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Can't really tell which patches from the past I'd like to see translated, because we've been kinda deaf recently. We don't know what's been going on recently to be exact, but apparently not much, aside from Aes Sidhe, Spellbook rework + new Spellbook, new scrolls and Arkana. I do wonder following:
• Does Aes Sidhe drop the rare for new spellbook?
• Are castets/focuses enchantable now?
• Do shields, spellbooks and castets/focuses share some scrolls?
• What does Arkana drop?
1. Aes drops a ring essence
2. yeah they are
3. I think shield still has it's own but focuses and books share (not 100% on that)
4. Arkana drops the "book core" or whatever it is
Sorry, but I just can't believe cestus is "OP" because someone is Godly with it and most of them can't play Hurk properly.
Most of the damages that Hurk does on some bosses are done in seconds, wether Karok has to wait almost minutes to make his main dps source and reach those numbers.
Maybe they should try to open their eyes a little bit more and learn to play Sylas a tad bit more?
If Hurk isn't playing as Karok should than that's the main problem on those sweet revenge stacks and deflections and I'm not gonna take in consideration any stimulant ever.
Speaking of wich, nice changes on Lann, should've been done eons ago, but I still didn't see anything for that fugly stamina consumption that Sword has. Better keep chugging those stamina potions and keep praising cat God
No, Cestus Karok's damage is INSANE. The damage nerf for cestus has been requested even before the rise update.
A +10 Cestus could outdamage most +15 before RISE. Remember, Korea likes analysing stuff with maths and formulas, and we find the most optimal way to put out our damage per second.
Think this way: Karok's Big Bang does 300k damage EVERY 15~20 SECOND.
A similar skill would be Kai's Massive Impact which does 150~200k damage every 2 minutes or so.
And Cestus can BLOCK WHILE ATTACKING. This means, if you know the boss patterns well, you have NO DAMAGE LOSS.
His double dodge, which prolongs when hit, is also extremely safe in raids like neam. Not to mention the range of the weaving + dash is pretty big.
I'm not being biases here. I love to play Karok because of the super combat feel he gives you (also sad about the nerf, but I think it was neccassary). But he was always top dps in (almost) every raid.
Unpopular opinion I know. The problem with him has always been the window of doing dps, now that he has basically no recovery time at all after gf, dis **** is gonna get toned down lol.
Hearing the feedback from KR forums, it's worse. Lann, sword at least, has worse DPS now because of how Lann's normal Damage Cycle worked.
I didn't play Lann so I might be wrong with something, but copying directly what I heard:
Lann's damage cycle went:
Run around a little > Find an entry moment > Dash/Run Smash > If it crits transition into fury
But that is no longer possible because if you press 'Dash Smash + Fury' which is Smash Smash while running, the new absolute fury goes out and consumes 250 SP.
It is possible to press one smash and see the Dash Smash go out first and then press smash once again, but as you know Vindictus input is not great, and the Lann just stands still doing no action.
Unpopular opinion I know. The problem with him has always been the window of doing dps, now that he has basically no recovery time at all after gf, dis **** is gonna get toned down lol.
Hearing the feedback from KR forums, it's worse. Lann, sword at least, has worse DPS now because of how Lann's normal Damage Cycle worked.
I didn't play Lann so I might be wrong with something, but copying directly what I heard:
Lann's damage cycle went:
Run around a little > Find an entry moment > Dash/Run Smash > If it crits transition into fury
But that is no longer possible because if you press 'Dash Smash + Fury' which is Smash Smash while running, the new absolute fury goes out and consumes 250 SP.
It is possible to press one smash and see the Dash Smash go out first and then press smash once again, but as you know Vindictus input is not great, and the Lann just stands still doing no action.
But I believe it helped Spear Lann a little.
I feel it's more of a control issue than anything for the absolute fury. As long as you don't mash right click it shouldn't activate unintentionally, unless it's a bug then it can be fixed.
The main buff to me is the removal of delay recovery after gf/lf. That alone should put lann in a good spot. Not gonna judge the current KR lann playerbase, but he's far from being bad even without this buff at cap.
I feel it's more of a control issue than anything for the absolute fury. As long as you don't mash right click it shouldn't activate unintentionally, unless it's a bug then it can be fixed.
