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What is so great about vindictus' combat?

Vindictus Rep: 1,130
Posts: 32
in Off Topic Discussion
what separates vindictus from the other action/hacknslash mmorpgs? imo it's outdated and bland(some classes suffer from this more than others), share your opinion by commenting below, thx.

examples of action/hacknslash mmorpg to compare vindictus combat with:
Black Desert online
TERA online
Blade and Soul
other game im missing, mention them below


  • DokkunDokkun
    Vindictus Rep: 1,500
    Posts: 102
    edited December 27, 2016
    Imo, bns is action not hack n slash like vindi. (hack n slash being input based [L R combos] rather than pushing a button to perform a whole skill) thats just how i see it personally, iirc bns really didnt have too much in common with vindi o.o I cant say much for bdo and tera cause i cant run either that well lol
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 89
    edited December 27, 2016
    Vindictus require quick reflex since it is a fast paced game it's not a point and click skill,drink potion , kind of game

    I recall a game that was supposed to be almost like vindictus , i think it was called C9 it ended up being your basic click on a monster and auto attack and use skill.
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    Hitbox based combat, hit delay, freedom of movement, zoom level preserving the scale of the enemies, no dependence on holy trinity mechanics. The individual inputs for the combo system also add to the feel of the game.

    Most mmos have a very "light" feel to their combat due to lockstrafe/targeting mechanics and lack of hit delay, and it's just not as satisfying. You're just pressing buttons to watch skill animations that play with no consideration for what's around you, what you're standing on, or what you're trying to hit. The cheap, Fallout 3-looking looking movement in a lot of mmos is really offputting to me too.

    It's better to compare Vindictus to action rpgs like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter, but the combat hasn't been as slow as those games for years now. It's faster with focus on prolonged aggressive play using stamina restoration and mobile survival mechanics.
    jjXMochiSweetPrototypemindBloodAngelGhengisJohnkls9iMiniXieNyxioBladehawkand 1 other.
  • BowtacojrBowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    The freedom of movement in this game is much higher than in BDO or BNS. In those games, it feels like your character is on rails, or stuck in one place doing animations, whereas this game is more fluid in it's motions.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Freedom of movement and rag doll physics are the main reasons why plenty of people like this game. Who doesn't like seeing monsters flying to the moon after they get shot by an explosive?
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited December 27, 2016
    Vindictus is like a blend of things that I like from other games:
    -The overall combat is the same as Dark Souls. It has stamina management, boss memorization, and difficulty where you die in a few hits.
    -Similar to point and click RPGs, strategy is an element. Bosses have mechanics that keep the battles interesting and makes having a party more relevant and meaningful.
    -Has an intricate class system that enhances certain play-styles, and each class has mechanics that keep them from being purely hack and slash.

    There's plenty of things that hinder it like the emphasis on stats or how the bosses aren't interesting enough to match up to the tremendous amount of HP they possess... and that's just the combat of course. It also has things from other games that I hate...like the reused dungeon layouts and boat departures from dungeon crawling games (Monster Hunter, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, etc...).
  • CessaCessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    Black Desert-
    Hack and slash. Go to boss, gear check to see if you die fast or not. Gear check to see if you can do enough damage or not. If yes to both of those, you can fight it. If not you die. After that you just button mash and win against the boss. Game is geared around PvP they say. PvP is a gear check. If you are too weak, you get one shotted. Or you one shot others if they are too weak. Other than that all it is is cooldown spamming to do preemptive strikes that will go through their super armor attacks and just kill them outright, basically. Guild combat is just a mess of people spamming skills because that's the easiest way to do it. It's not "action." It's just spamming.

    Combat is nice but it's not fluid. Just look at the character animations. They are not as smooth as Vindictus. Also, battles are just button spams without worrying about getting hit because you can just recover. Healing classes are in as well that will just spam heals on you. Bosses are so forgiving you can beat this game while half awake and the gear checks are even harsher than Vindictus.

    Blade and Soul-
    Very stoic character animations. Gear checks are so freaking harsh as well. This is literally pay to win. PvP normalizes the gear but it's still really stupid. If you want PvP just go to actual fighting games. So it's just PvE as usual and it's a combination of TERA combat with stupid Black Desert gear checks. People think monsters are hard to fight because they are supposed to be smart but really it's just a stupid dance mania game that once you understand how it works is really dumb and pointless. Fighting games just do it so much better and they tried to take some of it in but it doesn't mesh well with 3D stuff.

