[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.
Sounds kind of how the one time restoration was handled before. It was under the table as well until it was brought out on the forums, but at least with that those who asked were given that benefit. It's a policy that wasn't made clear as being available to anyone who made the purchases, and I certainly wouldn't feel great if I'd spent cash and not been made aware of it. I can understand you not seeing it as a big deal, though, since you benefited from it, but I doubt those who knew nothing of it will feel the same. If you feel it's a slight it's fine, but you really seem to have trouble seeing things from more than one perspective.
I do get where you are coming from, its not like I haven't been on the other side though. But I just learned to file a ticket when I feel something is a little too unfair to the player, like getting a set you can't use or trade from a $5 box, the worst that could happen is they say no.
Don't see why you consider it under the table though, its not like it was being hidden, no one removed the posts telling others to file tickets or anything like that. I actually told people to try filing tickets before I even knew an exception was being made and when I saw that there was one and what sort of trades players were getting for the sets I tried telling even more people to try.
Okay but you guys could have made an announcement regarding that so people that don't frequent the forums will know. It's not the players' fault for not knowing. This is almost the same case as when you made a unlisted change to the 2nd booming restoration. It happened but no one knew about it so players got shafted. Only in that case, the admins made it right.
Okay but you guys could have made an announcement regarding that so people that don't frequent the forums will know. It's not the players' fault for not knowing. This is almost the same case as when you made a unlisted change to the 2nd booming restoration. It happened but no one knew about it so players got shafted. Only in that case, the admins made it right.
---- I am just a player... please no "You guys"
I don't get why you think its someone's "fault" its not like there is anything anyone did wrong, normally you would keep the items, and its not like this was some change nor was the boom thing a change either, its the GMs being nice. Like if you heard a store made an exception for your friend because they were a week or so late to return an item after the holidays (because they know its busy during that time of the year) and you went in trying to return something later on that year and they won't make the same exception, its no ones fault its just the clerk during the holidays was being nice and was able to make an exception due to the circumstances.
That being said, I find the 2nd boom restoration a really interesting case to bring up, because its almost the opposite; since the GMs were nice, players didn't like that they were and thus they couldn't make the same exception afterwards. Prior to players calling it an exploit, everyone was allowed to get up to 3 weapons restores per account, however now they only give 1 and require the materials returned to the player after the boom, so I'm not sure what you mean about admins making it right. Also it wasn't a change, just GMs being nice because they know the enhancement system is punishing and they would get players saying the items glitched and they meant to enhance another item or some other reason why they didn't mean to blow up the item.
It's a policy that wasn't made clear as being available to anyone who made the purchases, .
I just realized you said this. It wasn't something like that though, its an exception, like when a store tells you, you have 30 days to return an item unless you want store credit, but they take it back on the 36th day and give you your cash.
Literally, no one knew that was possible and then they suddenly started doing it. It's the same case as the weapon restoration. I was one of the many people who went in asking for a second restore after booming my weapon the 2nd time. I was refused and then later, I found out that they were doing it for other players. My guildie was given a 2nd restore and I was refused. I don't know why. This is literally the same case except people were refused because the event was over. I was one of those people.
"you have 30 days to return an item unless you want store credit, but they take it back on the 36th day and give you your cash." The receipt literally tells you about this policy though. Where's the policy that tells you that we can make exchanges if we are stuck with gender locked outfitters?
"its not like this was some change nor was the boom thing a change either, its the GMs being nice." No. The GMs weren't being nice. They were being reasonable. They forgot to list the 2nd booming change and then apologized and made amends to those that were affected by it. I was also one of those people. They were reasonable enough to know that this was on their end and they made it right on my end. All I'm asking is, if they are going to do exchanges for people, let the rest of the community know lol.
Lastly, "Like if you heard a store made an exception for a friend because they were a week or so late to return an item after the holidays (because they know its busy during that time of the year) and you went in trying to return something later on that year and they won't make the same exception, its no ones fault its just the clerk during the holidays was being nice and was able to make an exception due to the circumstances."
