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Fleshing out the world of Vindi and Vindi trivia
So, like in all games there's plenty of minute details that goes into the games to flesh out the world and tell small stories and add details to the every day lives of the worlds citizens and Vindi is no exception. So yeah, what do you think those are.
Like for instance:
Brynn has a picture of Tieve on his table so he might be a creepy Tieve stalker.
the measurement of magic is called Brynn
Lynns family name might officially be Yuyeon or something like that, because that's what it was in Legeon of Heroes.
Those giant round wooden containers on boats and around places might be our bathtubs.
In, Blood Prince there's a giant picture of one of the lower level vampires which means either vampires are intelligent or more likely some people in Ainle had previous knowledge of the vampires and hence previous experience with them prior to the town getting destroyed.
Furghus might actually be an awesome blacksmith, because Hurk was a blacksmith and we don't see him or the other blacksmiths enhancing our gear... or he's a jerk... or all Hurks are jerks and you all have been hiding this ability from me.
About Ferghus, I am not sure but i think I red somewhere that he was once a royal blacksmith but got send away for trying forbidden techniques or something like that. The best blacksmith in Mabinogi mythis is Giobhiu.
Glas, well he is not supposed to be Glas, read the mythos you will be amazed what Glas actually is is the legends.
In the storyline Brynn often mentions about the picture of Tieve on his desk.
The vampires ofcurse are intelligent. How would they get dressed in the morning if they were not? I think the pictures appearing in ainle of vampires might be a effect caused by them entering this world. (IDK i am shooting in the dark)
The mesurment of magic is called Brynn because...well he is the one that crafts them for ya.
Other things to notice:
Statue of Cerberus in Ainle
Sometimes a distant roar can be heard in Crescent moonisland.
Macha is evil.
Neamain is part of Moriggan, aka Moriggan is evil, (might be a raid boss in distant future)
Lugh should turn good, If i am not mistaken he is the one that kills Cichol in the mythos.
Vampires were said to appear from the other world, after Brynn tried to summon Morrigan and summoned broken Glas instead, or after The Pontiff's Court started experiments. Unsure of who exactly caused the destruction of Ainle. Either way picture of Vampire doesn't make sense story wise, unless it was put there after the events for no reason.
Ferghus made me some nice weapons - sure he is capable of it! Given how much work he has, no wonder he fails frequently though.
Hurk was just an apprentice, maybe he's not good enough to do stuff.
Her beauty is her course - a lot of men wanted to abuse her, so she eventually became who she is. Ingkells gave her a place to stay hidden, but who knows what else happened in "the secret chamber".
To be more exact - it's all based on Celtic culture and mythology. Other than major/key elements like characters and the whole "Fomor" thing - You can see the "decoration" (celtic knots) all around, including original game logo. At the same time there's Rocheste and the Church.
Season 2 refers to other though, more "main stream" (golden pirate age, ancient egypt, some jungle tribes, vikings as well)
Dude are you serious?