    Gear checks are the smallest of the games mentioned here. The biggest thing is attack speed but playing well can mitigate that. PvP is a joke and there are few that really care about it or think it matters (shameful). Combat is harsh. The biggest gear check you can have is defense. But even 13k defense won't save you from getting 3 shotted by a S3 boss. Because it happens. There is no dedicated healer class. You cannot spam potions unless you want to dump money into it for merc pots, but the game isn't designed around that. You have to learn how to fight against every boss. You have to know what your character can and cannot do. Very few things your character does are based around cooldowns. Combat is operated on a LR basis for stringing your attacks together only. Vindictus IS NOT A REFLEX GAME. Blade and Soul is a reflex game. Combat in Vindictus is steady and paced out. Often times, when newer players get hit or inexperienced players die they think it's lag because it wouldn't let them react fast enough to an attack or that their character sucks and died because it doesn't react fast enough. That is NOT THE CASE. Vindictus' combat is metered out and you have to learn to pace your attacks and when to stop and prepare to dodge. Because staying alive means deeps, dead and getting hit means zero deeps. That's what separates good players from inexperienced ones in Vindictus. The better and best players learn enough that they begin learning how to fit attacks in where they normally never were able to before. And this is where attack speed is the main limiting point to Vindictus and why you see so many long time players leaving the game because they get attack speed capped due to enhance failure rates that are just extremely unforgiving.

    Combat in Vindictus is how it should be. If it were faster you just have an anime style button mash fest against the bosses where it could be reaction based play. And that's one way to play but it would also make it so freaking easy because you never have to time anything to win. You just spam attacks and then press dodge or block on reaction when it happens and that's easy to do for almost anyone to do. Or they make it so hard that almost no one is able to play except for those with the fastest reaction times.

    So Vindictus combat is at just the right speed where boss attacks must be thought about, your own attacks must be thought about so you don't go into an attack animation that you can't dodge out of when a boss attack comes at you. You must be actively thinking several steps ahead and be aware of what you can and cannot do because if you do something bad you will get hit by a boss attack. Good players know this instinctively and fit in attacks when they can. Bad players think it's some action reflex based game and will spam attacks and eat dirt the entire raid battle and complain about lag or that they don't have good enough gear or that their character sucks or that they don't have enough attack speed. Let me tell you something. Even with 20 attack speed or 70 attack speed, you can only fit in maybe a few extra attacks here or there. What it allows you to do is setup for the next attacks after the bosses more easily. That's where the good players are able to exploit their experience against the boss. Bad players that think the attack speed will let them react to boss attacks faster will still be eating dirt. It'll be a little easier in some cases, but really, only Scythe Evie can play like that until the very highest of nearly unreachable attack speeds.

    If only Vindictus had some way to manage attack speed that wasn't on permanent weapon loss mode. This game would be great and all the players that are gone would come back and play.
  • GhengisJohnGhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    I've always enjoyed the timing aspect. As Fiona when an enemy attacks I have a whole suite of options. I can block, heavy stander, perfect guard, deflect, dodge, run, shield dash or even roll under some attacks that are higher than her combat roll on the z axis. I enjoy the recognition, reflexes, positioning and situational awareness involved.
  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    edited December 28, 2016
    i think what separates vindictus combat from the rest is skill,
    other games have their own "skilled" combat, but vindictus is more technical

    BUT, i get bored of doing the same combo for max deeps bro shts dull
  • Rena_RyuguRena_Ryugu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 35
    Bowtacojr said:

    The freedom of movement in this game is much higher than in BDO or BNS. In those games, it feels like your character is on rails, or stuck in one place doing animations, whereas this game is more fluid in it's motions.
    pff, i quitted vindi time ago, all i can say is bdo freedom of movement is 10000 times better than vindi, like comparing gameboy whit play station, just rushed this vid before maintenance:
  • SuhpremeSuhpreme
    Vindictus Rep: 3,935
    Posts: 474
    Fug i should of made a vid before maint too
  • GhengisJohnGhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257

    what separates vindictus from the other action/hacknslash mmorpgs? imo it's outdated and bland(some classes suffer from this more than others), share your opinion by commenting below, thx.

    examples of action/hacknslash mmorpg to compare vindictus combat with:
    Black Desert online
    TERA online
    Blade and Soul
    other game im missing, mention them below
    I would say one thing though and that is if that's your opinion then you're free to it. You know yourself and your preferences more than anyone else so I don't know what anyone could say to convince you otherwise.
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329

