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Being forced to host your story raids
Players completing their story missions shouldn't be forced to host raids. This is one of many walls blocking new and even some long term players from reaching endgame. Everyone is aware that this game is terribly optimized and the PC specs needed to play this game period without having major issues is troublesome enough. The toll it has on your computer while hosting is a whole different story, however, and this only frustrates the person getting their missions done and the people running under them. I've duo'd with too many people pleading for hosts since their computers can't handle hosting a full party of 8 which the game inclines you to believe you need relatively early on.
I understand the devs are trying to avoid giving players access to these raids too many times but they could at least make it so that if invite the person who needs the story quest finished to your party you could host the mission for them. Or figure out some other solution that doesn't stop players in their tracks when all of a sudden they need the assistance of 5+ other people that they simply can't accommodate since this game doesn't even run smoothly on top of the line computers let alone on the average computer of majority of the MMO playing demographic.
For NA, it took 6 months after the first introduction of easy mode (Season 1 and 2) before they gave us the Muir easy mode. I think we'll be getting S3 Ch1 easy modes in the coming months, but you'll still be stuck at Lochlann Plains.
That should be the solution...but certainly for me and a lot of other people I've seen use Multi in a real party (it seems to work fine while solo), the option immediately starts causing crashing and loading issues which just makes 'trains' a nightmare to do and even single runs can be problematic.
I've hosted S1 and S2 on a regular basis without issues, but S3 is awful. I can't imagine how bad it must be for someone with worse hardware/internet to try and do these (I'm sure dogging 'red attacks' at 1 fps must be fun...).
Going to Lakoria? 4 boats up, take your pick of which one to join.
Not feeling it? Go to Iset then, 5 boats up. Decide you don't want to deal with staff to face? Go to Lavasat, 3 boats up.
When Lavasat, Druid, and Crom came out there were endless boats rotating for them.
Abomination and Eochaid came out and I couldn't even find a boat for them at 6pm on a Thursday evening.
It's not a lack of hosts that drove the game into the ground. It's the stupid enhancements breaking your only weapon and destroying 450 hours of gameplay that made people ragequit this game. If you let people keep their weapons and made it so that they will always be able to enhance their weapon so long as they played they would stay, they would host boats, and players like yourselves that are unable to host your own boats would be able to join them.
Now you go to the Quick Battle and only ONE raid is being done. If it's not one you want to do and you can't host then I guess you better solo or you're not raiding today.
Easy Mode Season 3 (All Season 3 content except raids) came with KR's Season 3 Chapter 2, Ep 3. It will be awhile before we get that content.
Yeah, the easier thing to do is to just let players create any boat so long as they have done the mission for it.
Host story Kraken, then host normal Kraken.
Why are we locked out of being able to host story Kraken after we have completed that part of the story?
Only benefit I can see for Nexon is that they want people to buy VIP/VVIP from the shop to be able to run a raid twice.
But that's stupid because people can't host raids due to their computer/internet and when they can't progress in a story point or find it too difficult to be worth the time and effort to progress they just quit the game altogether.
I dont even know how devcat managed to it up so hard. s1 didnt have story specific battles, so there was no such problem. Needed help for giant? Just join a regular giant boat that anyone can host without needing the quest active. Everyone was 100% fine with this.
I thought they had learned their lesson when Annwyn came out and there were no story versions of the raids, but then they went right back to having story raids again for s3. The only reason there's no Abomination story battle is that he isn't part of the main quests in the first place, not sure about Dullahan yet but I'm hoping he's the same.
Great, so basically players will get EM for the content they need the least amount of help with..../sigh. The thing that really baffles me is how DevCat manages to make each season run significantly worse than the last from a performance standpoint, shouldn't it be the other way around? I guess if nothing else, it teaches us how much nonsense a player will put up with for a great combat system / dress up simulator - a lot apparently.
The inconsistency is probably the result of different directors and/or at least one of them being retarded.
Its not an issue in KR because they all have insanely fast fiber optic internet, but its an issue in other regions.
You know another dumb thing s3 has? The story battles. Autumn reed bed drops no cores most of the time, glowing plant drops 2 cores standard on hard mode. They have no oaths, no bonus missions, less gold/xp per map and only give you a flat 20 ap per battle. They couldn't even be bothered to give the same amount of AP as s1 battles (50 for the final boss of an area, etc). Summit and beyond all have ZERO ore and luminary spots, which makes them even less attractive to run (so even harder for new players to get help with quests). And i think they are going to remove all ore/luminaries from BCE/Trailhead quests as well.
You need todo a certain raid for the story? Well then go join the needed raid. the story dialog/cut scene will pop up after the battle.
Then we wouldn't have so many people having to duo or forced to host a extremely laggy party because the PC and or internet cant handle it. Why they came out with Story pacific raids that you can only do Once. and never host again is beyond me. and frankly rather stupid
Then in the battle when Eochaid down to 5 bars. they kicked my Lynn. I was seriously considering restart the battle, or do a /leave when Eochaid die so I can take everything, but sadly I'm not that big of a jerk.
I wish they could just remove the story raid, or introducing something alike to Neamhain's passport, when a character need the story raid can just send that passport to someone else and have it hosted for them.
Typical adsl/cable connections dont have a upload high enough to host 8. Most people on ADSL2+ here have an upload of about 1 mbps or lower, which can let you host about 5-6, maybe 7 with spikes.
I don't mean to be rude and my pc doesnt run this game well also but who else is suppose run your story missions if not you.