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Rise: Revolution Preview


  • bigboobsbigboobs
    Vindictus Vertreter: 385
    Posts: 11
    F0l2saken wrote: »
    I am going to celebrate this awful update by throwing all sets I have like Succubus Queen in the trash can. This update is so horrible I won't even support the local game economy by giving it to someone before deleting my account.

    This update is clearly a sign that the game is dead, not a single part of this update does anything to invite new players. Now new players will have to play the entire way to level 90 before they can even get a challenge with this game. I can't recall where anyone on the forums complained about normal, hard, and hero difficulties so don't give me that BS about listening to the community shixon, you never have from day one.

    Potion animation removed with now a delay? Lets take a crucial element of the game that has worked perfectly fine since its creation and change it for no reason at all just to see how it works, sounds like a great idea shixon, did you guys come up with that idea while you were out at a bar getting drunk?

    Your enhancement /enchantment updates are clearly to suck as much money out of your dying community while you still can.

    Everything about this update says "Make as much money off this dying game while we still can, who cares about new players"

    There's a reason shixon is the most complained about company in MMO gaming history, just look at any of their games, you'll find the same complaints about a company that is completely out of touch with its customers.

    RIP Vindictus, time to delete all my sets.
    Why deleting everything?
    Stop playing untill (if ever) things get better seems a more reasonable solution!

    why the need to announce to everyone what your going to do??? why not do it in silence? are you trying to get some pity from people or something? for all i know your items are all trash items?
  • NinoGNinoG
    Vindictus Vertreter: 105
    Posts: 5
    edited Juni 14, 2017
    Armageddal wrote: »

    Was that the whole "T5" thing or whatever it was called? When they removed half the game modes and made every enemy in all but end-game content die in one hit in every mode (after removing all but two battle difficulties)? Because I joined 5 days before that, absolutely adored the game, then that update completely killed it for me. I was still leveling up my character and having fun with the challenge of running all my leveling dungeons on Abyss. The all of a sudden everything changed to die in one hit and I couldn't even use my Alchemist (?) class mechanics (the bubbles) because there was nothing left to use my bubble attacks on after everything, even the boss, died to a single basic bubble-building attack. The game lost all purpose for me; I wasn't going to slog through a mindless grind that didn't even teach me how to play my class correctly or offer any challenge whatsoever. So I hope that such an update NEVER happens to Vindictus, or I will leave it and NEVER go back, just like Dragon Nest.

    However, this update looks nothing like the Dragon Nest one did. Sure, it seems to make game progression easier for average players, but mainly by combating gear progression issues and the difficulty of finding a party, among other things. As far as I know, boss HP isn't getting nerfed into oblivion. I do remember reading that some stuff will have reduced HP. Ein Lacher is -50% HP, which is sort of counter-challenge, but then they're super stressful battles and it's annoying as all heck when you spend 10 minutes chipping away at a boss to get a gold then end up getting hit near the end. I'm not sure how I feel about that challenge being reduced, but we'll see. Then other bosses will have less HP due to the party size being reduced, but that's relative anyways, so it shouldn't make any difference?

    It's almost dead after T4, the god-like revamping on skills and mana "burning" systems. Many ppl feel annoy with that, but it's still acceptable since we can enhance to get more mana :D And T4-PVP is still nice, and leave for T4 a small thumb up. But the next one is completely destroy the game.

    i only confused about "enhance" things & changes to ES. The rest are just adjustments /rebalances.
    This thing did a lot , even now i still not understand at all "Certain Enchant and Enhancement items will Fragment on a failed attempt, granting items that can be used to improve your odds further" - We will be back after maintenance/ updates with nude body? Or sth else ?___?
  • BeepBeepImAJeepBeepBeepImAJeep
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,150
    Posts: 97
    Jeesoos Craist, if devs want more money so badly, they could have just made full naked inners to sell in depot and an hentai mode :> aww-yea.gif
  • NecropolisNecropolis
    Vindictus Vertreter: 415
    Posts: 13
    So Gallagher won't ask for a +2 raimant on low level?Or will they be rediculous priced like 2m on mp?lol.Game started dying after Ein Lacher.Unplayable to alot of ppl,then giving alot of free cash items all the time in events,Now making it even harder and probably costlier in gold for new/low level players.
  • MiseryindexMiseryindex
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,455
    Posts: 9

  • AndromedaGMAndromedaGM
    Vindictus Vertreter: 16,875
    Posts: 349
    Saygo wrote: »
    This summer brings for Vindictus' newest update, and no punches are being pulled with this one. Say hello to the Rise: Revolution update, a massive overhaul of Vindictus unlike anything that's been seen before.


    Hello #good day CM Saygo and the whole community of vindictus o:) <3
    as I always share my constructive criticism:

    From this update of RISE in KR, I can only comment on the restriction to 4 players.

    I agree that restricting incursions to 4 people is now a bad implementation. Personally it's the only thing I do not like about this next update, hosting 8 players is how to
    coexistence with more people in the game and support them, since several can not host their own incursions. I understand that hosting 4 increases the possibility of more people hosting, but it also goes without the likelihood of hosting more people and that several take advantage of the host benefit.