    Bowtacojr said:

    The freedom of movement in this game is much higher than in BDO or BNS. In those games, it feels like your character is on rails, or stuck in one place doing animations, whereas this game is more fluid in it's motions.
    pff, i quitted vindi time ago, all i can say is bdo freedom of movement is 10000 times better than vindi, like comparing gameboy whit play station, just rushed this vid before maintenance:
    This is going to sound nitpicky, but at about 3:00 in your video, when you call up your mount, see how your character awkwardly strafes and slowly walks backwards when you're trying to get on it, rather than just turning around? That's part of what I was referring to when I brought up the freedom of movement point earlier. That just feels gross in combat, and it really bugs me when I'm trying to run from an attack or even line myself up to talk to an npc.

    Most of the side to side movement you showcased in the video was using some sort of dodge skill that made it hard to judge exactly how movement works in the game, so I'm glad that that part was in there. In Vindictus, strafing is pretty much only used during certain skill use and when airborne (very rare). You're always able to just switch to walking or sprinting at normal speeds in any direction when the situation calls for it, even during attacks sometimes. This is also why I like the Souls and MH games. The lock-on mechanic helps with certain patterns, but more advanced play involves free walking by disabling your lock-on so you can aim your smashes or get to safety in time.

    Maybe I just need to see example footage with a warrior type class instead of a caster or read up on the controls a bit, I don't know. But a video of a Sylas dodging left and right between cyclone saw combos for 5 minutes wouldn't do a very good job of showing off what Vindictus' movement is like, and that's pretty much what that was. Walking/sprinting freely and aiming your smashes in combat is a huge part of the game and I just don't see a point in comparing Vindictus to games that don't function that way.

    tl;dr lock strafe is bad, horse drifting is cool though
  • NytsuyaNytsuya
    Vindictus Rep: 2,710
    Posts: 108
    My OPINIONS on combat and combat alone...

    Vindictus is the only one that plays like a true action game. It has more in common with single player hack and slash games than any of the other mmos listed.

    Black Desert's combat is all flash and no substance. The combat just has ZERO weight to it. When you hit something it feels like you're cutting through water and the enemies don't even flinch half the time. Mostly only vibrating and flashing different colors when getting hit. IMO BDO is the worst of the mmos listed in terms of combat.

    Blade and soul's combat probably has the most depth of the mmos listed and the highest skill ceiling by far. The combo system in this game just leads to incredibly satisfying combat in both PVP and PVE.

    No comment on TERA never played it.

    Now for some random videos from each game...


    Black Desert
    Lols all my complaints about the game in one video. Thanks Steparu.

    Blade and soul

  • SanuienSanuien
    Vindictus Rep: 2,720
    Posts: 197
    edited January 1, 2017
    Renkotsu said:

    Vindictus require quick reflex since it is a fast paced game it's not a point and click skill,drink potion , kind of game

    I recall a game that was supposed to be almost like vindictus , i think it was called C9 it ended up being your basic click on a monster and auto attack and use skill.
    Askers online was supposedly to be the closest thing to Vindictus fastp-paced combat, but it was shut down in KR not so long ago before it even made headlines

  • arkaine757arkaine757
    Vindictus Rep: 1,430
    Posts: 107
    For some reason, i allways felt that Vind had the same controls as a console game, like God of War, Devil May Cry.
    It's fluid, it require quick response.

    I do believe that if Vindictus was open world we probably wouldn't have the same controls, our hitboxes are well delimited.
    I tried C9, and Black Desert and they all are below Vindictus in gameplay imo.

  • AquasolAquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    It's an incredibly fast-paced game that pulls off not just an online action game well, but also does it using a minimalist UI and control scheme. There isn't really much in the way of needing to press several keys at the same time, and it rewards reflexes and timing highly. I've said this several times, but it reminds me in many ways of Zone of the Enders, because of both the speed and the fluidity of combat. To me for example, Arisha is Jehuty with a chest.

    That minimalist approach also shines in how skills are handled-- unlike a lot of other "action" online RPGs, you're not necessarily spamming skill key after skill key, but looking for what attack best fits for how the enemy is currently moving and attacking. You have to actually pay attention to normal attacks, and skills are often for utility.

    It's pure and fun.
  • SculpSculp
    Vindictus Rep: 9,025
    Posts: 191
    Fancy sp skills unlike any other mmos.
    This game makes you feel more like a hero than a grunt.