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Korean golden time login event?

Member Sushiseki
Vindictus Rep: 200
Posts: 8
edited December 29, 2016 in General Discussion
So are we ever going to get this event? heroes.nexon.com/promotion/golden/pass

I REAAAALLY want the outfit they reward after 30 days of logging in but our golden time event seems to have nothing but random consumables?


  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    We've begged for it, Nexon Global refuses to listen. Apparently our money isn't as good as the Koreans'.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    OR that it's so good that they don't want to listen just to milk more money out of us. There is that possibility.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    edited December 29, 2016
    It'll be gacha for us, so that the loyal players can support the game as intended.

    Having it as a reward isn't fair to those who would be willing to spend money to get it, and deprives them of the chance to have an exclusive outfit that they can wear to show their support for the game.

    To be honest, it's kind of selfish that you all want it for free. Free things take away from the experience of an MMO, you should work for what you have, not wait for things to be handed to you.
  • Member Soyu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,055
    Posts: 21
    I guess you're not participating in the attendance then huh :-/
  • Member BloodAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,875
    Posts: 315
    @Soyu that's just silly, he'll obviously take something if it's offered to him as that's just polite. Who would say screw you to someone that offers you something? Take it, say thank you, and carry on. @Bowtacojr is just saying that he thinks people should stop begging for stuff and work for it. If nexon gives us something yippee, I love free stuff myself. But I will work my tail off for what I can get.
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited December 29, 2016
    Huh I thought he was just being sarcastic.

    Having it for free wouldn't be bad, but then again if it was it wouldn't have the limited stats so then I can't wear it on my main +sad.
    Anyways anyone want to translate the entire event for me +joy?
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Oh, if Nexon would let us buy all the Golden Time items I'd love it! I'd feel like I'm truly appreciated. I'm thinking about going back to Blade & Soul since their NA/EU branches charge the players for features that every other region in the world gets for free. It just isn't gaming if the company isn't sticking it to you in every way possible.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    It's very simple: in Korea there is much greater completion for vindictus then anywhere else they nexon have to try harder to keep players. Competition pure and simple.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited December 29, 2016
    ^ Hits ze nail right on the coffin. KR mmos are made like crazy and actually have fiercer competition when compared to our games. We Western players only get Krmmos IF and ONLY IF they are popular enough in KR. So, that being said: There could be a KR mmo that can actually kill vindy on the spot if it has enough popularity to reel the players in, and have a good end game (besides having crappy RNG stalling the player for a period of time) to actually keep them playing the game, then there you get the most popular mmo in that region until a new one is developed and the cycle repeats itself until the mmo genre dies.

    Plus, having a new cycle of directors can make or break an MMO, as in the case for Soul of the Ultimate Nation dying because many players were forced to start over from scratch when EP 2 came, and the 2nd elite set took months to grind and CAN fail + blow up trying to Plus it to 1, and even FAIL at crafting. How's that for insult to injury?
  • Member Dixit
    Vindictus Rep: 1,435
    Posts: 29
    I just know it's the second time we do not have this event.
  • Member JamesGross
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 240
    It is probably because we complain too much, If it is free log event, we complain, Coupon event, we complain. Gachapon event, we complain. No event, we complain.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Everyone whines because they got nothing else better to do than to just complain all day long and think the world revolves around them. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP. You don't see me whining when I fail an enchant scroll and lose a rune. You don't see me whining when I die. It's called following Cranky's Advice by GITTING GUD. You can't GIT GUD if the devs keep changing the game to cater to ze whiners.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320

    It is probably because we complain too much, If it is free log event, we complain, Coupon event, we complain. Gachapon event, we complain. No event, we complain.
    Yes, some of the complaints are unwarranted. Many of them aren't, though. It's a legitimate gripe that we constantly get lesser forms of the events that the Asian regions get. This past summer was the first time since I've started playing that the +10-15 coupons have been a part of the summer events, and even then what we got was still watered down from what KR/CN/TW received. Most people aren't going to be grateful for being shown that their dollars are worth less than their counterparts in another region.

    You should keep as mind as well that most customers don't complain, they just walk away.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited December 30, 2016
    Nexon Staff mentioned this before, but I feel like I need to reiterate this because not many players know. NA not getting Golden Time Event was because of the high volume of complaints being sent in about not receiving items during the distribution times or players disconnecting/crashing before or during the time of items being distributed. I feel like if Nexon Global gave us an Attendance version of the Golden Time items, the disconnecting/crashing/not getting items would be resolved. When I mean make it an Attendance Event, I mean put in every item that was in Korea's Golden Time Event in our Attendance Event variant except the items that is in their version of the game, but not ours.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    People have specifically asked for that, even more so after they finally began doing things like the S3 release rewards. Hasn't made a difference yet, but maybe one day.
  • Member Tetsujin
    Vindictus Rep: 1,660
    Posts: 109
    edited December 31, 2016
    Ikarsu said:

    Everyone whines because they got nothing else better to do than to just complain all day long and think the world revolves around them. SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP. You don't see me whining when I fail an enchant scroll and lose a rune. You don't see me whining when I die. It's called following Cranky's Advice by GITTING GUD. You can't GIT GUD if the devs keep changing the game to cater to ze whiners.

    What does "Gitting Gud" have to do with an attendance event ? If I "Git Gud" then will my character on the NA server somehow get the outfit that's only available on the KR server ?

