all, thus why it barely impacts the game aside from making it "slow".
    The attack speed loss is also your imagination.
  • NovalitusNovalitus
    Vindictus Rep: 625
    Posts: 20
    Rena_Ryugu wrote: »
    Everything is useless/irrelevant etc for you, lucky i already did my personal merge to another game
    Yeah, your post is also useless/irrelevant for me then.

    Anyway, missing the combo bonus and the game would be perfect. Sprint is easy to manage since... you don't really need to always use it at all, thus why it barely impacts the game aside from making it "slow".
    The attack speed loss is also your imagination.

    Yeah its slow for sure..
    And the game is meant to be fast paced I thought.

  • AnthonytonyboyAnthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351
  • NephiliusNephilius
    Vindictus Rep: 410
    Posts: 5
    edited March 3, 2017
    Tbh pre version was frustrating at start i admit. But after while i realized that, prem feels kinda more realistic and the disappointment when you get hit at and lose all your combo at XE bothers you no more. Your damage is what it is all about and stable also. About no-auto swift; well it is not a significant problem while playing the game.

    Enchant runes were never extremely essential for me since i stock the runes given by events which is very often and use them on serious enchants. Same with enhance runes. Only thing still i cant comprehend is; the items that cant be gifted. Thts what i dont like bout prem rest is fine.

    PS: Sorry for Eu team after they work that hard?? Ermmm.....When did they work hard seriously?? Im a long time vindictus player and for a very long time gms were not givin a crap about anythin actually.
  • MadcobraMadcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    We were to fast on XE so they had to figure out something to slow us down . And there is this brilliant idea- lets give them extra button to run !!!