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Okay, Derpcat...just... wow. Had to come out of lurking just to say this... Good job. While not perfect, you've renewed my interest in this game. (For now)
May have to finally Revoke my Lynn's Mule status... If she plays anything like Yagyu that is...
As for the New character... Meh? I honestly think She and hurks second weapon should swap.....js..
Annnd +1 for awesome QoL changes. You done good.
Now my only major concern is... well, this part right here...
Please some one verify the +1 coupon only works to like +13. Whales, like me, with literally 12 Dozen useless enhance runes sitting in our inventory can and will abuse this to hell. Purposefully failing low lvl items for the free +1 for our main weapon.... all the way to +20... Talk about pay to win...
My only request is for Nexon NA to port this update A.S.A.P. The Game desperately needs it. I could honestly care less about the Hurk weapon and Dullahan updates. Those updates won't fix the dying player base for long if at all...
It would really be nice to return to a thriving community again and not some desolate wasteland...
Also forgot to add in my previous comment. Lynn is throwing away the glaive and instead is turning into Neo from Rwby. is she going to have some classic Mary Poppins dodge where she just floats away? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-3f2p53Bp0
I'm concerned about the direction of where this game is heading that's all.
It's not +20 that worries me, but the generous increase in att speed as a result of this plus the super armor frame stats basically mean we are going to need these in the future.
Let's throw skills/learning boss patterns and everything out of the window. By just stacking defense and bind space to hp pots, I can spin so fast that none of ya can keep up with me. - Spear lann 2017
Please some one verify the +1 coupon only works to like +13. Whales, like me, with literally 12 Dozen useless enhance runes sitting in our inventory can and will abuse this to hell. Purposefully failing low lvl items for the free +1 for our main weapon.... all the way to +20... Talk about pay to win...
I'm concerned about the direction of where this game is heading that's all.
It's not +20 that worries me, but the generous increase in att speed as a result of this plus the super armor frame stats basically mean we are going to need these in the future.
They said, after +15 bonuses for enhancing will be different.
"Quite a few people where complaining about the separate story raids in S2. and how after you've hosted them once you cant host them again. thus making it rather difficult and or impossible to complete Any of the raids anless you're a good host. Because chances are its going to take you weeks of waiting. (Due to the current population of vindictus) to find someone else hosting the raid you need.
In current version, there is this thing called "easy mode" that allows to easily complete season 2 raids for those that can't find a party. They don't give you good drops, and no seal, plus they give crap exp, but they give same AP, allow to finish the raid solo in seconds, and complete the story (plus the boss kill counts for the titles)
I'm concerned about the direction of where this game is heading that's all.
It's not +20 that worries me, but the generous increase in att speed as a result of this plus the super armor frame stats basically mean we are going to need these in the future.
Let's throw skills/learning boss patterns and everything out of the window. By just stacking defense and bind space to hp pots, I can spin so fast that none of ya can keep up with me. - Spear lann 2017
Some of us should've noticed that ever since the new director has taken over. Back then this game was more like dark souls where you will need to carefully assess your character's limits and the bosses' attack patterns, and i-frame abuse never was the main survival mechanic in Vindictus. This game was originally designed with bosses that has attack patterns that require you to position effectively to survive and deal effective dps. Striking without considering the situation often means death. That being said you actually need to think to dodge and attack.
That's the essence of this game, but the game has been made easier and easier to the extent that all characters now have massive i-frames and ridiculous dps. They even nerfed the bosses so much that they are now not even worth the effort fighting them. For instance, Kraken & Crom. IMO they were some of the best designed bosses that actually required good team coordination for the party to even make it through, (also proves why Raikenen and Crevlis's Kraken duo run was such a big thing) but look at them now, do people even remember that they exist?
And s3 bosses, their difficulty and attack patterns are just ridiculously readable and underwhelming.
Like the game isn't easy enough already with all the difficulty tweaks and massive character revamps they wanna implement a no-animation potion consumption. Oh my dear director, the potion cooldown DOES NOT justify an instant potion consumption mechanic, that's literally merc pots with 3 second cooldown.
So we can get ready for that smexy Roxy cosplay from Jackal. BTW Jackal is my fav manga I didnt think ppl knew about it Now I think delia dodge should of went with lynn 2nd wep. I wonder if lynn will have a move when she spin her wep on the ground like a spinning top.
I'm particularly interested in the framerate improvements, I've got a friend who hasn't played in a good year because each patch reduces performance more and more.