The main buff to me is the removal of delay recovery after gf/lf. That alone should put lann in a good spot. Not gonna judge the current KR lann playerbase, but he's far from being bad even without this buff at cap.
No, the delay removal after dash and fury is causing some problems with spear lann.
And the absolute fury command is unavoidable - your fury after dash smash doesn't go out because of the input delay (not a bug).
There are some new bugs as well, for example, players can't Gliding Fury + Lightning Fury consistently during Slashing High.
I mean the delay removal might be nice, but that doesn't help anything if your main damage is gone and replaced with a skill that costs 250 SP.
Is 250 SP worth one crit? I don't think so. Maybe if it was an active skill, although i doubt anyone would use it, it wouldn't mess up the Skill Cycle.
Everyone is saying Lann, sword AND spear, before the 'buff' was a lot better and are requesting a roll back of the whole lann 'buff'.
Normally, when DOL patches something, there are several people arguing this is good, but there is really noone thinking that way.
Karok players and Lann players are saying they don't even want to log on, and if they do, they end up playing other classes.
Also, I haven't looked at Fiona closely, but I see posts that Fiona 'buff' is a buff to Hammer but a nerf to sword because of the MASSIVE Stamina and SP usage.
And Hurk is buffed, but there are a lot of bugs right now, so no classes are having their "YAY BUFF, THIS IS SO FUN" moment.
Talking about Lynn (best girl btw), the possible reason Glaive Lynn isn't buffed is because she has high damage potential.
There was a hot discussion in the Korean forum, where 4 people (all famous for their good skills - possibly best of each class in the server) tested DPS.
Lynn came out first defeating xGun Kai, Chain Vella and Fiona even if she had 1000~2000 lower additional damage. She was first repeatedly throughout S3 Raids. The writer of the post requested Lynn nerf.
Was that Lynn using feather bug or no? But I agree with high dmg potential of Lynn.
Edit: All the videos you posted use the feather bug so where does Lynn stand with dmg without it? You shouldn't use bugs or does the nexon states it as a feature?
Any particular reason for this? Like, better inputs, or just some cultural thing?
Feels more satisfying while playing. With mouse, I dont get this "premium action" feeling.
My bugdictus also has input problem with my logitech mouse which, with keyboard,is gone. Climbing the ortel castle stairs is more easier with keyboard as well +haha
I can also time Lynn's orange stacks easier, but I think mouse will be the same once I get used to mouse.
It's all good and actually comfortable, until you get to the neam last phase where the camera focuses on Neit while Neam is running around +cold
It's all about preference. People who played a lot of FPS games will feel more comfortable with mouse. I played games like Starcraft, DJMAX, etc. which requires precise keyboard input.
But thinking about it, most (not all!) of the top players in KR (even one xGun kai) uses keyboard, so there might be something I'm missing.
How is Pillar hit the hardest? I thought the only changes to him was the fixed speed buff and it no longer applying to movement speed.
And for the "gap" between a well played Lynn and Hurk, here is a Neamhain solo for a Hurk of comparable stats (200 less ad if we assume the Lynn's stats are the same as her Arcana video) in the same time while not having access to Parry and Onslaught which is contributes significantly to his damage.
Not saying Lynn isn't up there when played correctly, but when lists like these suddenly pop up without any common basis of raid/consumables/transformation/party composition, you are gonna get a lot of confusion and questions.
Talking about Lynn (best girl btw), the possible reason Glaive Lynn isn't buffed is because she has high damage potential.
There was a hot discussion in the Korean forum, where 4 people (all famous for their good skills - possibly best of each class in the server) tested DPS.
Lynn came out first defeating xGun Kai, Chain Vella and Fiona even if she had 1000~2000 lower additional damage. She was first repeatedly throughout S3 Raids. The writer of the post requested Lynn nerf.
Was that Lynn using feather bug or no? But I agree with high dmg potential of Lynn.
Edit: All the videos you posted use the feather bug so where does Lynn stand with dmg without it? You shouldn't use bugs or does the nexon states it as a feature?
Yes those are Feather bugs to 'save' the Dash. Someone did a experiment, and using the feather bug gives you maximum 10% more dps as when you are not.
And don't worry about getting banned for it. If they were to, they would have to ban all fionas who used feather bug as well.
But for the test with other characters where Lynn was always first, they retried it without the feather bug, and results were the same.