Lol so you mean they only make certain exceptions to special players? That's good to know. Also great job on blaming the players for "trying to return something later on that year." Like anyone knew we could make exchanges when people were literally refused before. I recall an Evie(?) on the forums trying to exchange a Keaghan set cause she only had an Evie and was refused. People were refused before so how are we supposed to know that it was possible?
"you have 30 days to return an item unless you want store credit, but they take it back on the 36th day and give you your cash." The receipt literally tells you about this policy though. Where's the policy that tells you that we can make exchanges if we are stuck with gender locked outfitters?
The exchange for other sets is the exception, the receipt doesn't tell you come after 30 days and maybe we'll help you. The normal policy is no exchanges or refunds, like it says in the TOS and what they tell you when you file a ticket now, but for a very short window of time they made an exception to anyone that was upset enough to make a ticket or go on forums to complain (and find out about it from others).
"its not like this was some change nor was the boom thing a change either, its the GMs being nice." No. The GMs weren't being nice. They were being reasonable. They forgot to list the 2nd booming change and then apologized and made amends to those that were affected by it. I was also one of those people. They were reasonable enough to know that this was on their end and they made it right on my end. All I'm asking is, if they are going to do exchanges for people, let the rest of the community know lol.
No they were being nice, they could have just kept saying "No" to everyone. Yes things did change, but its not a their end/your end kind of deal. They opted to be nice and because of that you were able to take benefit from it. Like if you go to a store that wouldn't let you sample things beforehand and then decided to let people sample things if they asked afterwards.
Lastly, "Like if you heard a store made an exception for a friend because they were a week or so late to return an item after the holidays (because they know its busy during that time of the year) and you went in trying to return something later on that year and they won't make the same exception, its no ones fault its just the clerk during the holidays was being nice and was able to make an exception due to the circumstances."
Lol so you mean they only make certain exceptions to special players? That's good to know. Also great job on blaming the players for "trying to return something later on that year." Like anyone knew we could make exchanges when people were literally refused before. I recall an Evie(?) on the forums trying to exchange a Keaghan set cause she only had an Evie and was refused. People were refused before so how are we supposed to know that it was possible?
When I said friend, I mean your friend not the friend of the store or clerk. In other words, you heard that they made an exception from someone you know and trust.
That was a different gachapon though, with a much lower price point.
With all the past drama, I really don't feel like any of you can be trusted with what you say anymore. The mods seem to constantly make claims for Nexon that can sometimes be blatantly wrong.
I'd honestly rather have people that just moderate posts than try and actively participate in discussion and inflame the community in the process.
@Manhwa Spent zero dollars on it because you can buy airtight items off at marketplace.
Fo real, this.
@Dealer I am just a player... please no "You guys"
We really just need some new forum mods. With all the past drama, I really don't feel like any of you can be trusted with what you say anymore. The mods seem to constantly make claims for Nexon that can sometimes be blatantly wrong. I'd honestly rather have people that just moderate posts than try and actively participate in discussion and inflame the community in the process. @Dealer I am just a player... please no "You guys" XD
----- I am not Nexon and I am not making claims for Nexon.
I am a player first though, so its a little much to say I can't post at all.
Anyways back on topic please...
Bought $150 of gacha, got pets but no Female sets . I will probably buy enough to get the 400 tickets, but I'm also not a fan of that amount of tickets since even though the gachas are cheaper the 1 ticket per box makes the price seem high, especially for the seafarer sets.
@Dealer I am not Nexon and I am not making claims for Nexon.
You make claims constantly for Nexon though, more like assumptions, but you're certainly not "just" a player. In one of the previous log in events, you or another mod made a statement that it was alright to log off (or something to that effect) which ended up being the wrong thing to do. The players were compensated iirc, but it's not your place to come in and try and speak for Nexon on their behalf.
