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Just curious how old Iset/Keaghan set owners feel.
I never did buy a keaghan or iset outfit in the past, but..
For all those people that bought and own their own keaghan or iset sets in the past, how do you feel that Nexon re-released these outfits in a better form than before?
Would you re-buy them again? Or do you feel jipped?
(inb4 Super Chrome Steel keaghan/iset released by Nexon in 2020). *cough* reminds me of Zecallion Set re-released into Zecallion Roar set *cough*
I'm sure most people bought the gacha to support the company, not for what's inside
i think they care whats inside lol.
As far as Iset goes, I only spent 3k NX on it and it's currently one of the cheapest avatars that i've got so I don't mind that one either.
They did fix the pixelation on keaghan. Look and compare the shoulder plates. I would feel hella jipped seeing the refined improvements and the new metallic feel from the shine.
This is no different than what they did with Zecallion (old set) with new Zecallion set (with new Lion head, which is true zecallion).
This is no different than what they are doing with old/new outfitters and just re-releasing them as time-limited editions (seen every other month or so throughout the year) with a miniscule increase of higher stats for $10 more than the originals (that you can find in the perma outfitter shop).
It's a pretty public slap to all the people who keep buying their old versions , and re-releasing new updated improved versions again and again. They really are trying pinching every penny out of people who are still willing to re-buy and spend on this kind of tactic, milking it for all they are worth while keeping production costs for the company almost $0 (instead of releasing new outfit content).
I personally don't have an emotional stake in this thankfully, and i'm glad i never bought keaghan set in the past. I just truly feel bad for those that actually do feel ripped off by this kind of business tactic. A decent company would have updated the textures, etc of the existing outfits for their loyal customers who spend lots of cash $$$ on their gacha machine who provide to keep their company wallets full and company afloat. I guess Nexon doesn't feel shame.
Take a close look to his shattered shoulder, the shield on the arm, and his cloak. Nope, the messy pixelation has not been fixed, it just feels as if they've tried to cover it with the shiny texture.