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This Easter Event, it saddens me...

Member GruesomeCrimson
Vindictus Rep: 420
Posts: 29
in General Discussion
This Easter Event is truly a defining moment in someone's creative journey. All that with the Rabbit and the Eggs and the Text working in sync. Pure beauty in programming at work. I often wonder what the management is thinking when they release an event like this. Who is it that they think they are talking to and are they listening?

It didn't take me too long to realize that this event was created to screw everyone, one way or another. It is based upon the individual character placement within the quest line. It depends upon how many characters you are running, on any server at any time.

My situation is that I have a character at 72, who can do at least 10 of the daily AP maps. I have a character at 58 who can do 6 of the daily AP maps. I have characters at 26, 25, 27, 26 and one at 12. The twenties can do two maps and the one can do none.

For me to play this event with all my characters, it would require me to play 24 daily maps per day. I wonder how much time that will take.

1. My level 72 character would take about 15 days at 10 maps per day to grow my Bunny to 10 yrs.
2. My level 58 character would take about 25 days at 6 maps per day to grow my Bunny to 10 yrs.
3. My level 20 characters would take about 75 days a piece to grow their Bunnies to 10 years.

This Easter Event lasts about 28 days.

Neither my Level 72 or 58 or my 20's, need the type of help, that this Event provides. I always buy the package that gives you 10 Goddess Graces and 100 Merc Potions for my character when I start them off, beneath a 30 – day VVIP.

Would you like to see what you get for your efforts? By the Egg.

Goddess Graces x5
Merc Potions x5

Resenlian's Wings x1
Merc Potions x5

Luck Blessing x10
Fine Rose Bath Soap x1
Fine Hone Bath Soap x1
Fine Matcha Bath Soap x1

AP 500 Capsule x1
Exp Blessing x10

Divine Blessing x10
Goddess Graces x10

Resenlian's Wings x1
Goddess Graces Party x10

Pure Skill Reset Capsule x1
AP 100 Capsule x1

Shared Storage Ticket 7 - days
Fine Rose Bath Soap x1
Fine Hone Bath Soap x1
Fine Matcha Bath Soap x1

Bunny Ear Headband x1
Celebration Title

Assorted Rune x1

It looks a lot worse when you write it down like that, I think, but it is pretty bad.

I still have 4 of these Resenlian's Wings from the last event, why do I need 2 more? I thought they were crap the first-time around and I can't seem to delete them from my inventory, damn things.

The “Bunny Ear” headband caught my eye as being something totally worthless as a reward for killing 120 Bosses and mid-Bosses, crossing 12 different terrains, and exploring 2 cities.

I had heard that Scrooge was Vice-president of something inside Nexon. Now I believe it.

One year of bunny growth requires 15 meals per day to receive the first reward, but there are only 13 daily AP maps available. So no one can get a reward on the first day. Two-point handicap to all players, from the beginning.

This is starting to look a lot less likely to be an Event of Good Will and more likely to be a punishing Grind Fest for AP points, if you could manage all 13 maps in a day. Then you are rewarded with items you should already have a lot of.

I was meaning to ask you this and I never got around to it. Do you feel as if Nexon appreciates your patronage of this game when you are presented with Events such as this?

I notice that the meat of the maps were in Colhen and Rocheste. That is levels 1 thru early 70's territory. Those are Soloist Levels. Right?

I remember back a few events when we were rewarded for logging on, and got a 2000 AP capsule on I think Sunday morning. That was a reward. I did a experiment with Sylas and AP points as I was learning why we don't touch the Mediation Skill. As the Events progress we started getting a 300 AP capsule every morning in the Mail, that was a real nice reward. I was still working the Sylas experiment and writing about it. Then in the same event we got 2 AP Reset capsules which were a plus at the right time, once again, which allowed me to show that I benefited more than loss through my experience.

As you place AP points into the skill, through your growth reward the Mediation Skill will reward you with 8 100 AP point capsules, well that's pretty good. Max the Mediation Skill and you are rewarded with 2 300 AP point capsules, nearly as good. Use the Reset capsule and reclaim 1495 AP points. Isn't science great? 800 + 600 + 1495 = 2895. Basically, like a cash-cow, it paid for itself. It is a puzzle.