The mods constantly inflame forum users by coming into posts like these and thoughtlessly defending Nexon, or spreading misinformation when only Nexon should be releasing information. The fact that you think you can call yourself "just a player" and run around doing these things is just insulting.
Please, you yourself are derailing this thread, stop posting and just moderate posts, or ban yourself and take a break. It's not your job to answer for Nexon, all your posts only serve to egg these other posters on.
That log in event was different. That I got something to copy/paste from someone else, but it didn't work out and since then I don't copy paste what they send me anymore, we now have CMs for that anyways.
Also I only came in to talk about my gacha luck and I did tell the OP that the exception would probably not be made for these gachapons since its a different case and not to get their hopes up when they posted about it. Someone did file a ticket about doing an exchange with these gachapons and as it turns out they are not making the same exception like I had thought. But everything I've posted is the same as another player, if not then please PM me where I've acted like something else?
Also yes, it has derailed and I am sorry for that. So that is why I posted something on topic.
"They opted to be nice and because of that you were able to take advantage of it."
Lol...man. Idk who hurt you but you must see us as entitled to think that getting a reasonable response from nexon is seen as taking an advantage of it...
-nexon: *makes a unlisted change* -players: hey nexon, you didn't tell us about the change but we broke the weapon. We don't think this is fair. -nexon: *makes a post and apologizes and restores weapons* -someone: stop taking advantage of Nexon
-player: hey, I only have female characters but I got a Keaghan outfitter. Can you exchange it? -nexon: no Later -player: hey, I got the same Keaghan outfitter. Can I exchange it? -nexon: ok -someone: ummm you should have asked because I would have :-/
Soyu, at this point we are really derailing things, if you want to continue just private message me.
That is also definitely not what I meant by take advantage, more like benefited from the change, anyways I'll change my wording on those two things. Also pm me this post please because I remember the post being a little different than how you're talking about it. Off topic-- Though in general I like the fact that they were nice about both of those cases, I dislike that players made the restoration thing seem like a bad thing and I'm glad they still have some method of restoration through the ticket system, even if I haven't used it myself. So you're actually really off on what that "someone" is saying in both cases.
Anyone else that wants to continue this topic please pm instead of respond to the thread.
SO, Back on topic..... Thought ill share my rewards because the RNG in this game is the best in the world. Roughly $160 spent so about 176 boxes I believe. Absolutely junk. The only thing worth noting was ONE Premium Enhancement Rune, and about 15 pure black and white dyes, both avatar and regular. Maybe 100m (on east) worth of junk if i'm able to sell everything.
What really bugs me is that a friend opens 15 and gets about almost every new outfitter and the pets.
-Side note: New forums makes my profile look like a noob again +cry (lol)
SO, Back on topic..... Thought ill share my rewards because the RNG in this game is the best in the world. Roughly $160 spent so about 176 boxes I believe. Absolutely junk. The only thing worth noting was ONE Premium Enhancement Rune, and about 15 pure black and white dyes, both avatar and regular. Maybe 100m (on east) worth of junk if i'm able to sell everything.
What really bugs me is that a friend opens 15 and gets about almost every new outfitter and the pets.
-Side note: New forums makes my profile look like a noob again +cry (lol)
omg there's still a person with worse luck than me, life is worth living again if you're on west I'd love to come and give you a hug,
SO, Back on topic..... Thought ill share my rewards because the RNG in this game is the best in the world. Roughly $160 spent so about 176 boxes I believe. Absolutely junk. The only thing worth noting was ONE Premium Enhancement Rune, and about 15 pure black and white dyes, both avatar and regular. Maybe 100m (on east) worth of junk if i'm able to sell everything.
What really bugs me is that a friend opens 15 and gets about almost every new outfitter and the pets.
-Side note: New forums makes my profile look like a noob again +cry (lol)
omg there's still a person with worse luck than me, life is worth living again if you're on west I'd love to come and give you a hug,
Id love a hug. But i'm on east. You could always come to me?
