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Hell Redeemers is a waste of time and effort. It's just an Nexon's sad excuse to trick players into spending more money on the game on upgrading their gear and improving their stats to complete these silly raids. Don't fall into nexons silly traps .
Plus there wasn't even an server mega congratulating the clear of Hell redeemers because Evistix already cleared it and received that mega. So what's special about this one? you get a title for finishing it. well i hope that title was worth the hundreds of dollars spent gearing .
Think about it. Now that you have completed this raid. Lets wait for the next raid and spend more money on gear to finish it. Dont be tricked!
Hell Redeemers is a waste of time and effort. It's just an Nexon's sad excuse to trick players into spending more money on the game on upgrading their gear and improving their stats to complete these silly raids. Don't fall into nexons silly traps .
Plus there wasn't even an server mega congratulating the clear of Hell redeemers because Evistix already cleared it and received that mega. So what's special about this one? you get a title for finishing it. well i hope that title was worth the hundreds of dollars spent gearing .
Think about it. Now that you have completed this raid. Lets wait for the next raid and spend more money on gear to finish it. Dont be tricked!
Someone finally realized it. In this game you get only status symbols for completing a world boss (titles, cosmetic items, a half-useless skill, some stats) instead of actual weapons, armors, enchant scrolls, enhancement stones, elixirs, runes, etc. that are the standard for an MMORPG. It would be much more worth to do them if they gave proper rewards.
y so negative lmfao
its about the challenge, not the rewards.
Spending months or even real money for gearing up to get little rewards. Or maybe the big reward is the challenge? No, because the challenge should grant the reward and not vice versa. It's like working hard in the real world for years and getting a few pennies for it or no actual progress.
y so negative lmfao
its about the challenge, not the rewards.
you want challenge?
try to get 3k limit release + 6k ad without spending $0.01 dollars.
mad respect to anyone who does but truth is maybe 1% oof pop
Literally no one in the party had 3K alr being applied and the only person at 6k AD or higher was Saint, and they have a +16 weapon, those stats are not necessary at all for HM js :eyes:
Of the three parties that have cleared hell Neam on NA so far (17 unique characters) - only one character had 3k+ applicable ALR and five characters had 6k+ AD, with one of them being undercapped by about 1.5k attack so their effective AD was closer to 4800 or so, so really four characters with 6k+ AD.
The average effective AD for the first clear party was around 5075, around 5550 for the second party, and around 5170 for the third party. The average effective ALR for all three parties was roughly 1000, 1150, and 1600, respectively. Multiple players were undercapped, multiple others were below 5k AD, multiple others had no ALR beyond the free 600 granted by normal Neam and Balor completion, and finally - a portion of the players who have cleared are not, to my knowledge, spenders (or at least not remotely heavy spenders).
The stat requirements are being a bit exaggerated.
Someone finally realized it. In this game you get only status symbols for completing a world boss (titles, cosmetic items, a half-useless skill, some stats) instead of actual weapons, armors, enchant scrolls, enhancement stones, elixirs, runes, etc. that are the standard for an MMORPG. It would be much more worth to do them if they gave proper rewards.
Spending months or even real money for gearing up to get little rewards. Or maybe the big reward is the challenge? No, because the challenge should grant the reward and not vice versa. It's like working hard in the real world for years and getting a few pennies for it or no actual progress.
You do content for your reasons and we'll do it for ours.
I can't speak for anybody else but for me, personally, the challenge and satisfaction of completing something that pushes my limits as a player *is* the reward. I can only guess that you are a player who has never pushed for any kind of personal achievement beyond what was offered by the standard on-rails treadmill in a given game - that's fine. There are hordes of MMO players like you. However, we're not all like you - some of us like to play games to better ourselves, overcome the full extent of a game's challenges, and create memories of our accomplishments... even if the road to get there is lacking in material reward.
Trying to actively marginalize the triumphs of others because you are either unwilling or unable to follow in their footsteps (or otherwise implying that we're wasting our time for no reward) is just asinine and sad.
Also - that analogy sucks. If you work hard in the real world on a personal project and complete it (and, by the way, personal projects don't usually come with monetary reward), how can you say that you've made no progress? You've reached your goal. Done. You've made full progress. If you feel that the time spent wasn't worth the closing satisfaction, that's your deal and I'll respect that - but you should similarly respect that some of us care about things other than material payout.
I just wanted to take a moment and say that I added those numbers up, and it came out as 100.01% damage done. I could easily shrug it off as a rounding error, but that would be boring. I would like a wall of text explaining why this is so.
You do content for your reasons and we'll do it for ours.