    Therefore, I am not conformist only at that point. This game needs unity, but also good implementations in the direction can not be arbitrary decisions without thinking about the needs of the players in the hosting system and other small changes that in the long term benefit or worsen performance based on the equipment of each player in relation to the enchantment, but that is another story, so debated that is the RNG and honestly I do not play to acquire weapons +15 and now +20, I play and continue playing for fun in this game, for friends and the years that we have accumulated.

    PS: I will continue to support the players with my host, even if they are only 4 people, but I think we need a better balance if the team applies this change to NA.

    Greetings to the team and success in the next projects, I hope to the staff take into account the good reviews of the whole community and listen to what we think the players, regardless of the update, we will follow several here, because the game matters to us, thinking about the future of the game,thanks for the attention, good day. :)


    AndromedaGM GM of the guild GALAXIA
  • pootismanpootisman
    Vindictus Vertreter: 885
    Posts: 67
    How do you define fun? If fun means closing your eyes + bind space to hp pots + holding down R -> get 40%+ dmg in a game while watching a TV show I'd rather not play.

    A game stops being fun to me when gear2win is a major part. And this seems to be exactly where this game is heading to.
  • 탱크블레이드탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited Juni 14, 2017
    pootisman wrote: »
    How do you define fun? If fun means closing your eyes + bind space to hp pots + holding down R -> get 40%+ dmg in a game while watching a TV show I'd rather not play.

    A game stops being fun to me when gear2win is a major part. And this seems to be exactly where this game is heading to.

    Well as I stated to everyone in the Vindictus Discord that the Developer made a MAJOR note in the patch notes that The +20 and Additional Damage will NOT be needed for Normal Gameplay/Main Story/regular Side Quests. So more than likely the intention in the future is for content that's OP/Optional like more Redeemers more than likely. So story won't need anything OP. Only content like Redeemers will be the more likely true intention. Whether or not it actually happens that way is another story. Though we weren't really told WHAT it would go towards. Only that Main Story and normal gameplay will not require it.
  • pootismanpootisman
    Vindictus Vertreter: 885
    Posts: 67
    I don't see any reason for them making +11 and double rank 6 armor set so easy to get if the boss design stays this way. No one is gonna bother to spend money and that is exactly the problem they are trying to stay away.

    They can say whatever they say for marketing purposes, but anyone who has played this game long enough will certainly agree with me.
  • 탱크블레이드탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    edited Juni 14, 2017
    pootisman wrote: »
    I don't see any reason for them making +11 and double rank 6 armor set so easy to get if the boss design stays this way. No one is gonna bother to spend money and that is exactly the problem they are trying to stay away.

    They can say whatever they say for marketing purposes, but anyone who has played this game long enough will certainly agree with me.

    Well only if you are focusing on the present then yes I can agree. However if you look at the future content think of it this way. Let's say Dullahan Weapon essence is 5% drop rate serverwide RNG with very few players playing as it is. It won't drop much at all. Now if you don't change it to be easier to get in order to make room for more powerful gear to take it's place to make it fair then that new gear would end up being even more impossible than Dullahan. It's a more logical move this way because of you leave things at such a very high rate to acquire then the newer gear will be basically impossible as more gear is added. No one wants to spend 1 year to farm for that gear. We don't need another moment when Red Elchulus Tear was farmed for a year straight and you still haven't gotten it xD (I was one of those unfortunate souls but that's besides the point). More or less it's about preparing for newer stronger story content with stronger gear. Though endgame hasn't really been touched as of yet so we don't know what else DevCAT will provide with S3C2Ep4 and Miri.
  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    Well only if you are focusing on the present then yes I can agree. However if you look at the future content think of it this way. Let's say Dullahan Weapon essence is 5% drop rate serverwide RNG with very few players playing as it is. It won't drop much at all. Now if you don't change it to be easier to get in order to make room for more powerful gear to take it's place to make it fair then that new gear would end up being even more impossible than Dullahan. It's a more logical move this way because of you leave things at such a very high rate to acquire then the newer gear will be basically impossible as more gear is added. No one wants to spend 1 year to farm for that gear. We don't need another moment when Red Elchulus Tear was farmed for a year straight and you still haven't gotten it xD (I was one of those unfortunate souls but that's besides the point). More or less it's about preparing for newer stronger story content with stronger gear. Though endgame hasn't really been touched as of yet so we don't know what else DevCAT will provide with S3C2Ep4 and Miri.

    Interesting, but confusing.

    I thought that before DevCat was "surprised" that so many folks had fully scrolled and +10, infused etc all their gear. So they decided to make content that would challenge them. (IE Redeemers.)

    Now we are basically being told that the folks with +10/scrolled gear are going to be the minimum requirements for the new content.

    But the old content has been nerfed, so if you aren't fully scrolled at least +10 you are out of luck. New content doesn't exist. And that +20 is the ultimate goal... that only 1 in a bil + should be able to obtain.

    Toss in that they have added new "stat" reqs that will force folks to have to scroll to get into the boats, but that there is no reason to scroll a +10 till you manage a +13 or better... But, wait weren't we not suppose to need those stats for the new content???

