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Game will die if...

Member Aarcane
Vindictus Rep: 325
Posts: 12
in General Discussion
I see that Nexon in there attempts to help new players be "less needy", have added a permanent fixture to the game that rewards players with boxes after passing certain challenges. If these boxes contain free equipment like the strangers gift at every 10th level event. I predict the game WILL die. (It may be too late what with the lag that makes it impossible to host for 80% of us). If free equipment isn't removed when this event end, there will be no reason to craft, no reason to farm, no reason to play... no reason to even bother showing up. Just like the reasons no one shows up now. Nexon.... PLEEEEEASE LISTEN FOR ONCE AND END YOUR MADNESS! This game could have been soooo much more...


  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    edited December 21, 2016
    Aarcane said:

    I see that Nexon in there attempts to help new players be "less needy", have added a permanent fixture to the game that rewards players with boxes after passing certain challenges. If these boxes contain free equipment like the strangers gift at every 10th level event. I predict the game WILL die. (It may be too late what with the lag that makes it impossible to host for 80% of us). If free equipment isn't removed when this event end, there will be no reason to craft, no reason to farm, no reason to play... no reason to even bother showing up. Just like the reasons no one shows up now. Nexon.... PLEEEEEASE LISTEN FOR ONCE AND END YOUR MADNESS! This game could have been soooo much more...

    it just removes one of a few reasons to do old content. there will still be people grinding titles, helping newbies, crafting for cosmetic pieces. old content is less profitable, but it's preferable to the alternative where new players had to compete with gold-bloated alts for equipment from the mp. not to mention this doesn't affect new content except to encourage more players to it. so "no reason to play" is a total non-sequitur.
    i'd love to make gold selling my old equipment too, but i still remember the days before s3 when level-capped players struggled to have so much as a +10 level 60 weapon to barely make the att req boats. not making potential new devoted players go through that is healthy for the game.

    ps-this reminds me of the people griping over the effect of globalization on domestic jobs lol
  • Member, Nexon Sumirei
    Vindictus Rep: 2,030
    Posts: 30
    Member, Nexon
    Have you picked up any of the rewards? It's not like the growth event we had at all. You can get hero belts from it for leveling up. AP Capsules from skills. EXP From completing story lines, along with a few other things (Including a free permanent storage expansion ticket).
  • Member zZTakumi
    Vindictus Rep: 410
    Posts: 10
    Sumirei said:

    Have you picked up any of the rewards? It's not like the growth event we had at all. You can get hero belts from it for leveling up. AP Capsules from skills. EXP From completing story lines, along with a few other things (Including a free permanent storage expansion ticket).
    Aw, so we aren't getting the permanent equipments? Bummer. :(
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited December 21, 2016
    Aarcane said:

    I see that Nexon in there attempts to help new players be "less needy", have added a permanent fixture to the game that rewards players with boxes after passing certain challenges. If these boxes contain free equipment like the strangers gift at every 10th level event. I predict the game WILL die. (It may be too late what with the lag that makes it impossible to host for 80% of us). If free equipment isn't removed when this event end, there will be no reason to craft, no reason to farm, no reason to play... no reason to even bother showing up. Just like the reasons no one shows up now. Nexon.... PLEEEEEASE LISTEN FOR ONCE AND END YOUR MADNESS! This game could have been soooo much more...
    Nexon is giving out free equipment BECAUSE they are listening. No one helps the new players, which is why players were quitting before they even reached level 70. When I started playing this game over two years ago, I made it all the way to level 73 before I even got level 60 gear, and I had to craft it through expertise because I couldn't complete the raid battles. There was no easy mode, and I was still using the Ewynsoch Glaive because that was the only item that actually dropped without needing to be crafted with raid-related materials! I spent so much time grinding for materials that I even gave up on the main story - in fact I am STILL at the start of episode 3 when you go into Ainle because I'm too lazy to do the story now.