I can't speak for anybody else but for me, personally, the challenge and satisfaction of completing something that pushes my limits as a player *is* the reward. I can only guess that you are a player who has never pushed for any kind of personal achievement beyond what was offered by the standard on-rails treadmill in a given game - that's fine. There are hordes of MMO players like you. However, we're not all like you - some of us like to play games to better ourselves, overcome the full extent of a game's challenges, and create memories of our accomplishments... even if the road to get there is lacking in material reward.
Trying to actively marginalize the triumphs of others because you are either unwilling or unable to follow in their footsteps (or otherwise implying that we're wasting our time for no reward) is just asinine and sad.
Also - your analogy sucks. If you work hard in the real world on some kind of personal project and complete it (and, by the way, personal projects don't usually come with monetary reward), how can you say that you've made no progress? You've reached your goal. Done. You've made full progress. If you feel that the time spent wasn't worth the closing satisfaction, that's your deal and I'll respect that - but you should similarly respect that some of us care about things other than material payout.
Read again, man. It was a suggestion, and not a complaint about what others like. I don't care about that. I've played some games that pushed the limits for the players and they gave their rewards. This is a game that takes a lot of time from the players, and some people don't want to stay empty-handed. There are a lot of games that give only score as reward, i've played them too and i liked them, but this game is supposed to be an RPG, not an FPS or a MOBA, or some browser game.
Would it hurt you if it gave proper rewards, or what are you upset for?
Also, the analogy is just an...analogy. It doesn't resemble the person's preferences who's telling it.
With the stats you need for hell mode the rest of the game is easy mode so at least there is some challenge for those players so gratz. And nexon should fix all the bugs in those raids rather than making them stat wall but that would be too much work for them since they can't even copy-paste now...
Beautifully done guys congrats
ikr smh these people can't compare with Evistix
Pshhh that was so 2018. Get with the times +cold
Plus there wasn't even an server mega congratulating the clear of Hell redeemers because Evistix already cleared it and received that mega. So what's special about this one? you get a title for finishing it. well i hope that title was worth the hundreds of dollars spent gearing
Think about it. Now that you have completed this raid. Lets wait for the next raid and spend more money on gear to finish it. Dont be tricked!
Someone finally realized it. In this game you get only status symbols for completing a world boss (titles, cosmetic items, a half-useless skill, some stats) instead of actual weapons, armors, enchant scrolls, enhancement stones, elixirs, runes, etc. that are the standard for an MMORPG. It would be much more worth to do them if they gave proper rewards.
its about the challenge, not the rewards.
Spending months or even real money for gearing up to get little rewards. Or maybe the big reward is the challenge? No, because the challenge should grant the reward and not vice versa. It's like working hard in the real world for years and getting a few pennies for it or no actual progress.
Literally no one in the party had 3K alr being applied and the only person at 6k AD or higher was Saint, and they have a +16 weapon, those stats are not necessary at all for HM js :eyes:
The average effective AD for the first clear party was around 5075, around 5550 for the second party, and around 5170 for the third party. The average effective ALR for all three parties was roughly 1000, 1150, and 1600, respectively. Multiple players were undercapped, multiple others were below 5k AD, multiple others had no ALR beyond the free 600 granted by normal Neam and Balor completion, and finally - a portion of the players who have cleared are not, to my knowledge, spenders (or at least not remotely heavy spenders).
The stat requirements are being a bit exaggerated.
As for these little slices of wisdom -
You do content for your reasons and we'll do it for ours.
I can't speak for anybody else but for me, personally, the challenge and satisfaction of completing something that pushes my limits as a player *is* the reward. I can only guess that you are a player who has never pushed for any kind of personal achievement beyond what was offered by the standard on-rails treadmill in a given game - that's fine. There are hordes of MMO players like you. However, we're not all like you - some of us like to play games to better ourselves, overcome the full extent of a game's challenges, and create memories of our accomplishments... even if the road to get there is lacking in material reward.
Trying to actively marginalize the triumphs of others because you are either unwilling or unable to follow in their footsteps (or otherwise implying that we're wasting our time for no reward) is just asinine and sad.
Also - that analogy sucks. If you work hard in the real world on a personal project and complete it (and, by the way, personal projects don't usually come with monetary reward), how can you say that you've made no progress? You've reached your goal. Done. You've made full progress. If you feel that the time spent wasn't worth the closing satisfaction, that's your deal and I'll respect that - but you should similarly respect that some of us care about things other than material payout.
Read again, man. It was a suggestion, and not a complaint about what others like. I don't care about that. I've played some games that pushed the limits for the players and they gave their rewards. This is a game that takes a lot of time from the players, and some people don't want to stay empty-handed. There are a lot of games that give only score as reward, i've played them too and i liked them, but this game is supposed to be an RPG, not an FPS or a MOBA, or some browser game.
Would it hurt you if it gave proper rewards, or what are you upset for?
Also, the analogy is just an...analogy. It doesn't resemble the person's preferences who's telling it.