The Lann adjustment seem pretty good on paper but after reading that you needed to double tap smash, I figured there would be an issue and after reading some posts, my suspicions were confirmed.
Why not just make this new Absolute Fury trigger when both the normal and smash buttons are pressed together similar to how quick Fury infusion is? Seems like this solves the issue of accidentally doing AF when all you wanna do is sprint smash into a regular GF.
EDIT: I don't mean literally pressing normal and smash simultaneously. Typically, you press the smash key while running to sprint smash and then press smash again to Glide. What I'm suggesting is making AF triggerable like so: Press and hold the smash key while running to perform sprint smash, and before the animation finishes, press and hold the normal attack key while still holding smash to initiate AF. This allows the player to freely choose between sprint smashing for for a crit to Glide off of, or to use AF. I don't think there would be any accidental AF's if it were set up like this.
And 250 sp? Just for a gliding fury? I'd like it to be loweres to 50, maybe 150, but 250 seems a little high considering you can achieve a regular GF with little to no effort. Being able to shortcut into a GF isn't worth 250.
EDIT: A better idea for adding a new dynamic to lann would be to change up how Absoute Fury works alltother. I know someone mentioned something similar in the past so I'm gonna bring it up here. Blute Lynn/Arisha have secondary bars (mana, dunno what lynn's is called), but why not give Lann one? Call it "Stored Fury," and it would work like so: Every regular GF and LF adds 1 point to the bar to a maximum of 10. As long as there's 1 point in the bar, Lann can perform Absolute Fury at the cost of 1 point. Absolute Furies can be chained as long as Lann has enough stored fury, and they progressivley get stronger only if they're chained. Perhaps a +5% boost over the last, meaning that if a Lann filled the bar up to 10 and successfully chained 10 furies without dying, his last AF would be 50% stronger than the first. If Lann stops the chain, the damage boost resets. These Absolute Furies should ignore collision by going through bosses, have super armor so the chain can't be interrupted, but NOT contain invincibility frames like F7. I thought about making this dynamic rely on SP, but I wouldn't want to disrupt the use of Slashing High and other SP skills.
If being able to chain 10 furies with a progressive damage boost seems too OP, then maybe make it so Lann takes increased damage proportional to how long the chain is. EX: if Lann takes damage during the 3rd Fury in the chain he receives 15% more damage. This would make doing extended chains very risky, but rewarding which is what playing Lann used to be all about. It'd be nice to have that feeling back.
Absolute fury is ABSOLUTE TRASH with how it is triggered and that sp cost. It's suppose to remedy the fact you can only glide after a crit, which has gotten out of hand with the introduction of all these bosses and their stupidly high CR. I'm not sure why theres the need to add in all this gimmicky **** when you can easily address his biggest issue of having to rely on rng crits to do half his dmg.
Either give Lann the ability to glide after every smash like back in XE, or make it a fixed rate of 65% or something. Idk why they need to keep adding these glitchy and gimmicky **** that doesn't address any of his problems or even work correctly.
Cloakshire's suggestion is a decent idea to improve lann's playstyle.
I however, have another similar idea, not sure if it will actually be implemented but i think it's worth discussing.
Similar to what cloakshire said, absolute fury can be a stored charge of fury that you can stack overtime.
My idea is that the way you can gain a charge of AF, is by glide dodging with either furies(gliding fury, lightning fury). Each time you Dodge an attack with glides, you gain a charge of AF and you can have maximum 2 charges at once.( I'll explain why is it only 2). AF can be used by clicking LMB (as opposed to the usual RMB) after using ANY fury skills regardless of getting a crit, including F7 (cancels the end animation right as the player clicks LMB).
AF can also be used by clicking RMB and LMB while not attacking but this adds an additional animation delay before you enter your pre-gliding stance. (just make it look cool lul)
AF has the same dmg as GF but with 100% crit chance and ignores physics collision. (does not have iframes)
After using AF, the player can choose again whether to RMB or LMB, this time, LMB let's you do LF while RMB let's you do GF (This allows the players to choose how to reposition his character). Here comes the best part, the furies AFTER using AF can again gain AF charges, to prolong the chain. So the combo for sword lann will mostly be, slip dash > windrider > get a critical > GLIDE DODGE > gain a charge > LMB to AF > GF/LF to glide dodge again and gain another charge of AF > and so on.
