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Hi, I just wanted to share some random videos of memories/boss/map glitches that I've made.
Some of my favorite memories in this game are usually when things go wrong. Lol
So here we go, Video #1!
So, it started off innocently. Everyone was at their stations, taking on the Kraken and it all was going smoothily ... until the tentacles came. The front left tent was grabbed but was freed easily ... however, the same could not be said for the front right tent. The tentacle flew over the Hurk's head and tried to grab him. Out of reflex, the Hurk deflected it ... Unfortunately, the tent whipped back around and grabbed our front right tent and took him on a rodeo ride. xD
Hope he's not too dizzy.

I have more videos in my folders but I will upload them all later on whenever I get around to it.
I may occassionally upload some fancreated videos or solos too. Who knows.
Feel free to drop a comment or say hi! Hope you guys enjoy.
soobscribesA-as long as you don't look at my cringe-inducing soloes. I'm good. /embarrassed o///o;;;
[Vindictus Glitch #3] Juggernaut is tired of my BS and won't come down to let me throw balls at his face.
( lurks your cringe-inducing solo videos )
I really should get off of my lazy butt and redo some of my solos >.>;;; ....... nah, too lazy.