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Arisha's New PVP Nerf

Member Bring_Back_CMAeselli
Vindictus Rep: 1,085
Posts: 13
edited February 23, 2017 in General Discussion
Arisha was way too strong before, I think this is a fair and balanced nerf.

Edit: Video was removed due to language.


  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Black hammer SS is much better.
  • Member HOTDOG
    Vindictus Rep: 1,080
    Posts: 31
    oh my.. no offense but
    you cute ladies sound like boys
  • Member Bring_Back_CMAeselli
    Vindictus Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 13
    edited January 13, 2017
    Please don't tell
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    edited January 14, 2017
    Weird Glitch might have something to do with orb and your block but even still doesn't make any Sense how you were able to block grab, or when you 2 faced it neved loaded you guys right, like theres a glitch were you can go to a different room in Arena but you cant damage the other players and they cant damage you. Then the kicks worked just fine I just guessing never really loaded all if your information right, like with your skills/attacks.
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    "Excuse me D': .... Maybe what happened was a one time glitch O3O I believe you could of fixed it if you just restart the game...or even leave Arena and join again...

    I tested it 10 Minutes ago and I didn't have any problems (I got my butt kicked but that's not the point) ."
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    ..... patch hasn't even happened yet @TheDazzling

    Either way as I said before, PVP will never be balanced no matter how hard one tries.
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    @Ikarsu we all use different Characters with different skills your right it will never be balanced doesn't mean you just give up, threw trial and error you learn how to play vs different characters, With Gun or Bow I know I can beat Anyone/any Character, doesn't matter on the gear even naked which I have done a few times.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    @Arrow95 I'm only making a general statement about it though. Yes, trial and error is an important factor, but when you have the entire community leaving on you because of playing a certain character in the roster of 11 characters, and having 17 weapons to choose form (soon to be 18 with gun kata hurk) leaves plenty of ways to exploit your character that you main with to have god like properties like never running out of stamina or never being able to take a hit because the invuln frames clip with each other. Really, this game's pvp system revolves on whoever exploits their character first to be a god wins the match. Every character has their weakness, like kai being unable to grab while the other characters can, and upon successful grabbing reduces their stamina to 0, leaving them wide open to a hit. Then you have the juggling over and over until you die phenomenon, which no one likes except for the person doing it.

    One day, there will be a balanced system, but that day will surely come in everyone's hopes and dreams... in before ferghus shatters it of course.
  • Member Bring_Back_CMAeselli
    Vindictus Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 13
    edited January 14, 2017
    It may have been the arena channel that was glitched if it was working fine for you. I tried relaunching the entire game multiple times and Hell experienced the exact same problem as me, but every other character was working perfectly fine. Nevertheless, it was quite an entertaining glitch.

    No idea what caused it, I just assumed Devcat broke the character somehow. It seems to make you impossible to grab and nearly impossible to hit if you spam dodge, but it also becomes very difficult to damage anyone with any attack other than kick.

    PvP will likely never be balanced; the dev team would need to work very closely with both top and mid tier pvpers via test server and completely revamp every character. The majority of test server players are probably not interested in pvp at all, and pve is the main concern of the devs; they have no reason to work on balancing pvp because only a very small fraction of the community would actually care. They also wouldn't want to deal with complaints from players who are used to exploiting the current mechanics and have to relearn how to play their characters all over again. Most people tend to dislike change, and fixing pvp would likely require very drastic change; I just accept pvp as the buggy, unbalanced mess that it is.