    Most of the time we've just been asking for them to adjust the drop-rate for materials needed to craft old equipment, but they didn't do that, and KR has already stated that there are plans to give out more equipment for completing stories.
  • Member CelticHero
    Vindictus Rep: 475
    Posts: 11
    edited December 21, 2016
    OP has a point. It would be better if the equips were 30 days and event was permanent, instead of temporal event and equip permanent.
  • Member Quinque
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 102
    Honestly if free items are removed, game will die even faster lmao
  • Member Okatsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,665
    Posts: 113
    edited December 21, 2016
    The game is going to die by introducing ways to help NEW PLAYERS.

  • Member Chunmander
    Vindictus Rep: 1,265
    Posts: 31
    Sumirei said:

    Have you picked up any of the rewards? It's not like the growth event we had at all. You can get hero belts from it for leveling up. AP Capsules from skills. EXP From completing story lines, along with a few other things (Including a free permanent storage expansion ticket).
    I don't think this person read all of the news/events fully or tried to collect the rewards at all. Simply saw an event that actually helps new players and began griping about it without full knowledge of what it's about. Understandable to an extent to why OP is upset given that there was 2 leveling events the past few months which gave away free equipment.
  • Member Okatsu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,665
    Posts: 113
    The free equipment is completely necessary for actual new players. If y'all have been playing for a long while you would know of the substantial amount of players that would hit level 80 with stats around 12k attack or so. And then they would just be kicked from every boat cause their numbers aren't high enough and wouldn't be able to complete stories, get recipes and so on. It might deflate the market for some 80 gear but that market was relatively dead by the arrival of the new seal shop.
  • Member Breadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    I'm not really a fan of crafting a weapon and maybe enhancing it to +5-8 that I'll grow out off in a few hours, and the try to sell it for weeks and end up disassembling it in the end because no one will buy it anyway.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    Well the problem there is how jacked up s2 crafting recipes have always been. It's completely unreasonable to expect anyone to farm 25-50 gilderites from TS race to make a Heremon set, and Orbs are in half of the recipes meaning they have to compete with the level 90 players for them. The growth goals rewards combined with a another rework to s1/s2 recipes would make it so we'd never feel like we need something like the level up event again.

    They had the right idea with the revamped level up gifts giving lesser armors for free. Erg river is totally passable for leveling but has no offensive benefits to speak of and looks horrible - that's motivation enough for me to try to grind up mats for better sets as I level, but the current recipes deter me from bothering. The drop tables are contaminated with actual garbage to the point where you'd level up 10+ times before you had farmed enough to make a single piece of any worthwhile season 1 armor, and good luck making anything other than Everlasting if you plan to use a level 70 armor set.

    An overhaul of all recipes across season 1 and 2 may be partially wasted effort, but at the very least they could give the level 80 stuff this treatment. 80-90 is where you really feel it when your equipment is garbage since they kept buffing boss damage for endgame def users, and you spend so much time in that level bracket grinding exp. Imo people should just chill out and raid while farming s2 maps once in a while at these levels, but there's no progress to be made without spending gold until you hit 90 and that's stupid.

    tl;dr rework s2 recipes pls
  • Member Abyssofthor
    Vindictus Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 104
    As player that has been here for a long time image I can tell you from personal experience that a been level 80 with level 60 gear is horrible. image
  • Member Anthonytonyboy
    Vindictus Rep: 4,765
    Posts: 351

  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited December 22, 2016
    Okay so game dies if new players are given free crap when you could have taken advantage of said event by making alts... hmmm

    okay, then we have players that kick new players from these parties if they don't have anywhere near the stats required as mentioned in the boat, where ironically sometimes they don't have the stats themselves... which is in fact HILARIOUS.

    So where this game is dying by a margin is because you guys WHINE about new players getting free crap, but then there are those that put up attack requirement boats, where anyone under that stat margin gets instantly kicked off the boat, which causes EVEN more whining when the entire party dies.

    PLEASE tell me more of HOW the community is working together to fight this problem because at this point, when there are 24k attack boats where the cap is 18K, then please tell me how attack is everything hmm?

  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    There does need to be a balance. The event made expertise useless, and since no one was crafting, no one was buying mats, which meant the farmers stopped farming and there's a shortage of everything. Lower level weapons and armor are all but non-existent on the MP currently, and there's a shortage of mats to even get things restocked. Once they are restocked, the prices are going to be high because the supply is so low.