On my rig I recently built can run most newer games maxed out and this game chugs at times, so I can see where he's coming from.
time to join the +20 hype train!!! im not worried :P i've been trying to find a way to blow up my +15 braid twin spears that i bought awhile back. to bad this update wont be untill a year later
Sorry but +15 weapons that are lv80 and lower* won't be able to be enhanced past +15
All lv80 and lower weapons from the update onward will cap at +12 enhancement
The existing +15s won't be reduced to +12 thankfully, but sadly won't be able to be enhanced (Stuck at +15 rip)
lynn took setsuka's weapon from soul calibur 3 and 4. she's the only female character i like in this damn game so im cool with this, but the 12th character being another girl is like stabbing me in the back and TWISTING it, **** move devcat. feminist and thirsty punk catering, i blame the chinese
Reaction video of mine. But HYPE
May have to finally Revoke my Lynn's Mule status... If she plays anything like Yagyu that is...
As for the New character... Meh? I honestly think She and hurks second weapon should swap.....js..
Annnd +1 for awesome QoL changes. You done good.
Now my only major concern is... well, this part right here...
Please some one verify the +1 coupon only works to like +13. Whales, like me, with literally 12 Dozen useless enhance runes sitting in our inventory can and will abuse this to hell. Purposefully failing low lvl items for the free +1 for our main weapon.... all the way to +20... Talk about pay to win...
My only request is for Nexon NA to port this update A.S.A.P. The Game desperately needs it. I could honestly care less about the Hurk weapon and Dullahan updates. Those updates won't fix the dying player base for long if at all...
It would really be nice to return to a thriving community again and not some desolate wasteland...
It's not +20 that worries me, but the generous increase in att speed as a result of this plus the super armor frame stats basically mean we are going to need these in the future.
Let's throw skills/learning boss patterns and everything out of the window. By just stacking defense and bind space to hp pots, I can spin so fast that none of ya can keep up with me. - Spear lann 2017
Coupon is capped to +10.
They said, after +15 bonuses for enhancing will be different.
In current version, there is this thing called "easy mode" that allows to easily complete season 2 raids for those that can't find a party. They don't give you good drops, and no seal, plus they give crap exp, but they give same AP, allow to finish the raid solo in seconds, and complete the story (plus the boss kill counts for the titles)
let me see if got this straight
hurk - shotgun
miri - half crescent sword
lynn - umbrella ???????
do the devs dislike lynn that much O.o; ?????
Miri's weapon reminds me of this, the Alligator!
Some of us should've noticed that ever since the new director has taken over. Back then this game was more like dark souls where you will need to carefully assess your character's limits and the bosses' attack patterns, and i-frame abuse never was the main survival mechanic in Vindictus. This game was originally designed with bosses that has attack patterns that require you to position effectively to survive and deal effective dps. Striking without considering the situation often means death. That being said you actually need to think to dodge and attack.
That's the essence of this game, but the game has been made easier and easier to the extent that all characters now have massive i-frames and ridiculous dps. They even nerfed the bosses so much that they are now not even worth the effort fighting them. For instance, Kraken & Crom. IMO they were some of the best designed bosses that actually required good team coordination for the party to even make it through, (also proves why Raikenen and Crevlis's Kraken duo run was such a big thing) but look at them now, do people even remember that they exist?
And s3 bosses, their difficulty and attack patterns are just ridiculously readable and underwhelming.
Like the game isn't easy enough already with all the difficulty tweaks and massive character revamps they wanna implement a no-animation potion consumption. Oh my dear director, the potion cooldown DOES NOT justify an instant potion consumption mechanic, that's literally merc pots with 3 second cooldown.
I guess this director hates challenges in games.
What they didn't say is that they would make a 3rd weapon for Evie and consider it a new character.
Well yeah they managed to keep their word on that so I'm actually impressed.
I don't know if people noticed Lynn's shoes, it is possible that he playstyle will be focused on kicks and the umbrella is just an extra.
So we can get ready for that smexy Roxy cosplay from Jackal. BTW Jackal is my fav manga I didnt think ppl knew about it
On my rig I recently built can run most newer games maxed out and this game chugs at times, so I can see where he's coming from.
They wouldn't DARE! All the cosplays that could be ruined!
Sorry but +15 weapons that are lv80 and lower* won't be able to be enhanced past +15
All lv80 and lower weapons from the update onward will cap at +12 enhancement
The existing +15s won't be reduced to +12 thankfully, but sadly won't be able to be enhanced (Stuck at +15 rip)
(according to translated sources)
Damn, they made her thicc.
I'm sold, that outfit better not just be for her.