Do you like puzzles? I got one for you: Why do people improve their characters uniform set?

I did an experiment involving the uniforms that different characters were given through the Storyline.

The next time you are in battle and the Boss is beating the living **** out of you and your armor is falling to the wayside, and you are beginning to panic, keep an eye on the Health and Stamina gauges at the top of the screen. You will notice that as your uniform is falling away, piece by piece your Health and Stamina gauge don't reflect the damage taken by the uniform or it's loss as you are fighting the battle. So why exactly are we wearing them and why do you keep improving them?

That is when I got the idea to do an entire episode with a Rhino Squad Karok, in his underwear. Did pretty well.

When I said that the events for the past six months were being created in a certain way that didn't actually benefit the large group players. You can readily see by this fine Nexon example of an Easter Event, which proves the point. Although, I don't think they appreciate any player group with an event of this caliber.

This Event looks very pre-school, given where I live -- Easter is a holiday for the religious, children, and Dentists.

Have any of you ever consider boycotting the event?

Would they even know you had left?



  • Member Seigaku
    Vindictus Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    uhm you can always do the Bunny thing on just one main character, most of the rewards are character bound anyway. Feeding with the right chow at the right moment fills up 2 bars instead of the usual one, etc etc

    Then again, I lost interest in the event on first day lol

  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    edited April 15, 2017
    A little nuts.

    I only do the rabbit thing with one character.
  • Member Sekaiiz
    Vindictus Rep: 2,290
    Posts: 130
    and 6 others.
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    don't bother doing it on more than 1 character, as you said the rewards aren't worth the time spent.
    im pretty sure the NA/EU events are trash tier compared to the asia regions events. they actually give things out that are worthwhile and do so more than once a year.
  • Member BabyDani
    Vindictus Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 129
    mmm, maybe not a great event, but it's cute and fun...i like my bun bun xD
  • Member EnigmaTaro
    Vindictus Rep: 3,815
    Posts: 441
    don't bother doing it on more than 1 character, as you said the rewards aren't worth the time spent.
    im pretty sure the NA/EU events are trash tier compared to the asia regions events. they actually give things out that are worthwhile and do so more than once a year.

    Example? Because CN's event (according to a russian discord player) requires lots of spending, and they actually confiscate the NX you have on the account if you don't log in for certain period.
    I love playing game as hobbies instead of chores, and whoever's trying to get all dailies done on all alts are crazy people (. )(. )
  • Member lordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    edited April 15, 2017
    EnigmaTaro wrote: »
    don't bother doing it on more than 1 character, as you said the rewards aren't worth the time spent.
    im pretty sure the NA/EU events are trash tier compared to the asia regions events. they actually give things out that are worthwhile and do so more than once a year.

    Example? Because CN's event (according to a russian discord player) requires lots of spending, and they actually confiscate the NX you have on the account if you don't log in for certain period.
    I love playing game as hobbies instead of chores, and whoever's trying to get all dailies done on all alts are crazy people (. )(. )

    honestly, i just look at event pages off of mabinogi heroes KR, and at a glance their prizes/rewards for whatever the task seems to be much better for the time spent on said event. that said, i cant read the languages, so there might be some ridiculous sht im not seeing
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    the only thing bad about this event is that, in the end, our bunny that we named and took care of for a month will leave.

    i don't even know if i want there to be a goodbye scene or just have it quietly slip away during maintenance.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited April 15, 2017
    I thought the OP was complaining about the easter event being too hard, until this part :
    I notice that the meat of the maps were in Colhen and Rocheste. That is levels 1 thru early 70's territory. Those are Soloist Levels. Right?

    Followed by :
    I remember back a few events when we were rewarded for logging on, and got a 2000 AP capsule on I think Sunday morning. That was a reward. I did a experiment with Sylas and AP points as I was learning why we don't touch the Mediation Skill. As the Events progress we started getting a 300 AP capsule every morning in the Mail, that was a real nice reward. I was still working the Sylas experiment and writing about it. Then in the same event we got 2 AP Reset capsules which were a plus at the right time, once again, which allowed me to show that I benefited more than loss through my experience.