    It just keeps on making me confused.

    We all know what is going on. DevCat just wants us to buy runes, just wait +13/+14/+15 runes will start showing up this holiday season or so. We will either buy them, or eventually wait for events. Then everyone will be running around with +15 lv 95 weapons

    Course then DevCat will up bosses crit resist again, lv 100 weapons will be released with 20 more crit, rinse repeat. But we "won't" need these OP weapons to complete the missions on hard... Just everything will be designed such that we are expected to have them.
  • 탱크블레이드탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    Well of course it's the goal if you want to do the optional later super OP raids if you want the titles and what not xD But other than that if you are a casual player than you don't need to worry about it since Story won't be affected by the Add. Damage and such.
  • CallistheneCallisthene
    Vindictus Vertreter: 815
    Posts: 61
    I must say, I'm really looking forward to some changes, don't know how to feel about some others, and really don't like that enhancement change...

    I am more of a casual player and I don't own much gold. Ferghus scares me like hell and I already hate both Videk and Dianan.
    I'm tired of screwing up my +11 attempt any more than that, so I don't even want to think of the difficulty being increased after +13.

    I've seen people with 30K ATT and, sure, they might like the new challenge to aim for an extremely powerful and nearly impossible +20, but... for what other reason? They are already so cheated they won't need to enhance more. Or so I hope.
    On the other side, I feel like a noob, trying so hard not to die while running alone a S3 Normal battle... Having highly enhanced & scrolled gear should help you greatly, but it's actually a must-to-do thing if you want to solo 'smoothly'.
    I'd be better looking for a playmate instead, yet getting people on boats which aren't raids is just a waste of time. So I really wouldn't mind the difficulty being lowered, but NOT if it means the same as Ben Chenner battles after the previous update (less maps, no ores & luminary anymore, bosses as hard as before).

    In the end, I'm not sure to know how to feel about all those changes coming along with Rise. Guess I'll just wait after the update, hoping I'll like it more than I might actually dislike it.
  • TheEagleTrollTheEagleTroll
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,065
    Posts: 24
    Nexon. INC right now.....

    [img][/img]1qxuf6.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • misakamisakamisakamisaka
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,685
    Posts: 105
    Low quality memes lol
  • TheEagleTrollTheEagleTroll
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,065
    Posts: 24
    edited Juni 15, 2017
    Low quality memes lol

    [img][/img]1qxwhv.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator

    Man i just trolled Nexon with some memes that i made in 15 minutes or so.... why should i try to make quality stuff when i don't recieve something like that i return..... . Those are not meant for ROFL or any great sarcasm... it's just true stuff that i posted through images instead of walls of text... you know the saying..... "A picture equals to 1000 words........ a meme equals 20-30 max" :D ... just joking.... i hope no one took it personal..... not even Nexon... even if they annoyied me for like 5 years and this is a little revenge i'm taking :D.

    Btw the "Back in my day" meme got featured on Imgflip.... how awesome is that? :D ..... Ah sheet i said that every post that i will make on this forum will only consist of memes instead of text, no matter how silly it might sound like..... well thanks in anticipation for your oppinions ... good or bad... i don't care i just want Nexon's oppinion :D

    [img][/img]1qxy3w.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • arkaine757arkaine757
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,430
    Posts: 107
    edited Juni 15, 2017
    Gentleman's, it has been a privilege playing with you all, now let's play one last song before the boat sink.
  • RobertLiviaRobertLivia
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,905
    Posts: 187
    arkaine757 wrote: »
    Gentleman's, it has been a privilege playing with you all, now let's play one last song before the boat sink.

  • hornywatermelonhornywatermelon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    The 'SKY IS FALLING!!!11" meter is off the charts in this thread.
  • Daggerpaw12Daggerpaw12
    Vindictus Vertreter: 740
    Posts: 23
    edited Juni 16, 2017
    Lol the number of negativity never fails to humor me.

    I think only people who aren't ready because they do not have enough Money or gold to advance. Yet they are the same people who sit there and complain about things are getting boring, there's no updates, there's no changes.

    Just run with it, updating is happening whether you like it or not. A simple "Uninstall" would suffice, and save yourself further embarrassment.

    change isn't good inherently; and the only reason people make posts like that is because they are prepared to funnel their bank account into the game to ensure that they can feel like they're better than everyone else who doesn't have the best gear possible. That's the whole reason that this system works. It would be completely absurd to do something like this in a game without an online element. It's all about the pretentious douchbags at the top ruining it for everyone else who doesn't have $500 or more on tap to spend after every cash shop update. And people wonder why this game has been walking on the edge since +15 even became a thing. The fact that it's all based on luck is what kills it. BnS has plenty of whales but at least they pay in proportion to what they get. I spent $250 on the most recent treasure trove event because I know from experience that I am very likely to get far more than what I put in. It's a good deal. Gambling your life away at Caesar's Palace for weebs where every loss means starting from square 1 is not a good idea. The only thing keeping it alive is the social neediness of the top whales.