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Muir most ridiculous boss in vindictus

Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
Posts: 244
edited März 3, 2017 in General Discussion
Easy level, health bars beat down in 40 seconds, 20 minutes spent trying to knock him off bridge, always facing away from edge, quit.
  1. Muir worthless?40 votes
    1. Yes
       73% (29 votes)
    2. Yes
       28% (11 votes)


  • 2edgy4u2edgy4u
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    dont stand too close to him. spearing his right leg works great. also the snowballs from that one event.
  • jeddyhijeddyhi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    Every time it said to attack his back he was facing me, no where near the edge. I got sick of it after a while. Seemed like a worthless endeavor. But thanks for the tips.
  • NecrochildNecrochild
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    Stand by the ledge so he faces you, and allow your pet to hit him in the rear.
  • AbandonoAbandono
    Vindictus Vertreter: 720
    Posts: 40
    Buy a pet, stand close to an opening, done. ;)
  • KarijunaKarijuna
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    I usually get him to destroy most of one side's wall at the beginning. Then, when he's in his weakened state, I try to stay between him and the ledge until he does his two side-swipes with the red attack at the end. Since that one doesn't track anymore, it leaves enough time to slip behind him and hit his back.
  • 탱크블레이드탱크블레이드
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,590
    Posts: 739
    In due time you too will get the Muir fix where knocking him over is easier.
  • YagokoroYagokoro
    Vindictus Vertreter: 565
    Posts: 8
    It's possible you were glitched or something. Sometimes, it's just impossible to knock off the edge. Like this video:
  • ZuzukZuzuk
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    edited März 3, 2017
    seriusly, everyone who complains about how hard is muir doesnt deserve to beat him, ITS SO FREAKING EASY!!!!, and i mean the whole thing.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Zuzuk wrote: »
    seriusly, everyone who complains about how hard is muir doesnt deserve to beat him, ITS SO FREAKING EASY!!!!, and i mean the whole thing.

    One day, maybe people will actually understand that other people might actually not ask "How to do this ?" but "WHY do I have to do this ?"

    Pushing Muir is one out of many useless gimmicks from this game, but I'm glad we'll get a "fix" soon about it.

    Also, for another day, maybe you will know that the moment someone asks/rants about something doesn't necessarily means that this specific stuff is "hard" and has to "git gud", it's just pure annoyance.
    I don't get hit by Muir and I still find this annoying, because it's a waste of time. Many bosses are like this, raiding for 10mins : 2 mins of damage, 8 mins screwing around to do useless stuff.

    That's exactly like OP said : easiest boss ever, to end up wasting your time with another gimmick.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    do this, and then get 0-1 paradise stones for 5 days straight... thanks RNG. :*

    yeah, I got better luck farming S3 dungeons other than this one. Especially when the dead bodies drop them like nothing.
  • ArishaLArishaL
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,100
    Posts: 91
    edited März 3, 2017
    Wow people still struggling with muir? I knock him off in 1min 30 seconds average. If anything i want a hero mode so with better drops :(

    I hate that when i kill him too fast i have to wait 90 to 100 seconds to get items. First world problems.
  • TsiiiTsiii
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,175
    Posts: 112
    Vella life is easy, you can stand with your back to the ledge, then XC/DC while holding down W to go through him which pushes him perfectly. Still, I do agree that the forced "mechanic" is pretty rubbish, i much rather just pound his face into the floor.
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited März 3, 2017
    When the poll attached does not match the thread title. Much click bait.


    I mean I can totally agree with how ridiculous the fight is, but to say it's worthless...

    Putting the paradise stones and seal of bravery aside, you can get about half a million experience for an easy mode run if you've got no friends or stories left.
  • jeddyhijeddyhi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,880
    Posts: 244
    I could have hung out with Muir for an hour. He couldn't touch me. Every time hit said to hit his back he was facing inward, not outward. Got super boring. All you Vindictus gods must really impress yourselves.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    I could have hung out with Muir for an hour. He couldn't touch me. Every time hit said to hit his back he was facing inward, not outward. Got super boring. All you Vindictus gods must really impress yourselves.

    Btw, I never asked the question of what class you were playing at the time you were facing muir now that you remind me about that.
  • KarijunaKarijuna
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    jeddyhi wrote: »
    I could have hung out with Muir for an hour. He couldn't touch me. Every time hit said to hit his back he was facing inward, not outward. Got super boring. All you Vindictus gods must really impress yourselves.

    Uhh....I know this might sound stupid and I don't mean to be disrespectful but you make it sound like you only ever tried to push him when he's doing his exhausted animation. You don't have to wait for that, you can just hit his back to push him forward any time when he's in his last phase.
  • ArishaLArishaL
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,100
    Posts: 91
    edited März 3, 2017
    Muir is simple.

    When he has 8 bars of health remaining he starts to use his Season3 attacks which are unblockable. Once down to 3 bars it will trigger his injured state which will allow you to knock him off.

    Muir has very simple attack patterns that can easily be avoided with little practice. He will chase you if u stay close enough to him. Stay too far and he will spit poison. Let him chase you around the stage so he can break the walls. Make sure he leaves an opening big enough for you to knock him off.

    Once he goes into his injured stage just position yourself near towards the edge of the stage so he will attack you. Just dodge before he hits you and hit him behind his right leg. Easy as pie. I just kick him off when I'm bored or throw snowballs at him. Make sure you're not standing too close otherwise your hurtbox and his will collide and cause him to stick to you which will prevent him from tripping farther. Hope this helps.
  • FunnyGuy112FunnyGuy112
    Vindictus Vertreter: 880
    Posts: 45
    He desyncs way too much, you should be able to just kill him OR knock him off. The devs really didn't think of latency or network stuff while doing this.
  • ArishaLArishaL
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,100
    Posts: 91
    He desyncs way too much, you should be able to just kill him OR knock him off. The devs really didn't think of latency or network stuff while doing this.

    Hes fine. Don't blame it on your lack of understanding the fight. If i can consistently kick him off in less than 2 mins. Its you, not Muir.
  • FunnyGuy112FunnyGuy112
    Vindictus Vertreter: 880
    Posts: 45
    edited März 3, 2017
    ArishaL wrote: »
    He desyncs way too much, you should be able to just kill him OR knock him off. The devs really didn't think of latency or network stuff while doing this.

    Hes fine. Don't blame it on your lack of understanding the fight. If i can consistently kick him off in less than 2 mins. Its you, not Muir.

    Lack of understanding has nothing to do with a tail-break off happening when I smash him infront of his face. That's what I mean by "desync"

    And my internet is actually THAT good. He's not hard but the desync is legitimately annoying and can make the fight time consuming. You can bait him to face the ledge all you want, but because of "desync" there will be times where he won't actually be facing where he can fall off. THAT is the problem, it's not the difficulty, it's the DESYNC.

    And they can fix it easily by taking my suggestions or updating the game engine to fix the lag. Make him hit harder too while you're at it, I am NOT dealing with desync. Mechanics isn't the problem.