Bought 11. Got nothing. 2 dye ampules, one black, one purple. a 30 day bloody shade. a white avatar dye. An appearance alteration coupon, and 3 megaphones. All the rest was Merc pots. mother merc pots. MERC POTS. Know a girl who got a golden knight in the second box she opened. Well fair is fair, I knew better than to gamble and I did it anyhow.
Don't see why you consider it under the table though, its not like it was being hidden, no one removed the posts telling others to file tickets or anything like that.
I actually told people to try filing tickets before I even knew an exception was being made and when I saw that there was one and what sort of trades players were getting for the sets I tried telling even more people to try.
I am just a player... please no "You guys"
I don't get why you think its someone's "fault" its not like there is anything anyone did wrong, normally you would keep the items, and its not like this was some change nor was the boom thing a change either, its the GMs being nice.
Like if you heard a store made an exception for your friend because they were a week or so late to return an item after the holidays (because they know its busy during that time of the year) and you went in trying to return something later on that year and they won't make the same exception, its no ones fault its just the clerk during the holidays was being nice and was able to make an exception due to the circumstances.
That being said, I find the 2nd boom restoration a really interesting case to bring up, because its almost the opposite; since the GMs were nice, players didn't like that they were and thus they couldn't make the same exception afterwards.
Prior to players calling it an exploit, everyone was allowed to get up to 3 weapons restores per account, however now they only give 1 and require the materials returned to the player after the boom, so I'm not sure what you mean about admins making it right.
Also it wasn't a change, just GMs being nice because they know the enhancement system is punishing and they would get players saying the items glitched and they meant to enhance another item or some other reason why they didn't mean to blow up the item.
------ -----
I just realized you said this. It wasn't something like that though, its an exception, like when a store tells you, you have 30 days to return an item unless you want store credit, but they take it back on the 36th day and give you your cash.
It's the same case as the weapon restoration. I was one of the many people who went in asking for a second restore after booming my weapon the 2nd time. I was refused and then later, I found out that they were doing it for other players. My guildie was given a 2nd restore and I was refused. I don't know why. This is literally the same case except people were refused because the event was over. I was one of those people.
"you have 30 days to return an item unless you want store credit, but they take it back on the 36th day and give you your cash."
The receipt literally tells you about this policy though. Where's the policy that tells you that we can make exchanges if we are stuck with gender locked outfitters?
"its not like this was some change nor was the boom thing a change either, its the GMs being nice."
No. The GMs weren't being nice. They were being reasonable. They forgot to list the 2nd booming change and then apologized and made amends to those that were affected by it. I was also one of those people. They were reasonable enough to know that this was on their end and they made it right on my end. All I'm asking is, if they are going to do exchanges for people, let the rest of the community know lol.
"Like if you heard a store made an exception for a friend because they were a week or so late to return an item after the holidays (because they know its busy during that time of the year) and you went in trying to return something later on that year and they won't make the same exception, its no ones fault its just the clerk during the holidays was being nice and was able to make an exception due to the circumstances."
Lol so you mean they only make certain exceptions to special players? That's good to know. Also great job on blaming the players for "trying to return something later on that year." Like anyone knew we could make exchanges when people were literally refused before. I recall an Evie(?) on the forums trying to exchange a Keaghan set cause she only had an Evie and was refused. People were refused before so how are we supposed to know that it was possible?
The exchange for other sets is the exception, the receipt doesn't tell you come after 30 days and maybe we'll help you.
The normal policy is no exchanges or refunds, like it says in the TOS and what they tell you when you file a ticket now, but for a very short window of time they made an exception to anyone that was upset enough to make a ticket or go on forums to complain (and find out about it from others).
----- -----
No they were being nice, they could have just kept saying "No" to everyone.
Yes things did change, but its not a their end/your end kind of deal. They opted to be nice and because of that you were able to take benefit from it.
