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Hey guys ! Where are you from ? I have a lithuanian friend who could play on eu servers before because he plays vindictus since beta version. But I have the feeling he won't be able to play anymore... Can someone tell us more about this, please ? Some people are confused and probably pissed at the moment so please some answers
Hello nexon! I'm really disappointed with you because you can't stay with your word about banned countries, that they could play with their old accounts after country ip block and now after few year break i could play with my account, but lots of my friends couldn't, and now after this update even i can't log in, because i'm from Lithuania. I've spent hours, and now when i'm at level 73, almost at finish i can't play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you even know how it's hard to leave this game after all these hours???? i'm not asking to unban my country to play freely for all, i'm just asking to make that all old account's could play it, that's all. Thanks for your attention, and i hope you will fix this mess.
Hello nexon! I'm really disappointed with you because you can't stay with your word about banned countries, that they could play with their old accounts after country ip block and now after few year break i could play with my account, but lots of my friends couldn't, and now after this update even i can't log in, because i'm from Lithuania. I've spent hours, and now when i'm at level 73, almost at finish i can't play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you even know how it's hard to leave this game after all these hours???? i'm not asking to unban my country to play freely for all, i'm just asking to make that all old account's could play it, that's all. Thanks for your attention, and i hope you will fix this mess.
Shhh tylos, nereikia kelti truksmo, dar ant visu uzbanintu saliu NA rustybe uztrauksi.
Reikia tiketis, kad NA darbuotojai viska sutvarkys, bet kaip matai pirmenybe "leistinoms" salims, kaip nedarlandams, o mes galim tik tiketis jog busim prideti prie saraso kuriame buvom EU prideti.
Edit: zinute is biletenio sako, jei salis nera sarase gali pamirsti apie zaidima ir laukti kol NEXON prides "tavo" saly prie saraso, net it tiems kurie zaide zaidima kelis metus...
some one ppl asked this question before merge in EU forum, GM answer we same like EU old players can play after merge,i hope its just bug or somthing and nexon fixed it.
If i understood the server is now online?
But i still get the message Game Launch Blocked
You are attempting to access from outside of our service area.
Ive uninstall the old EU downloaded fresh installation.
I am old player too and my account was created before the ip-block. You said those accounts which were created before ip-block will be able to play but seems not? I'm from Lithuania.
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
cant download the launcher or play and i am NA what happened played yesterday fine got on this morning got an error so i uninstalled went to reinstall and got this error?
It is in the list. Why it doesnt work f fs?
Which region?
Alright I see a few reports about people being blocked from that region, so I'm going to see who I can bug about that.
I saw it aswell. I already filled in a ticket aswell. Lets hope you guys can fix it for us asap. Core players wanna play bruuuh
Shhh tylos, nereikia kelti truksmo, dar ant visu uzbanintu saliu NA rustybe uztrauksi.
Reikia tiketis, kad NA darbuotojai viska sutvarkys, bet kaip matai pirmenybe "leistinoms" salims, kaip nedarlandams, o mes galim tik tiketis jog busim prideti prie saraso kuriame buvom EU prideti.
Edit: zinute is biletenio sako, jei salis nera sarase gali pamirsti apie zaidima ir laukti kol NEXON prides "tavo" saly prie saraso, net it tiems kurie zaide zaidima kelis metus...
Also from that region several friends and my have the same issue o/ anyway to fix or solve it?
If i understood the server is now online?
But i still get the message
Game Launch Blocked
You are attempting to access from outside of our service area.
Ive uninstall the old EU downloaded fresh installation.
Im also from the Netherlands
but am guessing that it will take some time untill they fix it so lets hope it will work tomorow
Lots of love for fixing this
Thank you for posting!
Everyone else from that region please post if you still have issues.
I do hope this issue will be reconsidered, because quite a lot of people used to play despite this.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
cant download the launcher or play and i am NA what happened played yesterday fine got on this morning got an error so i uninstalled went to reinstall and got this error?