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Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review


  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express criticism without resorting to personal attacks and rage
  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express criticism without resorting to personal attacks and rage
  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express criticism without resorting to personal attacks and rage
  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express criticism without resorting to personal attacks and rage
  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express constructive criticism and to disagree and debate an opinion without resorting to personal attacks and ragespazzing.
  • RapthorneRapthorne
    Posts: 7
    I really don't understand why everyone is getting so salty. A first impressions review is designed to be a look at the early content of the game. It's showcasing what newbies will go though, and the average gameplay experience of a new player.

    This is what most people will make their decision to dedicate to a game over. Few will invest in the endgame without prior ties to a game if the *journey to get there* is not engaging.
    Community also plays a part in a game's success, so suffice to say there's more than a handful of people in this forum who would drive away a curious new player just with the attitude they have showcased.
    There's plenty of ways to express criticism without resorting to personal attacks and rage