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what did you get from the Elite Lucky Boxes

60 bucks
good thing i dont actually spend my own money on this game..
OH GM'S let me trade these dupes in for the ones in the exchange shop, or let me get 200 tokens each from them TY
I spent $20 so far, nothing notable. I'll buy more later but I started spending on Mabi and the gacha there gave me something good so I'm pretty torn right now.
Where was information on this? Can we still do it? @_@
Bought all my outfits on MP. : )
seriously why isn't wild santa in droptable.
1 1k ap
2 airtight merc
3 30 days inner
4 60% delimit, clodagh
5 clodagh, merc
6 1k ap, prem soap
7 2 gg, prem soap
8 skill reset
9 pink ava
10 prem soap
11 prem soap, weapon fusion
That's it. The only time I got blessed with one of the 4.5% drop rate item, I received a 60% Delimiter Erg. I have no idea why this thing is deemed more worthy than a rune...
The info from a player that did it is on the 2nd page.
I also sent one in and got exchanges for my male sets since I play females.
1:1 trade and you could not exchange for wings and it was of course a case by case basis; I saw on EU forums that they could not exchange since by the time the merge happened the BF boxes would be long gone by then, so I'm not sure if you could still do it now.
It wasn't anything publicized since it was just an exception, i.e. the GMs here were being nice (EU gms just said no from what I heard).
It is nice that people were able to make sure they got the items that lined up with the chars on their account without having to sell one thing and buy another, all the more for the outfits that couldn't be listed.