(You cannot gain AF charges via AF)
You can only store at most 2 charges of AF because it allows for a forgiving window in cases where you used 1 charge of AF, then failed to glide dodge with the GF that followed after that, but you still wish to continue your chain of furies. That's when the additional charge is put to use. You get another chance of trying to glide dodge to regain a charge of AF to continue your chain. While it gives you an additional attempt to continue your chain, it also prevents people from storing too many AF charges and then using them all at once, otherwise the regular smashes will be close to being useless if you can pretty much perma-glide the entire fight.
As to how to code the above to actually implement it in the game, (a.k.a. mechanic) AF charge is gained when an enemy attacks within a given radius of effect around a player when he DEALS DAMAGE with GF/LF on any enemy (doesn't have to be the one attacking).
This means you HAVE to be gliding AND damaging the boss (or some other mobs) as he attacks to be able to gain AF charges.
Lann is only as good as the person playing the character. The above playstyle is very rewarding for players that really seek to bring out the best in Lann. Which I think is the case for most Lann players out there. But then again, for this to actually work properly they have to kill all the glitches and weird gimmicks present in game.
I apologize in advance for anyone that tilted from my lack of grammatical sense because English ain't my native language lul.
Hurk was one of the lowest class on the list, both Teide and Greatsword, so there were a lot of complaints from Hurk players and a lot of pity from other classes. That's why they decided to buff Hurk.
@LynnCUBE insights are both fascinating and troubling if this is the Korean mindset towards game design. When you look at the design cycle for Vindictus you will see that one class will temporarily take the DPS throne until the rest of the player base complains it's unbalanced. There was a time when Hurk was unquestioned top DPS, then the Lann revamp made him temporarily OP until the Evie revamp came pushing Scythe to the top. That was followed by the Karok revamp which made Cestus top DPS. It's a never-ending cycle especially when it's driven by feedback from users who want to see their character be the best.
Also, it seems each time a new character is introduced it is towards the top end of the DPS ladder. Later it is scaled back.
The most troubling aspect of these 'balances' is that each time they feel the need to balance they do not tweak the characters but instead overhaul their game play. Why not scale back Cestus Karok's DPS until it falls in-line with other characters rather than change key concepts?
Yes those are Feather bugs to 'save' the Dash. Someone did a experiment, and using the feather bug gives you maximum 10% more dps as when you are not. But for the test with other characters where Lynn was always first, they retried it without the feather bug, and results were the same.
Results cannot be the same if the feather bug gives Lynn 10% more DPS. Wouldn't the logical change be to fix the feather bug rather than nerf Lynn's DPS? Base DPS comparisons used for the decision process in balancing should never include bugs in the calculation.
Finally, I'm not sure how Korea felt Hurk GS needed a DPS buff. I think that says more about the quality of Korean Hurk players rather than the quality of EU/NA players.
Yes those are Feather bugs to 'save' the Dash. Someone did a experiment, and using the feather bug gives you maximum 10% more dps as when you are not. But for the test with other characters where Lynn was always first, they retried it without the feather bug, and results were the same.
Results cannot be the same if the feather bug gives Lynn 10% more DPS. Wouldn't the logical change be to fix the feather bug rather than nerf Lynn's DPS? Base DPS comparisons used for the decision process in balancing should never include bugs in the calculation.
Finally, I'm not sure how Korea felt Hurk GS needed a DPS buff. I think that says more about the quality of Korean Hurk players rather than the quality of EU/NA players.
Well I think they are comparing +15 glaive with +15 gs or maybe even more and since hurk rely on boss attacks he isn't that much boosted by atckspeed as Lynn. With +100 atckspeed she practically do 4th smash perma in s3 and now with def stacking (because of add dmg from +enhanced armor) bosses do almost 0 dmg to her (500 or so per hit to me and I don't have best armor not even dulla) so she can dart through the boss attacks to increase her dmg even more.
Lynn have good sandbag dmg and if you have high speed and skill you can make every boss sandbag with lynn but she is pain while farming normal dungs and she has many bugs (windstep, neam bugs, small/buggy hitboxes).
Hurk is very good at farming and have nice dmg even with fast attacking bosses. So why does he need more dmg? And I think neam duo lynn and hurk would favor hurk in dmg if lynn wouldn't be using feather bug.
