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Closed Vindictus related memes :D
I know we are all bored and annoyed of Vindictus at times.... so I made this thread so that ppl can post here memes (original or not) related to Vindictus so that we can all have some laugh, just one thing.... don't post many memes in same post .... otherwise you might get a ban for spam.
Enough words

.... I made 3 memes as a start of this thread.... I hope you will enjoy

via Imgflip Meme Generator
via Imgflip Meme Generator
via Imgflip Meme Generator
via Imgflip Meme Generator

Swirly Prize Wheel Event be like......
More boobs like 3 boobs for every female character?
Can you please tell me the max number of images can I put in a single post? I once got a warning that I spammed memes so I made 2 separate posts so that I won't get it again. I know u hate my memes, I'm just trolling the people who are paying you, this is nothing personal with any person, player or GM, I'm just making fun about the company for turning this game into 100% pay-2-win. If som1 would make fun of my boss, I wouldn't get mad about it, instead, I'd join him, even if he fires me
It's name is nkking4526 ,and what the hell, he spammed even the Off Topic Section!
Edit to edit
^ This must be the best meme I've ever done.
There's no set limit in the rules(there may be one set within the forum allotment but cannot speak with certainty on that one), but generally speaking, I'd say two memes are probably fine, three every post is pushing it a little, to say nothing of content. I politely asked and gave a small verbal warning because I was not certain if you were aware of the rules.
I really don't care about your memes. However, trolling and spamming the forums is actually against the rules, hence why you were warned previously.
Thank you! I got all the answers I wanted, this will be my last post here, as well as on the forum, I thought US admins would be better than EU ones, but ofc I was wrong, Nexon never hires good people, I figured it out when u deleted the other meme, I specifically used one with Martin Luther King, an American symbol who fought not just for the black people's rights, but for equality, if you delete your own symbol , it sais a lot, well I wasn't wrong when I called you commies, but it's funny though, in America.... the heart of capitalism, to have your posts deleted because of some obscure reason. No wonder Russia nipped it's nose in your elections
Just as a side note, when those ppl who are ugly AF and instead of posting photos of themselves on social media choose to post tons of photos of their character in "Post your character" threads, you don't ban then for posting 10-20 photos in same post, but if I post 3 memes it's really wrong, is it? Would you really think I'm that stupid not to take it personal, I thought, maybe first time I pushed it because I posted the memes in the GM's post, but now when I made a thread dedicated to it, and u try to forbid me to do it, then who is the bad guy... me or you?
"Three every post is pushing a little" Yeah it must be very annoying for those 100 people who watched this thread so far, but I think 25% of the views I received from the admins who were checking on me instead of solving the bot problem. I'd have many complaints to make about people that just spam threads and crap like that and you never take care of them, or even warn them, but only idiots complain about others so I just stop here.
Well as I said this is my last post, and I always keep my word, you can ban me, you can close the thread if you want, just do what commies do. (Just for the admin: at first I had no idea that u can erase parts of a person's comment, but now I will not be surprised if you will erase parts that make u look bad from this post, thus making me the bad person here, but hey..... that's life )
And one more thing, if they don't ban me, can someone tell me how can I deactivate my forum account, because I know it's not directly linked to the in-game account, if you do get a ban on forum you don't get a ban in game (which is fair). So if anyone knows how I can do it, thank you in advance!