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100k NX Giveaway (Part 2)

Vindictus Vertreter: 2,855
Posts: 176
in General Discussion
I hosted a 100k NX giveaway back in September on the old forums but I was only able to give out half of it.
The other half was supposed to be done live on stream, but due to certain circumstances it wasn't able to be done.
I might as well give out the rest now that it's almost Christmas, so here it is.
Last time, we had 1 East Player DoubledFury and 4 West Players - GGeneration, DeliaOtter, Gambie, and RRDragon win.
Perhaps East players can do better with RNG this time.. or not.

How to Enter:
Make a post in this thread with your character name and server.
Only posts from accounts that are created before December 20th will be counted.
5 winners will be determined with the random.org random number generator and will each be sent a 10k NX code via mailbox.

Start: December 19h 2016, 10 PM PST / 20th 1AM EST
End: December 25th, 2016 5 PM PST / 8 PM EST

Good luck everyone!

Part 1 of Giveaway:
HeziahNoburoZensBlatantSylariusIkarsuRestericTawxxAqua22FlufffyParrotund 13 andere.
