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How much gold do YOU make on a daily/weekly basis?


  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited März 1, 2017
    People are seriously under estimating the amount of gold they make I think.

    Ben chenner dailies give you 56k gold, Lochlann gives you about 45k when run as a daily because the bonus mission is bugged (you only get the gold for killing Epidemius, not Epidemius of Destruction). Berbhe gives a lot less since most of the bonus missions are retarded (who the hell is going to try and kill 7 goblins with spears in a normal run?).

    Lets say 2x s3 dailies give you about 80-90k gold. My repair fees with level 90 oj full enchanted gear is about 10k per daily, or roughly 3.3k per map. s3 raids average 25k gold and are the biggest gold generators when you look at repair fees. If you do s3 dailies, raids and nif, you are generating at least 250k gold after repair fees.

    Which isnt much if your server has massive inflation though, or even when you look at the material synthesis fees.

    Sure you can sell stuff but if everyone is hoarding gold for material synthesis fees, that doesnt help much. And most people at end game are using seals/hoarding gold anyway. People who generally want to buy stuff generally cant afford it anyway...and the ones who can afford it would rather farm it themselves to save gold for material synthesis.

    Edit : Slight correction, my repair fees with level 90 gear for nif is 8579 gold, I guess they reduced repair fees for s3 dailies.
  • AphoticaiAphoticai
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,185
    Posts: 51
    50m per hour is the going rate... there's a waiting list -suckles her fangs with malice- and the list is long.
  • ZelohZeloh
    Vindictus Vertreter: 500
    Posts: 9
    0-70m+ if i'm really lucky.

    It varies so much on RNG when farming ES or anything for that matter with these drop rates.
    Some days i get a few Fast ES here and there from farming Ekinar or go farm a little bit of misty summit shiny boxes to see if i can grab a Subdued,random ES or maybe a belt.

    Do my usual Raids and hope for an Enchant scroll to drop or get lucky from a Masterpiece Bracelet Box.

    Or Just farm the Ben chenner areas for Leathers/Cloths/Stones/Ores and the chance to get an OJ.

  • KarsticaKarstica
    Vindictus Vertreter: 320
    Posts: 2
    Europe server farmer:
    2hours= 5kk arround

    1-succu (vip? go x2)
    2-3rounds master
    3-3rounds valor

    Nothing? no worries, lets go x2Rohorran and for finish waste your time at 2moons.
    No stop, no distract, no chat... (this is dificult for me xD) and ofc go solo mode, more easy and more fast, no need wait no one.
    Btw if I get bored i go raids.. but you know... maybe i do 1month raids for 2drops, seals bravery are good too +haha

    Let some time to sell items at market, if you sell all i think you will be 5kk more rich. hope! Server empty at week? wait and try sell all at weekend!

    +yay see you in game!
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    JynXi wrote: »
    economy per server is different, no?

    So imo this topic is abit irrelevant if you ask the 'amount of money you gain'

    Actually some gold generating methods (like mines for instance) relies more on the NPC/game rewards when completing missions than relying on the player-based market itself. A player that is able to complete the bonus missions along with collecting as many armor protection potions as possible has the potential to produce an onslaught of gold similarly to scrooge mcduck's vault levels in the long run. Ein Lacher especially caters to solo play, and you can still get primes in s3 raid bosses (Regina, Lugh and Glas) respectively no matter how many times you died to them.

    Let me bring up some examples:

    Solid legendary shard + Primal piece (if able to be crafted by expertise of armorsmith or tailor) sold separately = 1600 gold + 800 on smooths (chest/leg crafts) = 2400 gold

    Combining them together to make an armor part takes 5 minutes to craft or 2.5 minutes during an event known as double expertise. This bags 35,000 gold each time you sell to the NPC. Expertise crafting COSTS you 0 gold while taking 5 minutes to craft. 700,000 gold is made an hour doing this method when you have 20 primes and a mix of 20 solid/smooth legendary shards depending on what primes you get as a drop from doing raids. You can also choose to sell blue armor for a cheap price in the market, but I would doubt that any player would buy them unless that is the only armor in the market.

    Completing a raid in season 3 on average bags from a range of 18,000 gold to 25,000 gold and is done a lot faster in groups. On average, a group can complete a s3 raid train in about an hour depending how fast players are connected to the boat and boat loading times respectively, Excluding Eochaid.
    Armorsmiths can do Regina, Braha, Glas, and Abom to collect primes while Tailors can do Braha, Glas, and Lugh respectively. Additionally, Armorsmiths can craft shields dropped by any of the bosses mentioned above, giving every boss the potental to make gold on top of the rewards. Break off cores are easy to get in Regina, Lugh and abom respectively, while Braha (must be hit by the bombs provided in the battle) and Glas (requires a group to get a break due to the two spears needed to break the barrier) takes a bit of effort.

    Deep corruption (Comtamination in the Deep in EU) , as I mentioned earlier has the potential to give 99,300 gold when all the bonus missions are completed and an additional bonus is earned when completing the battle multiple times in a group of 2 or more, capping at around 109,000 gold on the 7th run and will reach a plateau from there. As long as the host does not leave the group for whatever reason, he/she can invite more players and keep this chain going until either the hosts dcs, or the entire group is disbanded. with this max cap, both players if they complete at 7 minutes per run can earn upwards of 872,000 gold per hour with the net being subtracted with their repair costs, which gets cut right in half when drinking the armor exquisite protection potion. This excludes market based sellables like Stable legendary shards, Heavenly leather, Godly cloths, Waking stones (B rank), and Paradise enhancement stones as their earnings are based on the player based economy with NA being super inflated when compared to the other servers. KR may not be able to earn as much gold as EU/NA due to the fatigue system implemented there.

    So while doing this in NA may be pocket change, Doing this in EU or KR can make one of the richest players when following this guide.

    *Results may vary and RNG can be stubborn at times*
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Of course if you are willing to farm anything endlessly, you can make gold pretty easily.

    The problem is that farming the same thing repeatedly gets mind numbingly boring quickly, not to mention taking up a lot of time. Most people only do s3 raids/dailies and maybe nif these days. Then everyone starts logging off/afking.
  • BoatGodBoatGod
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    Question2 wrote: »
    Of course if you are willing to farm anything endlessly, you can make gold pretty easily.

    The problem is that farming the same thing repeatedly gets mind numbingly boring quickly, not to mention taking up a lot of time. Most people only do s3 raids/dailies and maybe nif these days. Then everyone starts logging off/afking.

    I don't know why, but when it comes to grinding in vindictus, I can never go more than 3 straight runs without giving up.