    Im confused as to how they are related...and im confused about why the OP suddenly started talking about the meditation skill or people enhancing their armor. Or what those have to do with the easter event.

    Edit : Oh wait this is the same guy who keeps making weird experiment threads. Nevermind. I feel silly for making a serious reply now.

    Some points :

    -You actually get 2 bars for feeding the correct color food (match the color with the bunny text). This is stated in the announcement and the rabbit gives periodic hints for this. So you can actually get 26 bars the first day.

    -You dont need to do the event on every character...just like how you dont need to max out raids on every character either. They probably allowed every character to do it because otherwise people would complain about being "penalized" for having multiple characters on the same account.

    -The primary reward is definately the level 10 egg. What is the problem with this?

    -Low levels definately have less dailies available and can level up their rabbit slower...thats a disadvantage, true. But the samething happens with every event that uses dailies. Before s2, people used to level ASAP so that they could get access to more s1 dailies to farm ap. Most people dont do s1 dailies anymore as they need to be revamped to be more rewarding, but theres always been an advantage to leveling quicker.

    -The fact that you are forced to actally play the game for event rewards instead of simply afking to get the rewards is a good thing. People who just login to afk for event rewards contribute nothing to the game other than lagging up colhen channel 1. Do they help anyone play the game? No (because they are afking). Do they spend any money on the game to keep the servers alive? No (because they are afking).

    Since people are forced to do dailies, this makes it easier to find parties to do dailies, rather than the usual situation where you have people with end game gear sitting in town refusing to help people do dailies because "They don't drop anything that I need".

    We need more events like this where people are forced to play, instead of events where you can get rewards simply for afking.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited April 15, 2017
    The main problem is that it just isn't efficient. You're better off spending your time getting to S2 to grind raids to sell your drops and buy these items off the MP than you are doing this, and that's if you're a lowbie who can't really do S3 areas yet. Getting to tier 10 and hoping the RNG rewards you each time is tedious, and as you can only get so many boxes per day, it's only going to happen a few times during the event.

    Events like the Gnoll Chieftain and the Daily Ticket Wheel were much, much better than this because they allowed players to do a wider variety of content--more importantly group content at that--and to have the added bonus of the chance at drops/seals in the case of having to farm raids for the tickets. The AFK Ticket event was better because players could just trade directly for what they wanted, even if certain items were limited in number.

    This is a lot of pain for very little gain. That's a shame because in principle it could have been a very fun way to mix up running content had more than just daily missions been rewarding.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited April 15, 2017
    The main problem is that it just isn't efficient. You're better off spending your time getting to S2 to grind raids to sell your drops and buy these items off the MP than you are doing this, and that's if you're a lowbie who can't really do S3 areas yet. Getting to tier 10 and hoping the RNG rewards you each time is tedious, and as you can only get so many boxes per day, it's only going to happen a few times during the event.

    Events like the Gnoll Chieftain and the Daily Ticket Wheel were much, much better than this because they allowed players to do a wider variety of content--more importantly group content at that--and to have the added bonus of the chance at drops/seals in the case of having to farm raids for the tickets. The AFK Ticket event was better because players could just trade directly for what they wanted, even if certain items were limited in number.

    This is a lot of pain for very little gain. That's a shame because in principle it could have been a very fun way to mix up running content had more than just daily missions been rewarding.

    ? Is this from a new player perspective? Level 80-90 players can easily do all s1 dailies in about an hour or less, even if running most of the lower level ones on hero. People already got their bunnies to level 4 on the second day, although that was from doing ALL dailies. The biggest time waster is the s2 daily, but if you just want the bunny chow, you can just do it on easy mode and leave after killing the first boss.

    Free runes from just doing (mostly) easy dailies is pretty lucrative. Obviously, its not as lucrative as just afking to get free stuff, but on average you are getting a level 10 egg every day after the first week (unless i did the maths wrong), if you max out on bunny chow every day.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    It's not hard to clear daily battle, it's a bit of a shame to skip s2 dailies tho if it's Ship Graveyard. (just in case you can get The Dead ES) but the rest can be skipped literally, or there is a specific route for Subdued ES farm where you can fight one single boss, which is enough for the bunny chow box.

