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I believe that ever since this most recent event update that gave us this on-time event, I've noticed that i'm disconnecting extremely frequently while I'm tabbed out, or away from the game after just a few minutes.
While tabbed in and actively playing, I haven't had any issues, so I don't believe it's my internet. Should I try reinstalling Vindictus to see if that helps? Or is there anything else I can try first?
Edit: I can afk while in a dungeon fine, so it seems to be only in town and the guild house that I disconnect.

This is also happening to me.
When I switched from ethernet connection to wifi, I was able to stay logged on all night for some reason. Might be a temporary workaround till they fix the issue.
Just disconnected in town again but it was *right* after I had just tabbed back in, was walking around a lil bit, then poof disconnect.
Have you submitted a ticket to our Support Team regarding this matter? Thanks.