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It's me or Vindictus is dying?
This year the activity in the game seems to me lower than in the last years... Not to mention the low economy.

Can Vindictus reach the end of 2017?... I do not know, but I doubt the next year will be better.
*Sorry for my bad English.
Having said all this, I very much hope to be proven wrong. I never thought they would change the r8-9 scrolls either and they did that. That's a much easier fix in comparison but still... those were a source of revenue for them and they changed them to be player friendly instead of nexon friendly. A move very uncharacteristic of Nexon.
And @OP Your low level of posts tell me you're either not active enough in game or on the forums to actually know the answer yourself.
Or well... that might be due to new contents actually... and actually it's the case for all new contents that are going to come here.
Let's be realistic that the game still doesn't understand that releasing an episode every blue moon isn't going to hype the game at all. The problem I don't understand is, why do they have to make a raid at every episode ? They can release a few new dungeons every months for example, in order to keep the players.
So far, what's going to come is only Neamhain. People are already displeased by the lv95 gear.. that makes you "restart everything" (even if you don't really but eh) and the current content is just a non-go. Oh well, the dungeons are good actually, but gives nothing new. The raid ? Habitant is probably one of the worst I've encounter, that's the typical imposed gimmicky raid that I hate. The hooking mechanics feels like taking half the raid time... I thought I was supposed to play the game for its combat ? So yeah, this update definitely killed my pleasure to play for now, and I'll probably not have the stats for Neamhain at all due to the economy being dead + RNG is complete garbage.
And this isn't a "I want +15 weapon pls", it's literally RNG f-ing you at +7, how are you even supposed to get to +11-12 w/o coupons at this point ? I don't really know about NA but it's literally an abomination for EU : broken economy + playerbase being lower everyday, not enough people to keep you interested about the game.
I lost my greaves as well using Expedition.. are people realising it's a fail that demotivates you as you have to success it TEN TIMES ? (2 scrolls per piece -> 2 X 5)
This isn't a complain, but a reality and no one can deny it. In my opinion, there are detailled tweaks such as renewed ES + the whole Brynn effect that should come immediately on the west, or else the game is really going to be a dead horse at this point.
As for the 95 gear looming on the horizon, it's a real turn-off to me. I spent 60 dollars in enchant runes (and 5 more i got during events/sales) during the first scroll event enchanting all of my Fiona's armor. I also spent about 900m gold building orange 90 weapons for 6 of my characters. I wasn't too upset when the seal shop started offering the weapon shards because at least I was done worrying about it. Hearing it's time to gear up again and endure all of the expense and frustration involved in that process here in vindictus is unwelcome. I want this game to last because I've enjoyed it and I feel a strong sense of ownership towards my characters. But at the same time, I've always held that the RNG was the worst thing about it and the thought of having to see Ferghus again is already turning my stomach. I wouldn't blame people if they decided to get off the treadmill when it hits.
Edit- Forgot that m after the 900.
I've been playing s4 League as well, it got butchered too.. the gameplay was unique as well. It's sad to butcher games with unique gameplay, this is the second one in a row, not cool.
Currently on BDO, simple game with a greatly vast world, and it's literally Second Life of MMORPG. It's that simple but I'm being happy there.. yet Vindictus still has a better gameplay.
So, why is nothing done again ? Will our 'prayers' get heard 20 years after it's too late again or ? It's not even hateful, it's plain and straight up sad. I am sad for this game.
Only thing that's selling now are cash shop merch + super high enhance weaps, and it's only old players buying that. New players can't afford anything, inflation is crazy, and the entire economy remains ridiculously bad.
Without getting drops to sell I literally cannot keep my armor repaired some days.
Optimization is terrible and has gotten worse by the patch.
Nexon tosses RNG box after RNG box at players, the whales gobble them up, and more and more old heads and newbies get turned off of that and move on.
Tons of new titles coming out in 2017 that will be fresh if nothing else and likely will be much better optimized.
Even though the content roll out is too slow, it's almost to the point of there being too much because the population has dropped off so much. There aren't enough new players coming in to replace those that have quit.
The future is bleak.
I know it killed it for myself and my friends.
The seal shop update ruined the game for me. Nothing you get in raids are worth anything anymore, its hard to sell anything, its hard to make money and progress.
I believe that S3 seal shop update is the greatest mistake, yes it caters casual players, but what's the point of playing if you can obtain end game gear after a few days of measly grind?
What people asked is to not get demotivated because gear that is farmed for 4254254 days broke in 3 seconds. Heavily reducing durability of an item would have been more than enough.. look at BDO for example.
You can't expect the same culture here in the west and in the east in Asia, NA/EU detest this kind of cash shop/rng stuff.. give us different stuff, we don't have to copy paste every single thing from the KR version.
Ironically, the s3 seal shop is NA/EU only.. oh well.
PS : what's up with the broken quotes ?