    Maybe Sewers/Ortel Hero daily can be kind of annoying, especially if it's freaking Silberin. (which hits you for like 700 if you have 11k DEF+ anyway, so it's not a problem, just how of a waste of time this battle is)
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    You can just do roch dailies on hard if you want to save time.
  • Member Prototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    edited April 15, 2017
    Question2 wrote: »
    The main problem is that it just isn't efficient. You're better off spending your time getting to S2 to grind raids to sell your drops and buy these items off the MP than you are doing this, and that's if you're a lowbie who can't really do S3 areas yet. Getting to tier 10 and hoping the RNG rewards you each time is tedious, and as you can only get so many boxes per day, it's only going to happen a few times during the event.

    Events like the Gnoll Chieftain and the Daily Ticket Wheel were much, much better than this because they allowed players to do a wider variety of content--more importantly group content at that--and to have the added bonus of the chance at drops/seals in the case of having to farm raids for the tickets. The AFK Ticket event was better because players could just trade directly for what they wanted, even if certain items were limited in number.

    This is a lot of pain for very little gain. That's a shame because in principle it could have been a very fun way to mix up running content had more than just daily missions been rewarding.

    ? Is this from a new player perspective? Level 80-90 players can easily do all s1 dailies in about an hour or less, even if running most of the lower level ones on hero. People already got their bunnies to level 4 on the second day, although that was from doing ALL dailies. The biggest time waster is the s2 daily, but if you just want the bunny chow, you can just do it on easy mode and leave after killing the first boss.

    Free runes from just doing (mostly) easy dailies is pretty lucrative. Obviously, its not as lucrative as just afking to get free stuff, but on average you are getting a level 10 egg every day after the first week (unless i did the maths wrong), if you max out on bunny chow every day.

    Does it not reset? I was honestly so bored after doing a few dailies that I just said eff it and moved on. If it stays at tier 10 that's different, though still tedious for RNG based runes after.

    Nvm, just looked and saw that you can continue tier 10 again and again. Not the best, but not the bratwurst either.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    *hits himself in confusion*

    I'm sorry what?

    No one is really shoving this event down our throats in all honesty. Up to the person whether or not to pass it up and do their daily things like the normal situation we have.

  • Member Soj
    Vindictus Rep: 785
    Posts: 61
    This event isn't really worth doing. No real incentive for decently geared people to do this, I'd have preferred the fishing event that we were so rudely teased with.

    Does anyone even specifically do the dailies any more? Was the point of this to get higher leveled people to do low level battles and help new players?
  • Member JynXi
    Vindictus Rep: 2,025
    Posts: 231
    edited April 16, 2017
    Thefuq ur actually crying? This is quite a Nice event. It had a title (which always gets my interest an prio) plus the 10th egg is repeatable. The rewards per redoing the last egg are so big (if droprate of big runes aint totally **** and just even as the rest)
    15 bars to fill per lvl, 26 bars a day u are able to fill. Thats almost 2 lvls per day aka 2 chances per day for a big rune which normally cost 22k nx or so.

    I really dont see your point that u are crying, prolly because u are a low lvl with Some lvl 30's.
    Guess what, events are made prio for us, endgame players.
    You Will understand later aswell nobody is waiting for AP caps, lmao.
  • Member Herucross
    Vindictus Rep: 780
    Posts: 31
    edited April 16, 2017
    -thinks that you can only get up to 13 bars a day, no mention of different feeds and the 2 bar mechanic
    -spends $5.80 on merc pots and goddess graces for new characters
    -long, completely unrelated and unreadable personal anecdote about nothing
    This Event looks very pre-school, given where I live -- Easter is a holiday for the religious, children, and Dentists.

    Have any of you ever consider boycotting the event?

  • Member sadrazam
    Vindictus Rep: 695
    Posts: 32
    As expected from a korean game. More grind based events in an already ridiculous grindy game.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    This event isn't really worth doing. No real incentive for decently geared people to do this,

    Free runes are a pretty good incentive...unless you have a +15 level 90 i guess.