I don't think either Lynn or Hurk needs boost in dmg it but it would be nice to at least fix Lynn's bugs. But I think it is about popularity since in EU almost no1 plays Lynn maybe it's the same in KR and Lynn players are getting no attention at all.
1. Aes drops a ring essence
2. yeah they are
3. I think shield still has it's own but focuses and books share (not 100% on that)
4. Arkana drops the "book core" or whatever it is
No, Cestus Karok's damage is INSANE. The damage nerf for cestus has been requested even before the rise update.
A +10 Cestus could outdamage most +15 before RISE. Remember, Korea likes analysing stuff with maths and formulas, and we find the most optimal way to put out our damage per second.
Think this way: Karok's Big Bang does 300k damage EVERY 15~20 SECOND.
A similar skill would be Kai's Massive Impact which does 150~200k damage every 2 minutes or so.
And Cestus can BLOCK WHILE ATTACKING. This means, if you know the boss patterns well, you have NO DAMAGE LOSS.
His double dodge, which prolongs when hit, is also extremely safe in raids like neam. Not to mention the range of the weaving + dash is pretty big.
I'm not being biases here. I love to play Karok because of the super combat feel he gives you (also sad about the nerf, but I think it was neccassary). But he was always top dps in (almost) every raid.
Hearing the feedback from KR forums, it's worse. Lann, sword at least, has worse DPS now because of how Lann's normal Damage Cycle worked.
I didn't play Lann so I might be wrong with something, but copying directly what I heard:
Lann's damage cycle went:
Run around a little > Find an entry moment > Dash/Run Smash > If it crits transition into fury
But that is no longer possible because if you press 'Dash Smash + Fury' which is Smash Smash while running, the new absolute fury goes out and consumes 250 SP.
It is possible to press one smash and see the Dash Smash go out first and then press smash once again, but as you know Vindictus input is not great, and the Lann just stands still doing no action.
But I believe it helped Spear Lann a little.
Remember, all this was before RISE and not long after Neam came out.
Here's also a video (not the previous Lynn player) clearing Neam in 40 minutes.
(He tried to do it as fast as possible so he has werewolf and took some hits)
Just showing people that Lynn's damage has high potential.
And yes, we Koreans like keyboard mode.
Karok Forum right now.
Several pages are just ●▅▇█▇▆▅▄▇ (Person lying dead)
I heard Pillar was hit the strongest.
Lann forum is also in the same state, just longer.
I feel it's more of a control issue than anything for the absolute fury. As long as you don't mash right click it shouldn't activate unintentionally, unless it's a bug then it can be fixed.
The main buff to me is the removal of delay recovery after gf/lf. That alone should put lann in a good spot. Not gonna judge the current KR lann playerbase, but he's far from being bad even without this buff at cap.
No, the delay removal after dash and fury is causing some problems with spear lann.
And the absolute fury command is unavoidable - your fury after dash smash doesn't go out because of the input delay (not a bug).
There are some new bugs as well, for example, players can't Gliding Fury + Lightning Fury consistently during Slashing High.
I mean the delay removal might be nice, but that doesn't help anything if your main damage is gone and replaced with a skill that costs 250 SP.
Is 250 SP worth one crit? I don't think so. Maybe if it was an active skill, although i doubt anyone would use it, it wouldn't mess up the Skill Cycle.
Everyone is saying Lann, sword AND spear, before the 'buff' was a lot better and are requesting a roll back of the whole lann 'buff'.
Normally, when DOL patches something, there are several people arguing this is good, but there is really noone thinking that way.
Karok players and Lann players are saying they don't even want to log on, and if they do, they end up playing other classes.
Also, I haven't looked at Fiona closely, but I see posts that Fiona 'buff' is a buff to Hammer but a nerf to sword because of the MASSIVE Stamina and SP usage.
And Hurk is buffed, but there are a lot of bugs right now, so no classes are having their "YAY BUFF, THIS IS SO FUN" moment.
Was that Lynn using feather bug or no? But I agree with high dmg potential of Lynn.
Edit: All the videos you posted use the feather bug so where does Lynn stand with dmg without it? You shouldn't use bugs or does the nexon states it as a feature?
Feels more satisfying while playing. With mouse, I dont get this "premium action" feeling.