Like if you go to a store that wouldn't let you sample things beforehand and then decided to let people sample things if they asked afterwards.
----- ----
When I said friend, I mean your friend not the friend of the store or clerk.
In other words, you heard that they made an exception from someone you know and trust.
That was a different gachapon though, with a much lower price point.
With all the past drama, I really don't feel like any of you can be trusted with what you say anymore. The mods seem to constantly make claims for Nexon that can sometimes be blatantly wrong.
I'd honestly rather have people that just moderate posts than try and actively participate in discussion and inflame the community in the process.
Spent zero dollars on it because you can buy airtight items off at marketplace.
Fo real, this.
I am just a player... please no "You guys"
I am not Nexon and I am not making claims for Nexon.
I am a player first though, so its a little much to say I can't post at all.
Anyways back on topic please...
Bought $150 of gacha, got pets but no Female sets
I will probably buy enough to get the 400 tickets, but I'm also not a fan of that amount of tickets since even though the gachas are cheaper the 1 ticket per box makes the price seem high, especially for the seafarer sets.
I am not Nexon and I am not making claims for Nexon.
You make claims constantly for Nexon though, more like assumptions, but you're certainly not "just" a player. In one of the previous log in events, you or another mod made a statement that it was alright to log off (or something to that effect) which ended up being the wrong thing to do. The players were compensated iirc, but it's not your place to come in and try and speak for Nexon on their behalf.
The mods constantly inflame forum users by coming into posts like these and thoughtlessly defending Nexon, or spreading misinformation when only Nexon should be releasing information. The fact that you think you can call yourself "just a player" and run around doing these things is just insulting.
Please, you yourself are derailing this thread, stop posting and just moderate posts, or ban yourself and take a break. It's not your job to answer for Nexon, all your posts only serve to egg these other posters on.
Also I only came in to talk about my gacha luck and I did tell the OP that the exception would probably not be made for these gachapons since its a different case and not to get their hopes up when they posted about it.
Someone did file a ticket about doing an exchange with these gachapons and as it turns out they are not making the same exception like I had thought. But everything I've posted is the same as another player, if not then please PM me where I've acted like something else?
Also yes, it has derailed and I am sorry for that. So that is why I posted something on topic.
Lol...man. Idk who hurt you but you must see us as entitled to think that getting a reasonable response from nexon is seen as taking an advantage of it...
-nexon: *makes a unlisted change*
-players: hey nexon, you didn't tell us about the change but we broke the weapon. We don't think this is fair.
-nexon: *makes a post and apologizes and restores weapons*
-someone: stop taking advantage of Nexon
-player: hey, I only have female characters but I got a Keaghan outfitter. Can you exchange it?
-nexon: no
-player: hey, I got the same Keaghan outfitter. Can I exchange it?
-nexon: ok
-someone: ummm you should have asked because I would have :-/
Getting banned prolly brb
Edit: please don't bypass the filters like that.
That is also definitely not what I meant by take advantage, more like benefited from the change, anyways I'll change my wording on those two things.
Also pm me this post please because I remember the post being a little different than how you're talking about it.
Off topic-- Though in general I like the fact that they were nice about both of those cases, I dislike that players made the restoration thing seem like a bad thing and I'm glad they still have some method of restoration through the ticket system, even if I haven't used it myself.
So you're actually really off on what that "someone" is saying in both cases.
Anyone else that wants to continue this topic please pm instead of respond to the thread.
Roughly $160 spent so about 176 boxes I believe.
Absolutely junk. The only thing worth noting was ONE Premium Enhancement Rune, and about 15 pure black and white dyes, both avatar and regular.
Maybe 100m (on east) worth of junk if i'm able to sell everything.
What really bugs me is that a friend opens 15 and gets about almost every new outfitter and the pets.
-Side note: New forums makes my profile look like a noob again +cry (lol)
if you're on west I'd love to come and give you a hug,
Id love a hug. But i'm on east. You could always come to me?