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Will lag from Ein Lacher update be fixed?
Ever since Ein Lacher update,many ppl have noticed a 15-20 fps drop.It's no biggie if you get 60+ fps.The issue seems to be something UI related.I'm sure this is why lots stopped playing,and all these events won't pull em back,cause most want you to do battles,which are unplayable to them.It is playable without UI,but kinda hard to know stats without UI,so gotta spam low level battles to get mostly unsellable junk items,and maybe a crystal or box.Please revert UI or whatever is really causing the issue to pre Ein Lacher,so ppl can come back and play properly.
Really sucks to not have any communication about it from our team but if it really is that bad, I can understand if they're being instructed not to say anything. Just bizarre that complaints were popping up as early as August and we didn't get any answers.