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Why remove Combo system from the game ?

Member Raymman
Vindictus Rep: 200
Posts: 2
edited February 16, 2017 in General Discussion
Out of curiosity why remove something that was working great ?


  • Member Hally
    Vindictus Rep: 1,985
    Posts: 245
    The regular game version never had it in the first place. EU is now simply the same as what all other servers get.
  • Member Raymman
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Is there any possibility we can petition the combo system back or something?
    It was one of the main aspects of the game i found most enjoyable.
  • Member Casurin
    Vindictus Rep: 690
    Posts: 22
    The Combo-system was part of the XE version.
    It was a great idea, rewarding those that play good, but a bit broken and imbalanced.
  • Member Controller001
    Vindictus Rep: 1,920
    Posts: 78
    PRE should get combo, but it should be revamped and istead of giving quite big damage boost should give more gold or exp or AP (something not game breaking)
  • Member Breadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    Why not instead of getting a damage buff, players get a damage reduction when they get hit and can only restore it with hitting things?
    I've always thought XE's combo bonus promoted non lazy play, but a free exquisite damage pot is just bonkers.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    They could maybe reintroduce the XE combat stuff after rebalancing it a bit, as a "groove" or "style". Something that can be toggled in town/on boat through the skills or character menu so you can have two different experiences going into battles.

    Like this:
    PREmiere mode: 100% base damage, no change from current PRE stuff.
    XtremE mode: 90% base damage, combo system and XE invuln moves enabled, up to 110% damage at full combo.

    I don't really like the combo system itself, but I like the design of having XE moves working as a sacrifice towards preserving combo, if that makes any sense. The animations for them are really cool too, it's sad to see them go unused now.
  • Member ReverieeNoComboBonus
    Vindictus Rep: 680
    Posts: 11
    edited February 16, 2017
    Increase boss HP by 50%, so good players who don't get hit will have the same clear time, while bad players will be slower and hopefully learn to play.
  • Member ERROR
    Vindictus Rep: 540
    Posts: 29
    edited February 16, 2017
    Increase boss HP by 50%, so good players who don't get hit will have the same clear time, while bad players will be slower and hopefully learn to play.

    This would just make the better characters even better lol (kai, evie)
  • Member Breadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    Increase boss HP by 50%, so good players who don't get hit will have the same clear time, while bad players will be slower and hopefully learn to play.

    Alternatively they could just reinstate the old def cap so people can't just shrug off hits.
  • Member Zuzuk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    broken af
  • Member LordAlucard
    Vindictus Rep: 880
    Posts: 29
    Great no we can suffer in game.
    Bring our combos back! Just undo the merge i don't see anything positive yet.

    A reason more to hate the US....
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    I guess you weren't aware that you were the only region still clinging the the broken combo system.
  • Member V0lterix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,555
    Posts: 144
    Great no we can suffer in game.
    Bring our combos back! Just undo the merge i don't see anything positive yet.

    A reason more to hate the US....

    As if the United States as a whole and its 300 million people collectively had anything to do with this merge. Complain about nexon, not an entire country.

  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    edited February 17, 2017
    KR has removed their XE for years and apparently Nexon KR don't bother to develop/support XE anymore, you should know this day will come eventually.
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    V0lterix wrote: »
    Great no we can suffer in game.
    Bring our combos back! Just undo the merge i don't see anything positive yet.

    A reason more to hate the US....

    As if the United States as a whole and its 300 million people collectively had anything to do with this merge. Complain about nexon, not an entire country.

    It was obviously the work of Trump and Russian spies.
  • Member Novu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,050
    Posts: 30
    The Chinese version of Vindictus still has combos and XE moves. The American version has always been the lame version. I really wish the migration went in the opposite direction. Shut down NA and move everyone to EU.
  • Member Aequipondium
    Vindictus Rep: 1,965
    Posts: 122
    edited February 17, 2017
    Novu wrote: »
    The Chinese version of Vindictus still has combos and XE moves.
    I don't believe this to be true.

    Also, we should shut down everyone and move everyone to KR. +yes

    EDIT: nvm, found out it's true lol.
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    Lol when we take up tribalistic attitudes when talking about a goddamn video game instead of rationally discussing merits of different game designs, you know the human race is f'ed. This is as retarded as sports fans arguing their team, which just COINCIDENTALLY is from the place they currently live, is better.