    There definitely needs to be a massive revamp of the drop rates or the recipes themselves. Giving players everything for free so that they have zero incentive to craft anything on their own, unlock recipes, or buy from others takes away a big part of what makes a multi-player game multi-player, but players shouldn't be unable to afford anything or have to go without because no one's selling, which is the current state. Neither extreme is the answer when there's a nice, comfortable middle ground.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935

    There does need to be a balance. The event made expertise useless, and since no one was crafting, no one was buying mats, which meant the farmers stopped farming and there's a shortage of everything. Lower level weapons and armor are all but non-existent on the MP currently, and there's a shortage of mats to even get things restocked. Once they are restocked, the prices are going to be high because the supply is so low.

    There definitely needs to be a massive revamp of the drop rates or the recipes themselves. Giving players everything for free so that they have zero incentive to craft anything on their own, unlock recipes, or buy from others takes away a big part of what makes a multi-player game multi-player, but players shouldn't be unable to afford anything or have to go without because no one's selling, which is the current state. Neither extreme is the answer when there's a nice, comfortable middle ground.
    What Prototypemind said, and players were asking for drop rate changes for an entire year on the old forum. We don't necessarily need free stuff, we just need to be able to make the stuff within a reasonable amount of time; you shouldn't have to grind until you are 10 levels past the items you are trying to make.

    Level 70 and 80 items are in a better state than all the other sets, but they could still some work in variety because the only sets that can be crafted within a reasonable amount of time is Everlasting, Apocryphal/Mhara, and Armageddon. Noblesse sits on the edge because it can take over 2 weeks to craft if you don't have Expertise. Level 60 items got a band-aid that made bosses drop Titan and Colru gear, but only a few pieces drop from these bosses, and the recipes required to make the level 60 sets are still atrociously high when you are limited on raids per day. Anything below level 60 can't even be crafted before you outlevel them.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Aarcane said:

    I see that Nexon in there attempts to help new players be "less needy", have added a permanent fixture to the game that rewards players with boxes after passing certain challenges. If these boxes contain free equipment like the strangers gift at every 10th level event. I predict the game WILL die. (It may be too late what with the lag that makes it impossible to host for 80% of us). If free equipment isn't removed when this event end, there will be no reason to craft, no reason to farm, no reason to play... no reason to even bother showing up. Just like the reasons no one shows up now. Nexon.... PLEEEEEASE LISTEN FOR ONCE AND END YOUR MADNESS! This game could have been soooo much more...
    You're not wrong, but your typing sucks.

    This is game was far more lively when things were much harder to get, it seems that free stuff has definitely accelerated how fast this game dies, since there's no real drive to grind anymore.

    It can't be fixed now, and the future updates will only make it worse. Less and less people will want to do new raids, and while 2nd weapons might bring back some players for a few days, this game won't last much longer unless we've got some really devoted whales, which we thankfully do.
  • Member korachaismyname
    Vindictus Rep: 320
    Posts: 8
    Aarcane said:

    I see that Nexon in there attempts to help new players be "less needy", have added a permanent fixture to the game that rewards players with boxes after passing certain challenges. If these boxes contain free equipment like the strangers gift at every 10th level event. I predict the game WILL die. (It may be too late what with the lag that makes it impossible to host for 80% of us). If free equipment isn't removed when this event end, there will be no reason to craft, no reason to farm, no reason to play... no reason to even bother showing up. Just like the reasons no one shows up now. Nexon.... PLEEEEEASE LISTEN FOR ONCE AND END YOUR MADNESS! This game could have been soooo much more...

    why do other players keeps on hammering the game will die??????

    as long as there are players who loves playing this game it will not die. its been a year already i think that other players keeps on talking about it and still the games is still here. in my opinion instead of talking about how the game will die we should talk about how to improve the game.

    those events are made to help other players level up faster cause no one wants to help them or maybe other players dont want to go through grinding again.
    stope predicting pls all your predictions are wrong im telling you.

  • Member MochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    whats wrong with the quote coding lol?
  • Member spiderchek3
    Vindictus Rep: 700
    Post: 1

    whats wrong with the quote coding lol?

    It does seem odd...