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Have you guys ever had a drop that had the bright orange indicator over the core but when you went to retrieve it, it ended up not being orange? In my case I was doing Eochaid and got one but when I went to get the core, it was his toenail instead @.@
This is only for QB hosting. Hosts doing /leave for non-QB runs don't have this issue. You might need to let new/unfamiliar hosts know, incase they're unaware of this. Before QB was added in, alot of hosts did /leave at the end of raids to skip the wait time for clear screens.
But like RyanReynolds said, some trolls just want to watch the world burn.
Edit: @misakamisaka I actually had the reverse happen to me, once. No orange light whatsoever, but when I went to go incinerate all my crap drops, there was an OJ Abom Feet Armor in my inventory. Like whaaaaaaa.......
So yeah, it can happen.
This is why I loot my cores before someone pulls this kind of crap. People don't realize that trolling just wastes gold, and provides an extreme annoyance to the player that got it.
Unfortunately, there will be more trolls than meets the eye.