    Also, complaining about bad service doesn't mean that I think the world revolves around me. It just means that I think I'm getting poor value for money.

    If you go to McDonalds & order a meal & they give you the drink & the burger, but no fries, then will you just quietly go away without complaining because you think the world doesn't revolve around you ?
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited December 31, 2016
    People complain because they are dissatisfied with service and would like to see it improve; it is not because they think the world revolves around them. What does "Gitting Gud" have anything to do with events from Korea not reaching our version of the game? You can't just apply "Git Gud" on anything and everything. From what I'm seeing, you're complaining about other people complaining.

    Players have the right to express their dissatisfaction because a company can take that feedback to improve their services. If a player complains about failing an enchant scroll, it is probably because they spent quite a bit of their money on runes and if you think about it, $9 per rune is pricey especially if it adds up.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718

    Nexon Staff mentioned this before, but I feel like I need to reiterate this because not many players know. NA not getting Golden Time Event was because of the high volume of complaints being sent in about not receiving items during the distribution times or players disconnecting/crashing before or during the time of items being distributed. I feel like if Nexon Global gave us an Attendance version of the Golden Time items, the disconnecting/crashing/not getting items would be resolved. When I mean make it an Attendance Event, I mean put in every item that was in Korea's Golden Time Event in our Attendance Event variant except the items that is in their version of the game, but not ours.
    There are two ways to resolve that problem...(Not counting fixing the disconnection issues) :

    1. Attendance style event, where you can get the rewards as long as you login that day

    2. Dont hold the event and dont have the golden time events in any other events

    Somehow they decided to choose option 2...

    Regarding competition in KR : This is partly true, but its not really because nexon KR has more competitors, its that the KR industry as a whole is more competitive. Because their market size is so small, MMOs even compete with each other based on cyber cafe player numbers and there is a huge focus on profitability at the expense of all else. Vindi's director has done so much dumb and is apparently really infamous in Korea, but he makes a lot of money for nexon so he gets to stay as director.

    Vindi outside of korea has plenty of competitors as well. Just look at the countless players who quit vindi for games like BDO, Tera and Blade and Soul. The difference is that the market outside of korea is a lot larger, so theres a lot less pressure and the Nexon branches arent tracking things as closely as KR is. Nexon NA probably has not the slightest clue how many players they lost to BDO within 6 months of its launch, but if it was nexon KR, they would probably be watching BDO like a hawk and would have some idea.

    If you look at the market size for korea, china, and any other asian region, they have a much smaller market size than english MMOs due to the language thing. The market size for korea is basically korean speaking gamers in korea. Thats a ton smaller than english speakers in NA/EU combined. No surprise that asian regions feel the need to focus more on events than NA/EU does. They are not feeling the pressure.

    You want to know when a business is really under pressure? When they start lowering prices permanently (not just through temporary sales). Thats usually a last resort. Businesses hate lowering prices beacuse they know that if they increase it afterwards, customers will throw a fit.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320

    If you think KR MMO publishers are going to let language be a barrier in the Asian market, especially in a massive one like China, you're +drunk. China has a ridiculously large economy, and because of things like most youths living at home until they get married, sometimes even after, it means that there's often disposable income up for grabs that might not be otherwise. China's spending on superfluous goods is way too sizeable to ignore them. It's the same for other regions. If they translate into English, and even French, you'd better believe they're taking the time to do so for China. Where you ever got the idea that a gaming heavy region has a smaller market size than the west I don't know, but I promise you that Arena Net didn't tout up their expansion into China because they thought it would only trickle in a few dollars more. Even Korea is a vast market because of how they spend their money and time.

    Secondly, we've already seen that scramble from Nexon. They didn't start in with all these constant NX giveaways, events, and sales until everything fell apart after the Launcher fiasco and the continued optimization issues. Players left en masse for that, as well as for the release of games like BDO and BnS, which unfortunately for Nexon happened to come out just as Nexon began to stick it to players as hard as it ever had with "Whale Sales" labeled as events, their failed integrated Nexon Launcher--something that still isn't force in KR--and their mods here on the forums telling players who could only play through direct launch that they'd be banned for using it once the work around was found.

    Keep in mind, this is the same Nexon NA that went completely silent over on the Dragon's Nest forums for months, not even doing the kindness of informing players what was going on. When it comes to their actions, they're inconsistent at best, but we've definitely seen them go into a full panic trying to keep the remaining players here.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited January 3, 2017
    Dude, by language barrier i mean that the only market size for the KR version would be koreans in korea.

    Compare that market size to "english speakers around the world" for most other MMOs. Tera doesnt feel the pinch from a competitor like BDO as much because their market size is a lot larger than it is for a korean company competiting with another korean company for korean speaking gamers in korea.

    The events and such arent necessarilly a response to increased competition from games like BDO. It may be an ATTEMPT at such, but if it is, it is very ineffective as it doesnt address the reason why people were quitting for other games in the first place. Its more likely the result of a (relatively) new CEO trying to put into place reforms (such as reforming the support system, the average response time to ticket has now dropped to 3 working days as opposed to once in 6 months) or managers trying to boost their department earnings for the quarter to look good.

    Basically its like the difference between mcdonalds having some kind of promotion (like sending peope coupons in the mail) vs doing a huge revamp of their coffee to make it not suck (which they did in Australia a while back). The latter is a direct attempt at fighting competition. The former is more likely an attempt to just boost short term profits to make their quarterly earnings look good to shareholders.