My bugdictus also has input problem with my logitech mouse which, with keyboard,is gone. Climbing the ortel castle stairs is more easier with keyboard as well +haha
I can also time Lynn's orange stacks easier, but I think mouse will be the same once I get used to mouse.
It's all good and actually comfortable, until you get to the neam last phase where the camera focuses on Neit while Neam is running around +cold
It's all about preference. People who played a lot of FPS games will feel more comfortable with mouse. I played games like Starcraft, DJMAX, etc. which requires precise keyboard input.
But thinking about it, most (not all!) of the top players in KR (even one xGun kai) uses keyboard, so there might be something I'm missing.
And for the "gap" between a well played Lynn and Hurk, here is a Neamhain solo for a Hurk of comparable stats (200 less ad if we assume the Lynn's stats are the same as her Arcana video) in the same time while not having access to Parry and Onslaught which is contributes significantly to his damage.
Not saying Lynn isn't up there when played correctly, but when lists like these suddenly pop up without any common basis of raid/consumables/transformation/party composition, you are gonna get a lot of confusion and questions.
Yes those are Feather bugs to 'save' the Dash. Someone did a experiment, and using the feather bug gives you maximum 10% more dps as when you are not.
And don't worry about getting banned for it. If they were to, they would have to ban all fionas who used feather bug as well.
But for the test with other characters where Lynn was always first, they retried it without the feather bug, and results were the same.
Why not just make this new Absolute Fury trigger when both the normal and smash buttons are pressed together similar to how quick Fury infusion is? Seems like this solves the issue of accidentally doing AF when all you wanna do is sprint smash into a regular GF.
EDIT: I don't mean literally pressing normal and smash simultaneously. Typically, you press the smash key while running to sprint smash and then press smash again to Glide. What I'm suggesting is making AF triggerable like so: Press and hold the smash key while running to perform sprint smash, and before the animation finishes, press and hold the normal attack key while still holding smash to initiate AF. This allows the player to freely choose between sprint smashing for for a crit to Glide off of, or to use AF. I don't think there would be any accidental AF's if it were set up like this.
And 250 sp? Just for a gliding fury? I'd like it to be loweres to 50, maybe 150, but 250 seems a little high considering you can achieve a regular GF with little to no effort. Being able to shortcut into a GF isn't worth 250.
EDIT: A better idea for adding a new dynamic to lann would be to change up how Absoute Fury works alltother. I know someone mentioned something similar in the past so I'm gonna bring it up here. Blute Lynn/Arisha have secondary bars (mana, dunno what lynn's is called), but why not give Lann one? Call it "Stored Fury," and it would work like so: Every regular GF and LF adds 1 point to the bar to a maximum of 10. As long as there's 1 point in the bar, Lann can perform Absolute Fury at the cost of 1 point. Absolute Furies can be chained as long as Lann has enough stored fury, and they progressivley get stronger only if they're chained. Perhaps a +5% boost over the last, meaning that if a Lann filled the bar up to 10 and successfully chained 10 furies without dying, his last AF would be 50% stronger than the first. If Lann stops the chain, the damage boost resets. These Absolute Furies should ignore collision by going through bosses, have super armor so the chain can't be interrupted, but NOT contain invincibility frames like F7. I thought about making this dynamic rely on SP, but I wouldn't want to disrupt the use of Slashing High and other SP skills.
If being able to chain 10 furies with a progressive damage boost seems too OP, then maybe make it so Lann takes increased damage proportional to how long the chain is. EX: if Lann takes damage during the 3rd Fury in the chain he receives 15% more damage. This would make doing extended chains very risky, but rewarding which is what playing Lann used to be all about. It'd be nice to have that feeling back.
Either give Lann the ability to glide after every smash like back in XE, or make it a fixed rate of 65% or something. Idk why they need to keep adding these glitchy and gimmicky **** that doesn't address any of his problems or even work correctly.
I however, have another similar idea, not sure if it will actually be implemented but i think it's worth discussing.
Similar to what cloakshire said, absolute fury can be a stored charge of fury that you can stack overtime.
My idea is that the way you can gain a charge of AF, is by glide dodging with either furies(gliding fury, lightning fury). Each time you Dodge an attack with glides, you gain a charge of AF and you can have maximum 2 charges at once.( I'll explain why is it only 2). AF can be used by clicking LMB (as opposed to the usual RMB) after using ANY fury skills regardless of getting a crit, including F7 (cancels the end animation right as the player clicks LMB).
AF can also be used by clicking RMB and LMB while not attacking but this adds an additional animation delay before you enter your pre-gliding stance. (just make it look cool lul)
AF has the same dmg as GF but with 100% crit chance and ignores physics collision. (does not have iframes)
After using AF, the player can choose again whether to RMB or LMB, this time, LMB let's you do LF while RMB let's you do GF (This allows the players to choose how to reposition his character). Here comes the best part, the furies AFTER using AF can again gain AF charges, to prolong the chain. So the combo for sword lann will mostly be, slip dash > windrider > get a critical > GLIDE DODGE > gain a charge > LMB to AF > GF/LF to glide dodge again and gain another charge of AF > and so on.
(You cannot gain AF charges via AF)
You can only store at most 2 charges of AF because it allows for a forgiving window in cases where you used 1 charge of AF, then failed to glide dodge with the GF that followed after that, but you still wish to continue your chain of furies. That's when the additional charge is put to use. You get another chance of trying to glide dodge to regain a charge of AF to continue your chain. While it gives you an additional attempt to continue your chain, it also prevents people from storing too many AF charges and then using them all at once, otherwise the regular smashes will be close to being useless if you can pretty much perma-glide the entire fight.
As to how to code the above to actually implement it in the game, (a.k.a. mechanic) AF charge is gained when an enemy attacks within a given radius of effect around a player when he DEALS DAMAGE with GF/LF on any enemy (doesn't have to be the one attacking).
This means you HAVE to be gliding AND damaging the boss (or some other mobs) as he attacks to be able to gain AF charges.
Lann is only as good as the person playing the character. The above playstyle is very rewarding for players that really seek to bring out the best in Lann. Which I think is the case for most Lann players out there. But then again, for this to actually work properly they have to kill all the glitches and weird gimmicks present in game.
I apologize in advance for anyone that tilted from my lack of grammatical sense because English ain't my native language lul.
@LynnCUBE insights are both fascinating and troubling if this is the Korean mindset towards game design. When you look at the design cycle for Vindictus you will see that one class will temporarily take the DPS throne until the rest of the player base complains it's unbalanced. There was a time when Hurk was unquestioned top DPS, then the Lann revamp made him temporarily OP until the Evie revamp came pushing Scythe to the top. That was followed by the Karok revamp which made Cestus top DPS. It's a never-ending cycle especially when it's driven by feedback from users who want to see their character be the best.
Also, it seems each time a new character is introduced it is towards the top end of the DPS ladder. Later it is scaled back.
The most troubling aspect of these 'balances' is that each time they feel the need to balance they do not tweak the characters but instead overhaul their game play. Why not scale back Cestus Karok's DPS until it falls in-line with other characters rather than change key concepts?
Results cannot be the same if the feather bug gives Lynn 10% more DPS. Wouldn't the logical change be to fix the feather bug rather than nerf Lynn's DPS? Base DPS comparisons used for the decision process in balancing should never include bugs in the calculation.
Finally, I'm not sure how Korea felt Hurk GS needed a DPS buff. I think that says more about the quality of Korean Hurk players rather than the quality of EU/NA players.
Well I think they are comparing +15 glaive with +15 gs or maybe even more and since hurk rely on boss attacks he isn't that much boosted by atckspeed as Lynn. With +100 atckspeed she practically do 4th smash perma in s3 and now with def stacking (because of add dmg from +enhanced armor) bosses do almost 0 dmg to her (500 or so per hit to me and I don't have best armor not even dulla) so she can dart through the boss attacks to increase her dmg even more.
Lynn have good sandbag dmg and if you have high speed and skill you can make every boss sandbag with lynn but she is pain while farming normal dungs and she has many bugs (windstep, neam bugs, small/buggy hitboxes).
Hurk is very good at farming and have nice dmg even with fast attacking bosses. So why does he need more dmg? And I think neam duo lynn and hurk would favor hurk in dmg if lynn wouldn't be using feather bug.
I don't think either Lynn or Hurk needs boost in dmg it but it would be nice to at least fix Lynn's bugs. But I think it is about popularity since in EU almost no1 plays Lynn maybe it's the same in KR and Lynn players are getting no attention at all.